陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 5 What Is He Like -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:029a5).zip

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Unit 5 What is he like?第二课时第二课时 课堂检测课堂检测 段晶段晶 一、根据汉语完成下列各题 1. My brother is very _(聪明的). 2. That old woman is _(和蔼的) to everyone. 3. Our Math teacher is a _(严肃的) man. 4. Wu Chen is a _(努力的) girl. 5.What do you think of Alice? She is _(开朗的). 二、英汉互译 1. short hair 2.数学老师 3. favorite subject 4.有些严肃 5. teach well 三、按要求完成下列各题 1. What is she like?(同义句) 2. Is she a little serious?(否答) 3. What is your English teacher like?(根据实际情况回答) 4. always to he tries interesting make English (.) (连词成句) 四、选句子补全对话 A: Hello, Kevin. B: Hi, Alice. A: 1._ B: Three. Jack, John and Wu Chen. A: 2._ Why? B: Wu Chen. 3._ And shes very friendly to me. A: 4._ B: Hes very clever. 5._ A: OK, I see. 十四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) My name is Lily. Im from the USA. I have a happy family. My father is Mr. Brown. He is tall and thin. He looks a little serious. But he is very kind. My mother Mrs. Brown is friendly and always smiling. They are both teachers. My brother Tom is a middle school student with glasses. He is outgoing and he likes to learn and speak Chinese. I often talk with my brother in Chinese. I also like Chinese very much. ( )1. There are four people in Lilys family. ( )2. Mr. Brown is a teacher. ( )3. Mrs. Brown is a little serious. ( )4. Tom cant speak Chinese. ( )5. Lily doesnt like Chinese. A. Because she is outgoing. B. Whats Jack like? C. Do you have some good friends? D. But hes a little lazy. E. Which one is your best friend? (陕旅版)六年级下册 Unit 5 What is he like? outgoing Super Mario cleverkindoutgoingHard-workingfriendlyseriousclever Lets chant My math teacher is hard-working. My English teacher is outgoing. My PE teacher is very kind. My music teacher sings nice songs. They help us learn.They help us play. When school is over, I want to stay. 1.Who is the boy? Who is the girl? 2.What are they talking about? 1.What does Mr Black do? 2. What is he like? 3.What does Ms May do? 4.What is she like? 1.What does Mr Black do? 2. What is he like? 3.What does Ms May do? 4.What is she like? He is a Math teacher. He is kind. She is a Math teacher,too. She is a little serious. Practice My teacher Dear teachers,my dear teachers. You are kind and you are so friendly. Dear teachers,my dear teachers. You are hard-working , you are outgoing. Dear teachers,my dear teachers. We all love you ,we all love you . Sing the song The teacher who teaches me for one day is my father for life. 一日为师,终身为父。 Talk about “ What is he/she like?”“What do you think of?”with your friends. Thank you! A:Who is your_teacher? B:My_teacher is_. A:What is he/she like? / What do you think of him/her? B:He/She is_. Dear Mr/Mrs*: You are_,_and_. You are like a third parent. We all love you. Best wishes! Yours, * Unit5Unit5 WhatWhat isis hehe likelike ? ? 教学设计教学设计 课题:课题:Unit5Unit5 WhatWhat isis hehe likelike ? ? 1 (教学设计)(教学设计) 教学内容陕旅版六年下册第五单元 Unit5 What is he like ?单词及对话内容。 课时第二课时 课型 会话课 设计思想 通过说做动做说反意词复习形容词,从而导师入本节课新授单词 clever ,outgoing , kind ,friendly,hard- working ,serious,并且用这些词描述学生自己的老师。为 学生提供一个真实的语言学习的情境。通过听、说、读、写等方法手段,在交流中使学 生养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音和语调。 教材分析本单元以老师的性格特征为主线,重点学习描述人物性格特征的词汇和句型。整单 元围绕人物的性格特征展开一系列话题,帮助学生知道怎样形容亲人、朋友或自己喜欢 的人的外形,并懂得热爱自己和身边的人。用英语描述他人是小学生喜欢做的事情,描 述自己喜欢的老师、朋友或明星,更能激起他们开口说英语的欲望。教学时可以让学生 通过完成各种任务型活动来感知新的语言点,减轻教学难度。 教学目标 知识目标知识目标:1、复习巩固单词,通过自然拼读法,游戏和小组活动让学生进一步掌握 “四会”单词:clever ,outgoing , kind ,hard working ,serious 2、能听懂会说会用以下句型: Who is? He/ She is Whats he / she like? He/ She is. Is she / he? Yes , he / she is. No, he/ she isnt.