陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Who’s That Man -Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:f29ac).zip

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Unit 3 (2)Whos That Man ? Q1: Whos the young woman? Q2: What is she ? Q3: Whos the thin man with glasses? Q4: What is he ? Listen and think.听音并思考 . S: She is Li Ling. S: She is a teacher. S: He is Wang Wanqing. S: He is a doctor. Try to say试着说一说。 What is she? 的同义句 What are you? 的同义句 ? What does she do? What do you do? A: Whos .? B: She/ He is. / Her/ His name is . C: What does she / he do? D:She / He is a / an. What are you? A: I am a. Lets talk.互相交流 Do you understand these phrases?(疑难解析) set up a hope school poor children be from In the past.years. on the grassland 建立、建造 一所希望学校 贫穷的孩子 来自于 在过去几年里 在草原上 3 Lets talk about the questions. 同你的伙伴讨论下列问题: Q1:What did Li Ling do? Q2:Where did Wang Wanqing work? Q3:What do you think of Li Ling/Wangwanqing? Q4: What will you do for poor people? S:I will. (句子提示) Try to retell the story.复述人物故事 1.The young woman is .She is a . She a hope school for . 2.The thin man with is . He is a . He is from .He worked . Li Ling teacherset up poor children glasses Wang Wanqing doctor Shanghaion the grassland 拓展训练营 Look and talk.看图对话交流。 J Jenny/singer/reporter A:Who is the woman with ? B:Her name is A:Is she ? B:Yes,she is . But three years ago , she was A:Did she have long hair then? B: A:Who is the man with? B:His name is A:What does he do? B:He is A:What did he do thirty years ago? B:He was A:Did he wear glasses then? B: Peter / scientist / student Homework.(以下作业自由选择完成) English Book Part B N1.Choose and talk.选择并讨论 Part C N1.Listen and match.听音连线。 N3.Read and choose.读读选选。 陕旅版六年级英语下册 教 学 设 计 Unit 3 Whos That Man ? 第二课时 王 粉 娟 Unit 3 Whos That Man ? 第二课时 一 Teaching Aims 1 知识与技能:(1). 能听懂、理解和流利朗读 Lets talk 部分的对话 内容.(2)能在日常生活中灵活运用以下功能句: -Whos that man? He is Wang Wanqing. -What does he do? He is a. He is formBut he worked 2 过程与方法:采取设疑解惑、自主探究学习法和多媒体课件辅助 教学法,引导学生快乐学习,自主探究。 3 情感态度目标: 增强学生自主探究学习兴趣,培养学生乐于助人的 思想意识。 二 Key points and difficult points 1 重点: 理解和熟读课文,并掌握功能句(1) Whos that man? He is Wang Wanqing. What does he do? He is a. He is form But he worked 2 难点: 灵活运用以上功能句来询问和介绍他人的姓名、职业等个人 信息。 三 Teaching breakthrough. 利用人物图片进行设疑提问,引导学生有目的分层次听读课文。自 主探究感知对话内容并答疑解惑,并在学习过程中发散学生思维, 培养对知识的总结和应用能力,并及时交流巩固。再以图文并茂和 学生互相讨论的形式帮助学生理解课文难点部分,最后熟读课文对 话,并学会流利的介绍他人的姓名、职业等个人信息,从而突破重、 难点。 四 Teaching prepare 教学准备: PPT pictures and cards 五 Teaching Steps Step 1:Leading In A. Greeting: “Hello,boys sand girls. Nice to see you.” B.Review 复习 (1)Please read the words and make up the sentences.认读词卡复习词汇 pupil , actor, singer, reporter, police officer, basketball player 并造句练 习。 (2)运用两张明星照片和教室里的人物和学生进行直观的二分钟对话 交流复习句型:Who is he / she? He / She is What is he / she? He / She is a / an What are you? Im a (3)Guide into the new lesson. 