(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册Unit2 Wild life Protection 单元素养提升含解析.doc

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1、UnitUnit 2 2 WildlifeWildlife ProtectionProtection 单元素养提升单元素养提升( (二二) ) UnitUnit 2 2 . 单句语法填空 1. With time going by, I gradually adapted myself toto the school life. 2. She took a cover of the pan and covered the pan immediatelyimmediately (immediate). 3. My mother reminded me toto eateat (eat) this

2、 cold medicine twice a day. 4. In a word, everybody should have the awarenessawareness (aware) of reducing waste. 5. Besides the electric shock, she was/iswas/is threatenedthreatened (threaten) with physical violence. 6. Young people of today should be much more concernedconcerned(concern) about hel

3、ping the old than their parents were. 7. It is reported that the rainforest is disappearing at an alarmingalarming (alarm) rate. 8. Whats worse, many animals are over huntedhunted(hunt) for money and are being killed without mercy. 9. As a result of global warming,a growing number of animals are in

4、danger of extinctionextinction(extinct). 10. The panda is an endangeredendangered(endanger) species, which means that it would become extinct without protection. 11. One of the most effectiveeffective(effect) ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust. 12. The joke is cle

5、arly intended toto makemake(make) the president look worse in the public. 13. If you want to get a quick recoveryrecovery(recover), you must follow the doctors advice. 14. In England, distance isis measuredmeasured(measure) in miles, not in kilometers. 15. On April 14th, 1865,Lincoln waswas shotshot

6、(shoot) at a theater in Washington D. C. . 完成句子 1. Why onon earthearth(到底) didnt you tell me the truth? 2. We are all awareaware ofof(意识到) the threats our planet is facing. 3. Dinosaurs dieddied outout(灭绝) because of an unexpected incident. 4. OnOn averageaverage(平均起来), we receive more than 1, 000 v

7、isitors a day. 5. I hope to play Chinese chess with you so that we can makemake progressprogress(取得进步) together. 6. Nowadays people are more concernedconcerned aboutabout(对关心)the environment and health. 7. Its never easy to adaptadapt toto(适应) a new environment, and hopefully youll soon get used to

8、it. 8. I dont realize how much they love me until I am underunder pressurepressure(承受压力). 9. I cant makemake outout(看清) what is written on the blackboard. 10. The policemen areare searchingsearching forfor (正在查找) the damaged car on the highway. . 根据提示翻译句子 1. 那就是为什么我想找一个母语是英语的寄宿家庭。(why 引导的表语从句) ThatT

9、hats s whywhy I I wantwant toto findfind a a hosthost familyfamily whosewhose nativenative languagelanguage isis English.English. 2. 只有在我努力学习时, 我才觉得我过得充实。(倒装句) OnlyOnly whenwhen I I studystudy hardhard dodo I I feelfeel thatthat I I livelive a a fullfull life.life. 3. 如果你的孩子在学校受到威胁, 要把问题报告给校长。(现在进行时

10、的被动语态) IfIf youryour childchild isis beingbeing threatenedthreatened atat school,school, reportreport thethe problemproblem toto thethe headmaster.headmaster. 4. 肖华学习努力是为了在期末考试中取得一个好成绩。(so that) XiaoXiao HuaHua studiesstudies hardhard soso thatthat sheshe cancan getget a a goodgood gradegrade inin f

11、inalfinal examination.examination. 5. 我是在 10 点钟听到这个消息的。(强调句) ItIt waswas atat 1010 o oclockclock thatthat I I heardheard thethe news.news. . 阅读理解 A (2020荆州高一检测) When was the last time you saw some dolphins at an aquarium?Was it fun to watch? Do you think the dolphins enjoyed it?A new film shows just

12、 exactly where some of these dolphins come from. And it isnt pleasant. The Coveis a documentary(纪录片) film with a lot of blood. . . dolphins blood. Its all about dolphin drive hunting, which is a method of hunting dolphins that fishermen use. They use boats to drive the dolphins into a bay or onto a

13、beach. Once there, the dolphins are prevented from escaping and are then killed in the water with knives or spears. The dolphins are mostly hunted for their meat, but some are captured and ended up in dolphinariums(海豚馆), including the world famous Sea World parks. This form of dolphin killing takes

14、place in many places around the world. There are dolphin drive hunts in the Solomon Islands, Peru and the Faroe Islands. The Covefocuses on a particular dolphin hunt near the town of Taiji in Japan. Every year, more than 2, 000 dolphins are driven into a cove near the town and killed. The documentar

