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1、英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 1 - Unit 3The Internet Period 3Language Focus 学习目标 1.To master the usage of such important words and expressions as convenient,benefit,distance,inspire,access,tough,keep sb company,go through,so.that.,etc.;learn to express yourself by using them. 2.To learn the method of cons

2、tructing knowledge trees through self-study 便利 为了方便起见 在某人方便的时候 (书信用语)尽早;尽快 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 2 - 对某人方便 某人方便做某事 即学活用 (1)England is the largest of the four countries,and for(convenient) it is divided roughly into three zones. (2)(如果你方便的话),call me tomorrow before noon. (3)你方便四点钟接我吗? 2.【教材原句】At ag

3、e 50,she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company.50 岁时,她发现自己失业了,只能待在家里,只有电脑陪伴。 【句型】此句中 found herself out of work and stuck at home 属于“find+宾语+宾补”结构。 观察思考 When he awoke,he found himself in hospital.当他醒来时,发现自己在医院里。 I found the text difficult to understand

4、.我发现课文很难理解。 You will find it an interesting film.你会发现它是一部有趣的电影。 A group of children were found playing on the playground.有人发现一群孩子在操场上玩耍。 I found my wallet stolen on the bus.我发现我的钱包在公交车上被偷了。 归纳总结 “find+宾语+宾补”结构中,宾补可以由介词短语、形容词、名词、现在分词、过去分词等充当。 即学活用 (1)A cook will be immediately fired if he is found(sm

5、oke) in the kitchen. (2)When he came to himself,he found himself(surround) by a group of boys. (3)一些学生发现英语语法很难理解。 【词块】keep sb company 陪伴某人 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 3 - 观察思考 His parents have come from America to keep him company during his illness.他的父母从美国回来了,为了在 他生病期间陪伴他。 联系拓展 Thunder usually accompan

6、ies lightning.雷声常常伴随着闪电。 Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.不满十四岁的孩子必须由大人陪同。 He insisted on accompanying her to the station.他坚持要陪她去车站。 My friend Bill is coming to see me in company with his new friend.我的朋友比尔将和他的新朋友一起来看 我。 归纳总结 vt.陪伴 由陪伴 陪伴某人去某地 与一起 即学活用 (1)We usually have our smartpho

7、nes to(陪伴我们) at the table when eating. (2)Thunders( accompany) by heavy rain in this season are very common. 3.【教材原句】She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.她意识到互联网最大的好处之一是它能够消除通常存在于人与 人之间的距离感。 【单词】benef

8、it n.益处vt.使受益vi.得益于 观察思考 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 4 - Exercise is highly beneficial to health.锻炼对健康极为有益。 This research is of great benefit to mankind.这项研究对人类非常有益。 Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations.今天我们受益于无数的创造和发明。 Im sure everyone will benefit a lot from this activity.我相信大家都会

9、从这个活动中获益良多。 Ill go over the plan again for the benefit of those who arrived late.为了那些迟到的人我将重新讲一遍计划。 归纳总结 adj.有益的;有利的 对有益 从受益;得益于 为了的利益 即学活用 (1)阅读对我们大有裨益。(三种翻译方式) (2)The money is to be used(为了穷人的利益). 【单词】distance n.距离 观察思考 The mountain in the distance appears greener than it was before.远处的山比以前显得更绿了。

10、It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance.很难了解她,因为她总是与 大家保持一定的距离。 You can see the ancient ruins at a distance of 20 miles.从 20 英里处你就能看到这个古老的废墟。 These rocks proved that at one time in the distant past the Antarctic was covered by plants.这些岩石证明,在遥 远的过去南极洲曾经被植被覆

11、盖。 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 5 - 归纳总结 in the distance at/from a distance keep sb at a distance at a distance of. distant adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的 即学活用 (1)The picture looks beautiful(从远处). (2)The time we spent together is now(一段遥远的记忆). 4.【教材原句】She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to

12、 start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.她深受网友的启发,决定成立一个 IT 俱乐部,教年长一些 的人如何使用电脑和互联网。 【句型】so.that.意为“如此以至于”,that 引导结果状语从句。 观察思考 She is so lovely a girl that we all like her. She is such a lovely girl that we all like her.她是如此可爱的女孩,我们都很喜欢她。 She works so hard that we

13、 all respect her.她工作那么努力,我们都很敬佩她。 There were so many people that we could hardly move on.有那么多人,我们简直无法继续前行。 There is so little time left that we must hurry.剩下的时间太少了,我们必须要快一点。 They are such little children that they cant understand it.他们是这么小的孩子,他们不能理解它。 归纳总结 so+adj./adv.+that. so+adj.+a/an+n.(单数)+that

