(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness 教案 (含词汇阅读语法写作).docx

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1、人教版高中英语(2019)必修第一册 Unit 3Sports and Fitness 一、词汇一、词汇 1、识记、识记 fitness, soccer, stadium, boxing, badminton, marathon,event,ski, host,track,gym, gymnastics, sweat, legend, athlete, master, honour,glory,medal,championship, determination, apart, injure, captain, lose heart,graceful,strength,failure,cheat

2、, million, audience, positive, slim, diet, rather than, now and then. jog, stress, error, *infer, *function, *appropriate 2、词形变化、词形变化 fitness n. v. 恢复;复原 come down塌陷,崩溃,(物价气温等)下 降; come in(潮水)涨,当令,上市,开始流行, 当权 come into进入;加入 come into being 开始存在 come into force开 始实 行 ; 开 始 生 效 (=come into effect) com

3、e into power上台,掌握政权 come into use开始使用 come off发生;(informal)举行;(计划企图 等)成功;脱落 come on跟随;进步;发展;(雨季,夜,病等) 来到;(演员)登场;问题被提出来;语气词;加 油(=JiaYou);(表示某人说话不正确)得了 吧;(常用进行时)(疾病或某种心情)开 始;(电视节目等)开始;开始运转,运行 come out(太阳等)出现;(真相)大白;(消息) 传出;出版,发表 come over从远处来;改变立场意见 come toprep. 苏醒;归结为;总计;涉及到;终 于 come to an end结束 come

4、 to life苏醒 come up(种子等)长出地面;被提出;出现; 即将发生;走近;长出;流行;呕吐出来 come up toprep.达到;等于;不辜负;走近 come up with发现(解决办法答案) (05 江西,28)Please tell me how the accident _. Im still in the dark. A. came byB. came up C. came toD. came about (06 湖 北 ,25)Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late o

5、n such a short trip. A. came overB. came out C. came aboutD. came up 2. work 词性、词义、词性、词义、短语及相应用法短语及相应用法 v. 工作,劳动,干活 work at/on 从事从事于于 Ive been working at my homework all day. 我整天都在做作业。 He is working on a new novel. 他正在写一本新小说。 work for sb./sth. 为为工作,受雇于,工作,受雇于, 努力获得努力获得 She works for an engineering c

6、ompany. 她在一家工程公司工作。 She dedicated her life to work for peace. 她为争取和平奉献了自己的一生。 work as sth. 从事从事的工作的工作 My son is working as a science teacher. 我的儿子是个理科教师。 v. 运转,运行 The phone isnt working. 这部电话坏了。 It works by electricity. 这是电动的。 work on sb./sth.奏效奏效, 产生预期的结果产生预期的结果 (或或 作用)作用) The pills the doctor gave

7、 me arent working. 医生给我的药片不管事。 His charm doesnt work on me. 我不为他的魅力所动。 v.产生作用 I tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but it didnt work. 我曾努力地想说服他戒烟,但没有作用。 work out 1)锻炼身体,做运动 I worked out regularly to keep fit. 我经常作运动以保持健康。 2)成功地发展 Things have worked out quite well for us. 事情的结果对我们很不错。 3)计算出 Wo

8、rk out the answer, 计算出结果 4)解决,处理,找到的答案 Work out a problem 解决问题 I cant work out where the music was coming from. 我弄不清音乐时从哪里传出来的。 5)计划 I have worked out a new way of doing it. 我想出了做这事的一个行方式。 Un.工作,职业 They had been out of work for a year. 他们已经失业一年了。 It is difficult to find work nowadays. 如今很难找到工作。 Cn.著

9、作,作品 Lu Xuns works 鲁迅的作品 拓展拓展: workable adj. (系统、想法等)可行的, 行得通的 workaday adj. 普通的,平凡的,平淡无奇 的 This is a far cry from her normal workaday world. 这与她通常的平淡无奇的生活大不相同。 workaholic adj.工作狂,工作迷,醉心于工 作的人 workbench n.工作台 workbook n. 练习册,作业本 workday n. 8 小时工作日,平日的交通 workforce n. 全体员工,劳动力,劳动人 口 workhorse n. 埋头苦干的