15、y film is directed by former National Geographic photographer Louis Psihoyos, and was made secretly throughout 2007 using underwater microphones, and a hidden camera. Also appearing in the film is Ric O Barry, the director of Saving Japan dolphins, and also a marine mammal expert. He trained dolphin

16、s for the popular 1960s TV seriesFlipper. He is praised for having started the dolphin entertainment industry but has spent most of his life fighting against it. So what do the people of Taiji think about it?Many feel that they are being unfairly selected out. The town of Taiji has a 400-year histor

17、y of whale and dolphin hunting and its fishermen only catch about 20% of Japans yearly dolphin quota(份 额). Masashi Nishimura, manager of the Japan Fisheries Associations International section said, “ I dont think its a big topic here, ” he said, “as long as the killing is humane(人道的), dolphins are l

18、ike other animals to us. ” But for many people, dolphins are special. They are clearly highly intelligent mammals and they often form strong bonds of friendship with humans. Primates such as chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans are all protected species. Should these levels of protection be extended

19、 to marine mammals too?Many believe they should. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。一部新的电影纪录片记录了渔民捕猎海豚以获得海豚肉或 将其放入水族馆以供人观赏, 这部电影反映了海豚令人担忧的处境, 以此呼吁人们来保护海 豚。 1. Which of the following is not TRUE according to the passage? A. Fishermen use boats to drive the dolphins into a bay. B. There are dolphin drive hunts in the Sol

20、omon Island. C. Underwater microphones were used to make the film. D. All the dolphins caught in Japan are sold for meat. 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“They use boats. . . a beach. ”可知, 渔 民用小船将海豚驱赶到海湾或海滩上, A 项正确; 根据文章第三段中“There are dolphin. . . Islands”可知, 所罗门群岛有捕猎海豚的活动, B 项正确; 根据文章第五段中 “The documentary fi

21、lm. . . microphones, ”可知, 这部纪录片在制作过程中使用了水下 麦克风, C 项正确。根据文章第三段中 The dolphins are. . . in dolphinariums, 可知, 这 些海豚大多被捕猎以获取它们的肉, 但其中一些被捕获并最终送到海豚馆, D 项(在日本捕获 的所有海豚均以肉类出售)不合文意, 故选 D。 2. What is Masashi Nishimuras attitude towards the killings? A. Cold.B. Regretful. C. Unfair.D. Unsupportive. 【解析】选 A。推理判断

22、题。根据文章第七段中“Masashi Nishimura. . . to us. ”可知, 在 Masashi Nishimura 看来, 捕杀海豚不是一个多大的事情, 只要捕杀是人道的, 捕杀海豚和其 他动物是一样的。 因此 Masashi Nishimura 是支持捕杀海豚的, 这是冷酷无情的体现, 故选 A。 3. What is the authors purpose in writing the passage? A. To introduce a documentary filmThe Cove. B. To show howThe Cove was made. C. To enc

23、ourage people to protect dolphins. D. To describe what is happening to dolphins. 【解析】选 C。写作意图题。根据文章第一段中“A new film shows. . . pleasant. ”可知, 通过一部新电影看到水族馆中海豚的来源时是令人感到不愉快的。根据文章最后一段中 They are clearly. . . they should. 可知, 海豚是高度聪明的哺乳动物, 它们经常与人类建立 牢固的友谊纽带。黑猩猩, 大猩猩和猩猩等灵长类动物均为受保护物种。这些保护水平也应 扩展到海洋哺乳动物。因此作者写

24、这篇文章的目的是鼓励人们保护海豚。故选 C。 B Guess what former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and United States president Donald Trumps granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, have in common?They both study Chinese as a second language. Although Chinese is known as one of the hardest langua

25、ges to learn, a lot of people from different backgrounds are studying it with hopes of big benefits. On Nov. 2,more than 120 people, coming from 105 countries, compete in the finals of the 12th “Chinese Bridge” Competition for foreign secondary school students. Held in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, the

26、 finals were mainly made up of speech contests and talent shows. The contestants also visited the Shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes and other historical sites in Henan. While reasons for learning Chinese were different, a common one was interest in the countrys rich culture and rapid development. Rai

27、ssa, 17, from the Union of the Comoros, developed a strong emotional connection with China after her grandmother was cured by doctors of the Chinese medical team in Africa three years ago. This led her to learn Chinese at a local Confucius Institute. Fascinated by Chinese culture, the competitor has

28、 taken part in activities on traditional Chinese medicine and folk arts during her first trip to China. “My dream is to study medicine in China so that I could cure patients like the Chinese doctors did, ” she said. For Fekete Marcell Zoltan, 17, from the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, studying