14、. so+many/few+n.(复数)+that. so+much/little(少的)+n.(不可数)+that. 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 6 - such+a/an+adj.+n.(单数)+that. such+adj.+n.(不可数)+that. such+adj.+n.(复数)+that. 即学活用 (1)这个箱子如此重以至于我提不起来。(两种翻译方式) (2)还有好多作业要做,我不能去公园。 【单词】inspire vt.鼓舞;激励 His speech is so inspiring that everybody got excited.他的演讲如此令人振

15、奋以至于所有人都很兴奋。 Inspired by her friends,she decided to start a charity website.受到朋友们的鼓舞,她决定创办一个慈善网站。 He gave me the inspiration to pick up my pen again.他鼓舞我重新拿起笔(写作)。 Her trust has inspired me to do what I never imagined possible.她的信任激励着我去做本以为不可能的事。 归纳总结 adj.鼓舞人心的;激励的 adj.备受鼓舞的 n.鼓舞人心的人(或事物);灵感 激励某人干某人

16、 即学活用 (1)(inspire) by dolphin sounds,he wrote this piece of music. (2)We were all(inspire) by his(inspire) speech. 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 7 - 5.【教材原句】She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new

17、 technology.她认为消除数字鸿沟、 确保每个人都能使用 互联网并且知晓如何运用新技术是非常重要的。 【词块】the digital divide:the gap between those who have access to the Internet and those who dont,and those who know how to use new technology and those who dont,可译为“数字鸿沟” 【单词】access n.通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会 观察思考 A number of people cant get access to

18、 clean drinking water.许多人喝不到干净的饮用水。 Students in our school have access to excellent sports facilities.我们学校的学生可以使用极好的体育设施。 Medicines should not be kept where it is accessible to children.药品应该放在孩子们够不到的地方。 This magazine makes complex ideas attractive and accessible to children.这本杂志使复杂的思想吸引孩子且 容易被他们理解。

19、归纳总结 可以使用/得到(机会、权利等) adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的;易懂的 易被某人所接近/使用/理解 即学活用 (1)Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be(access) to children. (2)在我们国家几乎所有的孩子都能接受教育。 6.【教材原句】When you go through tough times,you meet others who are facing similar challenges.当你经历 艰难时期时,你会遇到面临相似挑战的人。 【词块】g

20、o through 经历;经受 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 8 - 观察思考 Going through the newspaper in the morning is my grandpas routine job.清晨浏览报纸是我爷爷每天的 常规工作。 Please go through these papers carefully.请仔细审阅这些论文。 It took them an entire day to go through the forest.他们花了整整一天才穿过那片森林。 It is a pity that your plan did not go t

21、hrough.很遗憾你们的计划没有通过。 归纳总结 go through 常见的含义:经历,经受;通读,浏览;仔细检查,审阅;穿过;(提案、计划等)被通过 联系拓展 go after追逐;追求 go by经过;(时间)流逝 go ahead前进;领先;说吧 go over复习;越过 go against违背;对不利 go without没有也行 即学活用 写出下列各句中 go through 的含义。 (1)The country had gone through too many wars. (2)You must go through your papers before you hand

22、 them in. (3)The rope is too thick to go through the hole. (4)It is said that the new school rule didnt go through. 【单词】tough adj.艰难的 观察思考 Dont be too tough on himhe is only a child.别对他要求过严他还只是个孩子。 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 9 - It was a tough decision to make.这是个很难做的决定。 The tool is made from a very to

23、ugh steel.这种工具是用一种非常坚硬的钢材制成的。 The meat was tough and hard to chew.这肉太老嚼不动。 归纳总结 tough 常见的含义:艰难的,棘手的;严格的,严厉的;强硬的;坚固的,结实的;(食物等)难嚼的 即学活用 写出下列各句中 tough 的含义。 (1)He is having a tough time at the moment. (2)A tough law on industrial pollution will be adopted next month. (3)This is a tough pair of shoes. 巩固

24、提升 .用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空或在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 1.We must arrange a(convenience) time and place for the meeting. 2.Towards nightfall I found myself(carry) out to sea by a strong wind. 3.He is the first one(get) to the classroom every day. 4.We remembered the(inspire) tasks he gave us last time. 5.Tom is now work

25、ing as a volunteer in a remote village school,which is only(access) by boat. 6.The book is so hardI cannot read it at all. .根据所给汉语提示,完成下列句子。 1.Those who have(经历) terrible earthquakes know the value of life. 2.Since she had nobody to(陪伴她),she started chatting online to kill time. 3.(既然) the weather i