10、人 workhouse n. (英国旧时的)救济所 workload n. (某一人或组织的)工作量, 工作负担 workout n. 锻炼 workplace n. 工作场所 workshop n. 车间,工场,研讨班,讲习班 3. give 短语短语 give away赠送;颁布;暴露;泄露;放 弃;分配,分发;出卖(朋友) ; 塌下; (在婚礼上)将新娘交给新郎;丧失 (优势) give back 归还, 送回; 恢复; 后退; 反射; 报复 give in 交上;提出;屈服,妥协;投降, 让步;勉强同意 give in toprep.屈服于 give off 放出,排出;发出(气味、光

11、、 热等) give out 用完;疲惫;分发;发表;公布, 宣布;放出(光、热等) ;停止运转;别 再了,到此为止吧。 give over 移交;停止;放弃;住手 give sth. up 放弃,抛弃,中止,停止,把 (本该做其他事的时间)耗费于 1.(07 福 建 ,33)The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday. A. turned outB. found out C. given outD. carried out 2.(08 江 西 ,29) If a pe

12、rson has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him _ during the day. A. awayB. upC. inD. back 4. compete v. 竞争,对抗 compete with/against sb. for sth. Several companies are competing for the contract. 未得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。 We cant compete with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与它们竞争。 Young children will usually

13、 compete for their mothers attention. 小孩子通常都会在母亲面前争宠。 拓展拓展: competition n.竞 争,角逐;比赛,竞赛 competition between/ with sb. for sth. There ia now intense competition between schools to attract students. 现在学校之间为了招揽生源展开了激烈竞 争。 competitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的 Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitiv

14、e market. 毕业生不得不在竞争激烈的市场上奋力争 取找到工作。 Weneedtoworkhardertoremain competitive with other companies. 我们必须更加努力工作以保持对其他公司 具有竞争力。 competitively adv. competitor Cn. (尤指商业方面的)竞争者,对手;参赛 者,竞赛者 5. pretend v. 假装,佯装 Im tired of having to pretend all the time. 我讨厌老得装假。 adj.(多用于名词前)假装的,想象的 pretend cakes/toys 假糕点,假玩

15、具 短语:短语: pretend to sb. that 从句从句 He pretended to his family that everything is fine. 他对家人佯称一切都好。 pretend to do sth. He pretended not to notice. 他假装没注意。 pretend to sth. (通常用于否定句和疑问 句)自称,自认为 I cant pretend to any great musical talent. 我不能妄称自己多有音乐天赋。 拓展拓展 pretender n. (头 衔的)冒充者,觊觎者 pretence/pretense n

16、. 假装,伪装,虚伪的表现 pretense of (doing) sth. pretense that Their friendliness was only pretence. 他们的友善态度只不过是装出来的。 Bytheendoftheeveningshehad abandoned all pretence of being interest. 到晚会结束时,她已将假装的兴趣跑得一 干二净。 She was unable to keep up the pretence that she loved him. 她无法继续假装爱他了。 pretence to (doing) sth. 妄称,

17、自称,标榜 I make no pretence to being an expert on the subject. 我不敢自诩为这方面的专家。 Awoman with some pretence to beauty 自诩有几分姿色的女人 6. cut 短语短语 cut across sth取捷径穿过(田地等)(=cut through);与相反;穿越;影响到;超出界限; 适用于(分离的不同群体) cut at sb/sth(用刀剑或鞭子)对准猛击 cut sth away (from) 割掉,砍去 cut sth back剪短;减少,减低;修剪 cut sth/sb down砍倒;砍杀,杀

18、死(某人);病 死,病倒;减少(数量);减短;使丧失 cut down on减少对之消耗量 cut in/into打断(谈话等);(=cut in on sb)插 嘴 cut sb in (on sth) 让某人分享利润 cut into sth切开(某物);妨碍 cut sb/sth off(from)切去;使孤立;删掉;剥 夺(继承权);断绝;中断(电话通话);中断(供 给);堵塞,阻碍;切断去路,使与外界隔绝 cut sth out剪下,切去;剪裁(衣服);(口)删 去;(马达)熄火;住口;阻挡(尤指光线) cut sb out击败(对手) cut through 开辟(出路) cut