张贴本课将要涉及的人物李灵和王万青 的照片设疑 Whos the young woman ? What is she ? (2) Whos that man? What is he ? Do you want to know?的方法激发学生对这两 个人的好奇心导入新课并板书课题 Unit 3(2) Step 2:New Contents. 1.Try to listen the dialogue and answer my questions.引导学生带着疑问 局部听对话录音,从而提高自主探究的学习能力。 (课件出示问题) Q1:Whos the young woman ? S: She is Li Ling. Q2: What is she ? S: She is a teacher. Q3: Whos the thin man with glasses? S: He is Wang Wanqing . Q4: What is he ? S: He is a doctor. 2.Please listen to me read the dialogue 2 and find out the same mean sentence about it“What is he ?”打开书听老师读课文对话下半部分, 并找出 What is he?的同义句 What does he do? (1) Ss: What does he do?学答师板书该句子,并要求集体朗读二遍。 (2) Then ask and answer 就对话人物王万青引导学生分组进行功能句 的对话交流。 A:What does he do? B:He is a doctor. (3) 鼓励学生根据 What does he do?尝试说出 What is she?和 What are you?的同义句,What does she do? What do you do?并以课件形式 予以小结,要求学生做好学习笔记。 (4) Lets talk 运用刚才学到的知识分组交流对话中的人物、熟悉的明 星或身边的人物,提高学生对所学知识的综合运用能力。即巩固了 重点熟悉了部分课文,又扩展了知识应用。 (课件对话提示) A: Whos .? B: She/ He is. / Her/ His name is . C: What does she / he do? D:She / He is a / an. What are you? A: I am a. 3.Please listen look and repeat the dialogue again. Then we talk about the questions and answer. 学生听音跟读整个对话,并在互助讨论学习的 过程中去尝试理解课文,解决难点问题。 (1) Please listen look and repeat. 听音跟读课文. (2) Do you understand these phrases?(课件出示短语.学生互相讨论解决 疑难问题,理解其大意,后熟读并在书上予以画圈标注。) set up a hope school poor children be from In the past.years. on the grassland (3)学生自由朗读课文并思考和回答下列问题。通过感动中国人物李 灵和王万青,对学生进行情感教育,帮助其树立乐于助人的思想意 识。 Q1:What did she do? Q2:Where did he work? Q3: What do you want to do for poor pupils? S:I will. (提示句子) Step 3: Lets practice. 1.Read up the dialogue.以集体读、男女分组读的方式熟读课文。 2.Act it, please.同伴合作分角色表演课文对话。 3.Try to retell the story 复述人物故事.(课件提示) Step 4: 扩展训练营。 4.Look and talk.看图讨论图片中的人物。(Part C page23) Step 6: Summary(小结):Today we learned the dialogue 1.We could understand and read the dialogue. We could try to retell the story according this lesson. 六 Homework.(以下作业自由选择完成)English Book Part B Page21N1. Choose and talk. 选择并交流。 Part C Page23 N1.listen and match.听音连线。 N2. Read and choose.读一读,选一选。 七 Blackboard Design.板书设计 What does she do? She is a teacher. Unit 3(2) Whos the that man ? He is Wang Wanqing. What does he do? He is a doctor. He is from But in the past , he worked 八 Notes.教后反思: 。 王粉娟 道南学校 2016 年 4 月 12 日 Unit 3 (2) Whos That Man ? Homework.(课后习题检测.) 一、选词填空。 from past to set with 1 . He is helpful_ the people there . 2 . Peter is the boy_ glasses . 3 . Mr. Smith is _ the USA . 4 . He _ up a school for poor children . 5 . In the _ 10 years, he helpful the animals . 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. My grandpa _in a school 15 years ago. A. work B.worked C. works ( )2 . _ is that woman ? She is Mrs. White . A . How B. What C. Who ( ) 3. What does he do ? _. A.Yes , he is. B.Yes , he does . C.He is a doctor. ( )4. My uncle is an _ . A .teacher B. antor C. singer.
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