(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 5 复习与答案 .docx

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1、人教版高中英语新教材必修第一册 Unit 5 一、词性转换 1. _vi. 提 到 ; 参 考 ; 查 阅vt. 查 询 ; 叫 求 助 于 _ n.指称关系;参考 2. _ n.体系;制度;系统_ adj.有系统的;有 计划的_ adv. 有系统地;有条理地 3. _ v. 以为据点;以为基础n.底部;根据 _ adj. 以(某事)为基础的;以为重要部分(或特征) 的_adj. 基本的;基础的_ n. 基础;根据; 基点(复数) 4. _ vi. 变 化 _ adj. 不 同 的 ; 各 种 各 样 的 _ n. (植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化 5. _ adj.主要的;重要的;大的

2、n.主修课程;主修学生 vi. 主修;专门研究_ n. 大部分;大多数 6. _ n. 符号;象征_ adj.象征的,作为象征的 7. _ n. 文字; 符号; 角色; 品质; 特点_ n. 特 征;特性 adj.典型的;独特的 8. _ n.地球;世界;地球仪_ adj.全球的;全 世界的 9. _ vt.欣赏;重视;感激;领会vi.增值_ n. 感激;欣赏 10. _ n. 同 等 的 人 ; 相 等 物adj. 相 同 的 ; 同 样 的 _ adv.平等地_ n.平等 11. _ v. 描述;描绘_ n.描写(文字);形容 12. _ vt.联系;讲述_ n.关系,联系;亲属 二、词块

3、翻译 1. 指的是;描述;提到;查阅 _ 2. 浮沉;兴衰;荣辱 _ 3. 追溯到 _ 4. 不论;不管 _ 5. 观点;看法 _ 6. 与相关;涉及;谈到 _ 7. 消除隔阂;填补缝隙 _ 8. 成绩好 _ 三、单句语法填空 1. Make notes during lectures for _ (refer) later on. 2. When preparing meals, you need to think about _ (various) and taste as well as nutritional value(营养价值). 3. Im determined to visit

4、 Japan no matter _ it costs. 4. The shortage of water has become a _ (globe) problem. 5. It helps children to develop an _ (appreciate) of poetry and literature. 6. Mr Smith gave a _ (describe) of what he had seen in China. 四翻译 1.英国英语和美国英语在词汇上有所不同。例如,美式英语单词 “subway”“gas”“pants” 和 “apartment” 在 英 式 英

5、 语 中 是 “underground”“ petrol”“ trousers”和“ flat”。每个国家都有自己的语言, 但在我看来, 语言的变化与不同国家的政治制度和文明的多样性有关, 尽管如此,还有其他因素。随着时间的推移,语言之间的差距会越来 越小。有些语言可以追溯到最早的朝代。一个国家的起起落落,其语 言是不断变化的。无论语言如何发展,它都是一个民族的象征。 2. 汤姆是本地人,英语是他的本族语,他会说标准的英语和当地的 方言。此外,他还学过汉字,擅长书法。他学会了在动物骨头和贝壳 上刻汉字。他尤其欣赏中国古典文学,并把它作为自己的主要研究对 象,千方百计借鉴中国古代文化和文明的中国

6、古典典籍。汤姆关心国 际事务,对生活持积极态度。他在学期论文中,具体描述了人类为争 取平等权利而进行的需求和斗争。 五阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. Tim Cook is both blind and deaf. And try1they might, staff on a recent flight just couldnt figure out how to2with the man, who was traveling all alone. But then, a 15-year-old gir

7、l used3language and genuine compassion (关爱)to save the day. Teenager Clara Daly was4with her mother Jane from Boston to Los Angeles when the flight attendants made a(n)5over the speaker. They were6anyone onboard who knew sign language. Clara7the call button, as shed studied a year of American Sign L

8、anguage in school. She was the only one on the plane8of truly communicating with Tim, and her heart went out to him. “9six hours of just not being able to talk to anyone,” she said. Clara knelt down alongside Mr. Cook and used fingerspelling to talk to him, which is where she sign each10in every wor

9、d. This way, Tim could11Claras hands and they could communicate. First, Clara helped the flight attendants ensure all of Tims needs were12. Then, she spent the rest of the time just13with him. Together, they shared14about their families and Claras future plans, while Clara learned about Tims past as

10、 a salesman. A nearby passenger named Lynette Scribner couldnt15taking a photo and sharing it on social media. She mentioned how16she was to have witnessed such incredible compassion. After writing about Claras real-life act of17on social media, Lynettes post took off In fact, it has since been shar