29、 Chinese may secure him a future job as a Hungarian diplomat(外交官) to China. “After graduation from high school, I would like to further my studies in China, ” he said. Robert Davis, director of the Chinese-language program in Chicagos public school system, may give you a hint. “Chinese isnt the new

30、French. Its the new English, which is widely used all over the world. ”he toldCGTN. 【文章大意】本文为说明文, 文章主要介绍了汉语变得越来越受欢迎这一现象。 4. Why are Mark Zuckerberg and Arabella Kushner mentioned in Paragraph 1? A. To show Chinese is popular. B. To introduce them to the readers. C. To tell the readers they love Chin

31、a. D. To stress the importance of learning Chinese. 【解析】选 A。推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句 They both study Chinese as a second language. 文章提到前澳大利亚的首相 Kevin Rudd, 脸书 CEO Mark Zuckerberg 和特朗普的 孙女 Arabella Kushner, 是为了突出他们都在学汉语, 从而表明汉语很流行, 所以选 A。 5. What does the underlined word “Fascinated” in Paragraph 6 mean? A. A

32、ttracted.B. Employed. C. Inspected.D. Appreciated. 【解析】选 A。词义猜测题。根据第六段 Fascinated by Chinese. . . China. 可知是由于 被中国文化吸引, 参赛者参加各种有关中医以及民间艺术的活动, 所以 fascinated 表示吸引, 所以选 A。 6. What is the common reason for the competitors to learn Chinese? A. Its easy to learn even if you are not in China. B. They want

33、to become a Chinese doctor. C. They hope for a good job after graduation. D. They have interest in Chinese culture and rapid development. 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据文章第四段 While reasons for. . . development. 可知 这些参赛者们学习汉语的共同原因是他们对中国丰富的文化和快速的发展感兴趣, 所以选 D。 7. What is Robert Davis attitude to learning Chinese? A.

34、Doubtful.B. Supportive. C. Indifferent.D. Upset. 【解析】 选 B。 推理判断题。 根据文章最后一段 Robert Davis 说的“Chinese. . . the world. ” 可知他认为汉语将会像英语一样在全世界广泛应用, 所以他对学习汉语的态度是支持的, 所 以选 B。 . 语法填空 The giant panda 1.(love) by people throughout the world. Chinese scientists 2.(recent) had a chance to study a wild female pand

35、a with a newborn baby. She was a very 3.(care) mother. For 25 days, she never left her baby, not even to find something 4.(eat)!She would not let any other pandas come near. She licked the baby constantly to keep it clean. Any smell might attract natural 5.(enemy) that would try to eat the little pa

36、nda. The mother held the baby in her front paws much the way a human does. 6.it cried, she rocked it back and forth and gave it little comforting pats. The mother continued to care for the young panda 7.more than two years. By that time, the panda no longer needed 8.(it) mother for food. However, it

37、 stayed with her and learned about the ways of the forest. Then, after two and a half years, the mother 9.(drive) the young panda away. It was time for her to have a new baby, 10.it was also time for the young panda to be independent. 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了熊猫妈妈和她的孩子的故事。 1. 【解析】is loved。考查时态和语态。句意: 大熊猫为

38、全世界人们所喜爱。故此处使用一 般现在时的被动语态, 填 is loved。 2. 【解析】recently。考查副词。修饰句子, 此处应使用副词表示时间“最近”, 故填 recently。 3. 【解析】caring/careful。考查形容词。修饰名词 mother 应用形容词。care 的形容词可 以是 caring 或 careful, 故填 caring/careful。 4. 【解析】to eat。考查不定式。此处为动词不定式作 something 的后置定语, 意为: 可以 吃的东西, 故填 to eat。 5. 【解析】enemies。考查名词复数。本句表示“任何气味都可能吸引

39、自然界的敌人”。自 然界的敌人不止一个, 应该用复数形式, 故填 enemies。 6. 【解析】When/If。考查状语从句。根据句子意思: 当(如果)它哭的时候, 她就会前后摇 动, 故填 When/If。 7. 【解析】for。考查介词。此处 for 表示时间的长短, 故填 for。 8.【解析】 its。 考查代词。 此处表示“它的母亲”, 故使用形容词性物主代词修饰名词 mother, 故填 its。 9. 【解析】drove。考查时态。此处叙述过去的事情, 故用一般过去时态, 故填 drove。 10. 【解析】and。考查连词。句意: 到她生新的宝宝的时候了, 也到了这个小熊猫独立生活 的时候了。前后是并列关系, 故填 and。


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