等进行真实交际. 能力目标:能力目标: 1.通过情景对话表演使学生能够听懂,会说,会表演对话的内容并在真实场 景中,运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。 2. 能运用上述词汇借助简单的对话描述人物性格。 情感态度价值观:情感态度价值观:1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,逐步 培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力和欲望。 2. 培养学生尊敬、热爱老师的情感,提高学生在与人相处时准确判断他人性格特征的 意识和能力。 教学方法 坚持以情景话题为核心,利用多媒体课件、卡片引发学生的学习兴趣。通过直观的 图片、情景教学法、歌谣教学等方法,帮助学生在视听说读等有趣的对话表演活动 中,相互合作、体验参与,自主的、愉快的学习英语、发展能力、维持兴趣。满足 不同层次的求知欲,体现因材施教的原则。通过灵活多样的练习,提高技能、激励 性的语言评价,让学生感受到学习英语的兴趣,通过合作,学生的思想、语言和情 景得到了交流,体现了语言的主要功能。 学习方法单词拼读, 口语互练。 评价方式 1. 口头评价。教师通过口头表扬,用 good,very good,well done,excellent 等 激励性语言鼓励学生大胆的说英语。 2. 小组评价。把学生分成小组比赛时,给答对的小组贴笑脸。 2 3. 个人评价。 教具准备1准备单词卡片、ppt、句条、对话相关的音频文件。 教学过程设计备注 教 学 步 骤 及 主 要 内 容 Warm up and Lead in 1. Warm up Chant and doSay something different T:Boys and girls, Im ready.Are you ready? Ss:Yes. T:OK,lets chant and do :I say big ,I say small. Leading 在学生进行游戏的过程中,教师可将本节课将要学到的词汇融入 You are clever , Dont be shy.等句子中对学生的表现进行适当的评价,引入本节 课的学习。并出示学生的各位科任老师的照片,让学生谈谈他们的性格 特点。 新课展示新课展示 Presentation 一、一、New Words New Words 1、利用图片,结合语境复习 clever ,outgoing , kind ,hard working ,serious 老师出示单词卡,让学生认读、 2、整体识别短语。用 My teacher is 描述老师的性格 特征。并出示单词卡片,和学生一起边读边书写在黑板上,然后 指着这个好学生问大家 What is he like?教师展示句型,帮助学 生理解,引导学生回答 He is . 单词机械操练用到的方法有: 1.card up and down、2.左右手男女声 3.藏手写词 4.开合拍手 读 5 大小声起立读 6 藏卡片 3.Play the game “Super Mario” 二、二、Dialogue show 1、Look at the picture and answer.看图回答问题。 1)、Who is the boy ?Who is the girl? 2) What are they talking about? 2、Read and answer:读课文,回答问题。 设计意图:引领学生 在听一听、做一做的 过程中迅速 进入英 语学习氛围中,让每 个学生在参与的过程 中进行体会和复习。 创设情境导入,联 系学生生活实际, 让学生容易接受新 授知识。 图片让人产生在情 景中学习句型,通 过交流、练习、检 查拼写能巩固词组 记忆,是不同程度 的学生都能有所提 高。强读的训练, 确保后进生有充分 的时间练熟。 3 教 学 步 骤 及 主 要 内 容 教 学 步 骤 1.What does Mr Black do? 2. What is he like? 3.What does Ms May do? 4.What is she like? He is a Math teacher. He is kind. She is a Math teacher,too. She is a little serious. 2. Read the dialogue after the video. 视频播放完后引导学生说出答案,教师板书功能句型。 三 Practise 1. 教师领读对话。引导学生注意较长的句子。让学生模仿语音语调跟读 对话。 2.学生自读对话。 3.学生分角色朗读对话。 四 Production i. Part B Ask and answer 1.一组学生两人一组任选一位老师根据其特点进行问答。. 3.一组学生要根据老师给的模板完成一张贺卡送给教师。 A:Who is your_teacher? B:My_teacher is_. A:What is he/she like? / What do you think of him/her? B:He/She is_. Dear Mr/Mrs*: You are_,_and_. You are like a third parent. We all love you. Best wishes! Yours, * ii. Part C Complete the conversations 1引领学生通读对话后,两人一组将对话完成。 2.展示部分学生答案,教师进行评价和讲解。 3.完成对话后,指导学生依次为模板进行对话创编。 五 Summary 通过问答帮助学生 理解句型。进而理 解对话 通过视频带领学生说 句子和对话。 多种形式加强朗读训 练 展示学生作品。分组 做不同任务。一组让 学生看图做新的对话 一组做贺卡。拓展提 升,激发兴趣,巩固 新知。 4 及 主 要 内 容 Sing the songMy dear teacher My teacher Dear teachers,my dear teachers. You are kind and you are so friendly. Dear teachers,my dear teachers. You are hard-working , you are outgoing. Dear teachers,my dear teachers. We all love you ,we all love you . Sing the song 歌曲小结 小结与作业 小 结 T:In two weeks you will leave school.Please be hard-working and remember your teachers here.And your teachers will always miss you!As we know: The teacher who teaches me for one day is my father for life. 一日为师,终身为父。 作 业 Talk about “ What is he/she like?”“What do you think of?”with your friends. 反思:在实际教学中, 孩子们熟悉的人物使得对话内容更形象、生动、有趣。紧张的课堂也一下子变 得轻松、活跃。学生在情景中解读人物关系,理解对话内容,学生不仅说得快,记得牢,还理解得深。 这样的教学场景既符合孩子们乐于模仿的天性,又充分发挥了主观能动性与创造性,还调节了学习节 奏。在愉快欢乐的气氛中,巩固了学到的语言知识,锻炼了运用语言的能力。英语课堂中的生活模拟, 可以再现真实情景,调动气氛,激发学生积极性, 同时我深深感到一堂课得以顺利完成需要付出艰辛 的努力。 板书设计: Unit5 What is he like ? Who is? He/ She is Whats he / she like? He/ She is cleveroutgoing kind hard -working serious friendly 5
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