19、sb/sth up切碎;摧毁,粉碎;歼灭;严厉 批评;(常用于被动)使伤心;(严重的)割伤, 打伤 (05 湖南 ,26)I was just talking to Margret when Jackson _. A. cut inB. cut downC. cut out D. cut up 7. compare v. 比较,对比;与类似(相似) compare A and Bcompare A with/. to B It is interesting to compare their situation and ours. 把他们的状况与我们的相比很有意思。 Thishousedoesn

20、tcomparewithour previous one. 这房子比不上我们以前的。 拓展拓展 comparison n. 比较,对比,相比 comparative adj. 比较 的,相比的 comparatively adv. 比 较上,相对地 comparable adj. 类似的,可比较地 8. *fillAwith B (Abe filled with B) Abe full of B 9. *provide v. 提供,供应,给予 provide sb. with sth.provide sth. for sb. We are here to provide a service f

21、or the public. We are here to provide the public with a service. 我们来这里是为公众服务的。 拓展拓展 provider p n. 供应者, 提供者,供养人 provided/providingconj.(provided/ providing (that) 如果,假如,在条 件下 二、阅读二、阅读 Before Reading world championship 世界锦标赛 at home and abroad 国内外 work together as at team 齐心协力 stand still 站着不动,停滞不前 me

22、ntal strength 精神力量 accept failure 接受失败 While Reading I 课文解构课文解构 1 player 2 coach 3 person 4 skill 5 mental II 判断判断正误正误 FTTTF 1. Lang Ping is loved only be fans at her country. 2. Lang Ping was once a successful player because she brought honour and glory to her country. 3. The volleyball team led by

23、 Lang Ping won the Olympic gold in Brazil in 2016. 4. Michael Jordan was known as “Air Jordan”. 5. Michael Jordan couldnt accept failure. III 表格填空 NameAchievements Lang Ping As a player, she brought 1. _ and 2. _ to her country. As a person, she is loved by fans at 3. _. As a coach, she led the Chin

24、a womens volleyball team to 4. _ at world championships and the Olympics. When preparing for the 2015 World Cup, facing the team was 5. _, she didnt 6. _ and believed that her young players could win. In 2016, the volleyball team led by Lang Ping won the tOlympic gold in Brazil. Michael Jordan Known

25、 as “Air Jordan”, he changed basketball with his 7. _ moves and jumps. The mental 8. _ he showed made him unique. He could accept failure, but couldnt accept not trying, so losing games taught him to practice harder and never 9. _. In life, he has learnt to share his success 10. _ others and started

26、 the Boys and Girls Club to help young people in 1996. 1 honor 2 glory 3 home and abroad 4 medals 5 falling apart 6 lose heart 7 graceful 8 strength 9 give up 10 with IV 根据课文内容选择正确答案 BDAC 1. What is Lang Pings achievement as a coach? A. Bringing honor and glory to her country. B. Leading the China w

27、omens volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics. C. Not giving up. D. Building a volleyball team. 2. Why did the team captain have to leave? A. Because she got injured. B. Because she got tired of playing volleyball. C. Because she didnt earn enough money. D. Because she suff

28、ered from heart disease. 3.According to the passage, which of the following words can be used to describe Lang Ping? A. Determined and positive. B. Humorous and hopeful. C. Generous and hard-working. D. Devoted and helpful. 4. What made Michael Jordan unique? A. His height. B. His skills. C. His men

29、tal strength. D. His generosity After Reading I 语法填空 Lang Ping and Michael Jordan are both living (1) _ (legend). As a player, Lang Ping brought not only honor (2) _ also glory to her country. As a coach, she led the China womens volleyball team (3) _ medals at world (4) _ (champion) and the Olympic

30、s. As a person, she (5) _ (love) by her fans at home and abroad. She is a (6) _ (determination) person. (7) _ she met the big challenge of losing two important players while (8) _ (prepare) for the 2015 World Cup, she didnt lose heart. Michael Jordan is a player (9) _ became known as “Air Jordan”. H

31、is skills were impressive, but the mental (10) _ (strong) that he showed made him unique. In his opinion, the secret (11) _ his success is learning from his (12) _ (fail). In life, Jordan has learnt to share his success with others. 1 legends 2 but 3 to 4 championships 5 is loved 6 determined 7 Alth

