陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:a0014).zip

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Unit4 At The Sports Meeting throwing 100-meter race running race long jump high jump have a sports meeting Review Warming up 1. What is he doing? 2. Do you like .? 3. What sport do you like? Warming up Think and talk A: Whats your favourite sport? B: My favourite sport is . A: How often do you play it? B: I play it . Listen and answer (1) How does Liu Zhaoyang look? Why? (2) What did he do at the sports meeting? (3) Who was the first in the 100-meter race? He looks tired. Because he had the school sports meeting yesterday. He took part in the boys 100-meter race and the long jump. Liu Zhaoyang was. Amy: You look tired. Liu: Yes . we had the school sports meeting yesterday. Amy: What sport did you take part in ? Liu: I took part in the boys 100- meter race and the long jump. Amy: Great! Did you win? Liu: Yes . I was the first in the 100-meter race. Amy: How about the long jump? Liu : I lost it. Amy: Anyway, you did well. Liu: Thank you. Translation Important points (1) take (took) part in “参加” Eg: Everyone can take part in the school sports meeting. We all took part in the New Years party last year. (2) I am (was) the first in .在参加某项活动中(曾)名 列第一。 Eg: Who was the first in the swimming? Which class is the first in the football match? (3) lost 是单词lose 的过去式,有“丢失、失利”等意思 ,其反义词是win。lost the game/ match/.是“输了 比赛”,win the game / match / .则指“赢了比赛”。 (4)anyway“不管怎样”,常用来表示在得知了某些情况 之后要得出一个结论,转向下一个主题。 Eg: They lost the game in the sports meeting. Anyway, they tried their best. 1. Read aloud. 2.Part B Ask and answer Part B Ask and answer A: What sport did he take part in at the school sports meeting? B: He took part in the throwing. A: Did he win it? B: Yes, he did./ No, he didnt. He lost it. 第二课时第二课时 教学目标教学目标 1. 能听懂并理解Lets talk部分的对话内容。 2. 能流畅地朗读对话,并能在相关情景中熟练自如地运用以下 功能结构: What sport did you take part in? I took part in the . Did you win? Yes. I was the first in . 教学准备教学准备 1. 教师准备PPT教学课件(各种体育运动及Lets talk部分的 动画视频)。 2. 教师准备Lets talk 部分的教学挂图。 3. 教师准备录音机以及Lets talk部分的录音磁带。 教学方法建议教学方法建议 . 课程导入(Leading In) . 课前问答 T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hi, Mr. / Miss .! T: Look! What am I doing? (做踢球动作) Ss: You are playing football. T: Do you like playing football? Ss: Yes. / No. T: What sport do you like? Ss: I like . . . 新课导入 Part A Warming-up: Think and talk 教师承接上一环节,借助PPT上呈现各种体育运动的画面, 让学生看画面说出相关的体育词汇。同时,可以引入本部分 的对话,继续深入与学生交流Whats your favorite sport? How often do you play it? 等等,并引导学生作答,为对 话的讲授做铺垫。 . 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation) . 新课展示 Part A Lets talk 1. 教师展示Lets talk部分的挂图,引导学生仔细观察画 面,并就画面进行交流: T: Look at the picture. Who is the boy? Ss: He is Liu Zhaoyang. T: And the girl is Amy. What are they talking about? Ss: They are talking about the sports meeting. T: Yes. They had a school sports meeting yesterday. It was a great sports meeting. Do you want to know something about the school sports meeting? Who was the first in the 100-meter race? Please watch the video carefully. 2. 教师播放Lets talk部分的教学视频,让学生认真观看, 了解对话内容中所谈到的人物以及事情的发展情况。并提 出如下问题,以检验学生们的理解情况: (1)How does Liu Zhaoyang look? Why? (2)What did he do at the sports meeting? (3)Who was the first in the 100-meter race? 3. 让学生打开课本,边朗读对话边在课本上勾画出上述问题 的答案,之后教师帮助学生回答问题: Liu looks tired because he took part in the boys 100-meter race and the long jump at the school sports meeting yesterday. And he was the first in the 100meter race. 4. 教师引导并帮助学生理解对话的完整内容,并重点讲解 took part in和I was the first in .以及单词lost和 anyway。 (1)take (took) part in “参加”,教师可通过举例帮 助学生理解运用。如:Everybody can take part in the school sports meeting. We all took part in the New Years party last year. (2)I am (was) the first in . 在某项活动中(曾) 名列第一。 教师可结合班上学生在活动中的表现,鼓励学生说: Who was the first in the swimming? Which class is the first in the football match? (3)lost是单词lose的过去式,有“丢失、失利”等意思, 其反义词是win。lose the game / match / .是“输了 比赛”,win the game / match / . 则指“赢了比赛” 。 (4)anyway “不管怎样”,常用来表示在得知了某些情况 之后要得出一个结论,转向下一个主题。如:They lost the game in the sports meeting. Anyway, they tried their best. 5. 教师播放Lets talk部分的录音,让学生看课本,再听 一遍对话。然后跟随教师的示范朗读对话。含有过去式的 句子一般比较难读,教师可注意指导学生正确朗读的方法。 必要时带领学生回顾几个特殊的动词过去式,如:have had, take took, am / is was, lose lost, do did。 . 巩固活动 1. 教师再次播放Lets talk部分的录音,学生模仿其语音 语调跟读对话。 2. 同桌之间进行角色朗读,注意语音、语调和语气。之后, 教师可以通过几组学生的演读展示,进行朗读指导与评价。
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