11、ed over 730,000 times on US social media platform Facebook. The18teen was quick to point out that she just did what any one of us should do when given the19: help out Everyone should just be20each other just because thats the nature of people, Clara said. 1.A.whenB.whileC.althoughD.as 2.A.cooperateB

12、.connectC.communicateD.meet 3.A.signB.oralC.writtenD.live 4.A.shoppingB.travelingC.workingD.staying 5.A.forecastB.effortC.suggestionD.announcement 6.A.looking forB.waiting forC.standing byD.sending to 7.A.pickedB.fixedC.hitD.made 8.A.afraidB.capableC.awareD.fond 9.A.NoticeB.PredictC.DescribeD.Imagin

13、e 10.A.symbolB.markC.letterD.word 11.A.feelB.seeC.shakeD.move 12.A.admittedB.metC.provedD.recognized 13.A.chattingB.dealingC.playingD.joking 14.A.songsB.thoughtC.sorrowD.stories 15.A.considerB.missC.resistD.stop 16.A.satisfiedB.amazedC.nervousD.doubtful 17.A.politenessB.braveryC.patienceD.kindness 1

14、8.A.thankfulB.humorousC.proudD.brave 19.A.changeB.opportunityC.rightD.honour 20.A.believingB.acceptingC.helpingD.understanding 六语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正 确形式。 Fifty years ago, China successfully launched 1(it) first satellite, Dongfanghong 1 , and started a new chapter in space exploration

15、.2 ( mark ) its 50th anniversary, the China National Space Administration announced the name for the countrys Mars planetary exploration program on April 24. The mission, Tianwen, got its name from a famous poet, Qu Yuan,3 wrote the long poem Tianwen, In the poem, Qu raised a series of questions con

16、cerning the sky, stars natural phenomena myths and the real world, reflecting his doubts on traditional ideas and his pursuit of truth. China 4( make) remarkable progress in space exploration. As early as 1970, China launched its first man-made Earth satellite, becoming the fifth country in the worl

17、d to launch man- made satellites 5 ( independent) . Over the past few years, Chinas missions, including the Shenzhou and Change series 6( design) to explore outer space, expanded mankinds understanding of Earth and the universe. This time,7Tianwen series will carry out the first Mars exploration mis

18、sion in 2020. Experts consider it the start of Chinas exploration of Mars, 8 ( represent) a milestone for Chinas move toward deep space. Indeed, 9the names deep roots in Chinese traditional culture, it has been widely accepted among the public. Tianwen demonstrates the 10 ( determine ) and persevera

19、nce (坚持不懈)of Chinese people to move further into deep space. 答案 一、词性转换 1.refer; reference2. system; systematic; systematically3.base; based; basic;basis(pl.bases)4.vary;various;variety5.major;majority6. symbol ; symbolic7.character ; characteristic8.globe ; global 9.appreciate;appreciation10.equal;e

20、qually;equality11.describe; description12.relate;relation 二、词块翻译 1. refer to2. ups and downs3. date back (to .)/date from4. no matter where, who, what, etc.5. point of view6. relate to7.bridge the gap8. get high marks 三、单句语法填空 1.reference2.variety3.what4.global5.appreciation 6.description 四翻译 1. The

21、re are some differences in vocabulary between BrE and AmE. For example, the American English words subway, gas,pants and apartment are underground, petrol, trousers and flat in British English. Each nation has its own tongue but in my point of view, language changes relate to the variety of politica

22、l systems and civilizations of different countries, and despite these, there are other factors, too. The gaps between languages will become smaller over time. Some languages can date back to the earliest dynasty. With ups and downs of a nation, its language is constantly changing. No matter how lang

23、uage develops, it is a symbol of a nation. 2. Tom is a native and English is his native language. He can speak standard English as well as local dialect. In addition, he has studied Chinese characters and is good at calligraphy. He has learned to carve Chinese characters on animal bones and shells.

24、He especially appreciates classic Chinese literature and regards it as his major research subject, so he tries every means to refer to Chinese classics based on ancient Chinese culture and civilisation. Tom cares about global affairs and has a positiveattitude towards life. In his semester paper, he gives a specific description of mans demand and struggle for equal rights. 五1-5 DCABD6-10 ACBDC11-15 ABABC16-20 BDABC 六 1. its 2. To mark 3. who 4. has been making 5. Independently 6. were designed 7. the 8. representing 9. with 10. determination


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