32、ough 8 preparing 9 who 10 strength 11 to 12 failures II Read the text and decide what is stated in the text(S), what can be inferred(I), and what you know to be true from experience(E).ISIEII 1. Lang Ping won several championships before she became a coach. 2. Lang Ping believed that her young playe

33、rs could win. 3. Many people in China and the US love Coach Lang. 4. Michael Jordan is loved by basketball fans around the world. 5. Before people saw Michael Jordan play, they did not know that basketball could be played that way. 6. Michael Jordan believes that it is important to help others. 三、语法

34、三、语法 (一)语调 (二)反义疑问句(二)反义疑问句 语法点拨 附加疑问句,又叫反义疑问句,它表示提 问人对自己的看法没有把握,需要对方证 实。 1、附加疑问句的组成 附加疑问句由两部分组成: 前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分(主语 一般用人称代词主格)是一个简短的疑问 句。两部分的人称和时态应该保持一致。 (1)肯定式陈述部分+否定式疑问部分 She was ill yesterday, wasnt she? 她昨天病了,不是吗? 如果陈述部分的否定词带有否定前缀 un-, in-, im-, dis-, 或后缀-less, 该陈述部分当作 肯定句处理, 附加部分一般仍用否定形式。 Tom

35、dislikes the book, doesnt he? 汤姆不喜欢那本书,不是吗? (2)否定式陈述部分+肯定式疑问部分 He cant ride a bike, can he? 他不会骑自行车,是吗? 陈述部分有no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little 等否定或半否 定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定式。 He can hardly write his name, can he? 他几乎不会写他的名字,是吗? 练习: 完成下列附加疑问句: 1) Theres hardly any milk in the bo

36、ttle, _? 2) He has never ridden a horse before, _? 3) He seldom came here, _? 4)Hedisagreeswithhisparents, _? 5)Thesetoolsareuselessnow, _? 6) Youve never visited the Great Wall, _? 2、附加疑问句的回答 (1) 当陈述句部分是肯定结构, 附加疑问 句部分用否定式提问时,如果事实是肯定 的,就用 yes;事实是否定的,就要用 no。 He likes playing football, doesnt he? Yes,

37、 he does. /No, he doesnt. 他喜欢足球,不是吗? 是的,他喜欢。/不是,他不喜欢。 (2) 陈述句部分是否定结构, 附加疑问句 部分用肯定式体温时, 回答是 yes 或 no 与 汉语的意思正好相反, yes 翻译成“不”, no 翻译成“是”。 (即:用 yes 还是 no,根据事 实是肯定的还是否定的) His sister didnt attend the meeting, did she? Yes, she did./ No, she didnt. 注意, 不存在Yes, she didnt. 或No, she did 这样的混合用法。 根据句意补全句子。 1)

38、 Youve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you? _. How I wish to visit the Dinosaur World. 2) They dont work hard, do they? _.Theyarethemost hardworking students in our class. 3. 主语的选择 陈述部分主语和附加疑问句主语在人称和 数量上保持一致的几种情况。 陈述部分 主语 附加 问句 主语 例句 one(泛指 人) one/ he/y ou One cant be too careful,can one/he/you? this

39、, that, 非谓语形 式 it That isnt correct, isnt it? Seeing is believing, isnt it? these, those they Theseareyour friends,arent they? everythin g, anything, something , nothing it Nothinghappened to him, did it? Everythingseems allrightnow, doesnt it? everyone/he/Theres no help for everybody ,anyone, anybo

40、dy, someone, somebody , no one, nobody theyit, is there? 主 语 由 neither nor或 both and连 接 复数 Neither you nor I am wrong, are we? Both you and he are doctors, arent you? 练习 1) There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended, _? 2) No one failed in the last examination, _?

41、 3) Everything is ready, _? 4)Everyoneknowstheanswer, _? 5) Somebody phoned you while I was out, _? 6)Somethinghasbeendonetostop pollution, _? 7) This is very important for students, _? 8) Those are your books, _? 9)Collectingstampsishishobby, _? 10) To become a great writer is his dream _? 11) Neit

42、her you nor he is good at maths, _? 4、谓语的选择 (1)陈述部分谓语为 have 表示“拥有” ,附加问句谓语用 have 或 do 均可。 Theyhaveahouseintown,havent they/dont they? 他们在城里有房子,不是吗? 不表示“拥有”,用 do。 We have to get there at eight, dont we? 我们必须八点到那里,对吗? 构成完成时,用 have。 He has had his hair cut, hasnt he? 他理发了,是吗? (2)陈述部分谓语为 used to,附加问句谓 语

43、用 usednt 或 didnt。 The old man used to smoke, didnt/ usednt he? 那个老人以前抽烟,不是吗? (3)陈述部分谓语为 must。 表示“必须”, 附加问句谓语用 mustnt 或 neednt。 I must answer the call, mustnt/ neednt I? 我必须接电话,不是吗? 表示“推测”,陈述部分谓语为 must be/do, 附加问句谓语用 be/do 的一般现在时;陈 述部分谓语为 must have done,有确定的表 示过去的时间状语, 附加问句谓语用didnt; 没有确定的表示过去的时间状语,附加

44、问 句谓语用 havent/hasnt。 He must be a doctor, isnt he? 他一定是一个医生,不是吗? He must go to the library, doesnt he? 他一定去图书馆了,不是吗? He must have finished it yesterday, didnt he? 他昨天一定完成了,不是吗? You must have studied English for three years, havent you? 你一定学了三年英语,不是吗? (4) 陈述部分谓语为 cant, 表示“不可能”, 附加问句谓语同 must 表示推测的用法。

45、He cant be a lawyer, is he? 他不可能是律师,是吗? He cant have done the work yesterday, did he? 他昨天不可能完成这项工作,是吗? He cant have done the homework, has he? 他不可能做作业,是吗? (5)陈述部分谓语为 dare/need。 作情态助动词,附加问句谓语分别用 dare 和 need。 We need not do it again, need we? 我们不需要再做了,是吗? He dare not say so, dare he? 他不敢这么说,是吗? 作使役动词,

46、 附加问句谓语用 do 的形式。 She doesnt dare to go home alone, does she? 她不敢一个人回家,是吗? 陈述部分谓语为 wish,附加问句谓语为 may。 I wish to go home, may I? 我想回家,可以吗? (6)陈述部分谓语为 wish,附加问句谓 语为 may。 I wish to go home, may I? 我想回家,可以吗? (7)陈述部分谓语为 am,附加问句谓语 为 arent。 Im fond of music, arent I? 我喜欢音乐,不是吗? 练习: 1. You must work hard next

47、 term, _? 2. You must have made a mistake, _? 3. They must have seen the film last week, _? 4. He must be in the library, _? 5. We need not go to school, _? 6. He doesnt dare to face the challenge, _? 7. They have no time to visit the museum, _? 8. You dare not do that, _? 9. He used to get up at 6:

48、30, _? 10. They need our help badly at the moment, _? 11. I wish to visitAmerica one day, _? 12. I am very interested in Mark Twains novels, _? 13. You must be hungry, _? 14.Herdaughterhadthecarpetsand curtains cleaned, _? 15. The teacher had a talk with you, _? 16.Hecanthavecleanedtheroom, _? 17. H

49、e cant have cleaned the room last night, _? 5、特殊句式的附加疑问句 (1) 并列句的附加疑问句的谓语遵循就近 原则。 We must study hard or we cant pass the exam, can we? 我们必须努力学习,否则我们不能通过考 试,对吗? (2)宾语从句 主句主语是第一人称,且含有 think, believe, suppose, guess, expect, imagine 等, 疑问部分的主语和动词形式和从句一致。 We believe that she can do it better, cant she?

50、我们相信她能做到更好,不是吗? I dont think he is bright, isnt he? 我觉得他不聪明,是吗?(否定前移,疑 问部分用肯定) 主句主语是第二、 三人称, 疑问部分的 主语和动词形式跟主句一致。 He said that he would like to visit the Great Wall, didnt he? 他说他向参观长城,不是吗? (3)祈使句 肯定祈使句,附加疑问句通常用 will/ wont you,否定祈使句,用 Will you。 , Take a rest, will/ wont you? 休息一下,好吗? Dont open the do


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