26、s fine,lets go for a picnic. 4.Learning that you are organising this activity to share books worldwide,Im writing to(申请) it. .英汉互译。 1.定期锻炼对我们的健康有益。 (1) 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 10 - (2) 2.如果方便的话,请给我回电话。 3.这个故事太滑稽了,把大家都逗笑了。 4.The access to success is to make use of the access to education. 5.It was a

27、tough decision to move to London. 核心素养专练 .用适当的介词填空。 1.It is convenientyou to keep in touch with friends through the Internet. 2.Id like to introduce two apps.Both of you can benefitthem. 3.Never make funothers when they are crying because you may never fully understand what tough times they have gon

28、e. 4.You need a password to get accessthe computer system. 5.A 59-year-old man learnt how to applywork online and found a great job. .选词填空(用所给词汇的适当形式填空)。(课本 P29 Activity 4) accessconvenientsurfinspiredistance networkdownloadcashupdatebenefit The Internet has brought greatto Wuzhen,a small waterside

29、town in Zhejiang Province.For the past few years,Wuzhen has hosted the World Internet Conference (WIC),which makes life in this ancient town much morethan it has been.Residents here canonline as easily as in large modern cities.Plus they canmovies and music at high speeds.The Internet has even chang

30、ed Wuzhens transport! For short,both residents and tourists can use the public bike system.Bikes can be rented by using online appsno need for paperwork orpayment.In 2016,the parking system for Wuzhens WIC centre wasto be fully Internet-based.Wuzhens entering the world of the Internet shouldother sm

31、all towns around the world.No matter how small a town is,everyone should be able to join the globalandthe world of the Internet! .语法填空。 Jan Tchamani,1.English teacher in Birmingham,UK,suddenly developed a serious illness and had to quit her job.She found herself out of work and 2.(stick) at home wit

32、h only her computer to keep her company.After a while,she discovered that surfing the Internet could help her feel less lonely and bored.She also joined an online group 3.she could talk about her problems and get support and advice from others.She realised that one of the greatest 4.(benefit) of the

33、 Internet was its ability to remove the 5.(distant) that usually exists between people.She was so 6.(inspire) by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 11 - the Internet.Many people 7.(help) by the club by

34、 now.Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about how to use the Internet to make society 8.(good).She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access 9.the Internet and knows how to use new technology.Her next goal is 10.(start)a

35、 charity website to raise money for children in poor countries. 1.2.3. 4.5.6. 7.8.9. 10. 参考答案 课堂探究 1.归纳总结 convenience for convenience at ones convenience at your earliest convenience be convenient for sb It is convenient for sb to do sth 即学活用 (1)convenience(2)If it is convenient for you (3)Would it

36、be convenient for you to pick me up at 4 oclock? 2.即学活用 (1)smoking (2)surrounded (3)Some students find English grammar difficult to understand. 归纳总结 accompany be accompanied by accompany sb to a place in company with 即学活用 (1)keep us company(2)accompanied 3.归纳总结 beneficial be beneficial to/be of bene

37、fit to 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 12 - benefit (.) from for the benefit of 即学活用 (1)Reading is of great benefit to us. Reading is highly beneficial to us. We can benefit a lot from reading. (2)for the benefit of the poor 归纳总结 在远处 隔一段距离;从远处 和某人保持距离;避免与某人太亲近 在远处 即学活用 (1)at/from a distance(2)a distant memo

38、ry 4.即学活用 (1)It is so heavy a box that I cant lift it. It is such a heavy box that I cant lift it. (2)There is so much homework to do that I cant go to the park. 归纳总结 inspiring inspired inspiration inspire sb to do sth 即学活用 (1)Inspired(2)inspired;inspiring 5.归纳总结 have/get/gain access to accessible b

39、e accessible to sb 即学活用 (1)accessible (2)Almost all children have access to education in our country. 英语 24 字整体教学 名师团队助你一臂之力- 13 - 6.即学活用 (1)经历,经受(2)仔细检查,审阅(3)穿过(4)被通过 即学活用 (1)艰难的(2)严厉的(3)结实的 巩固提升 .1.convenient2.carried3.to get4.inspiring5.accessible6.that .1.gone through2.keep her company3.Now that

40、4.apply for .1.(1)Taking exercise regularly is of benefit to our health. (2)Taking exercise regularly is beneficial to our health. 2.If it is convenient for you,please call me back. 3.The story was so funny that it made everybody laugh. 4.通向成功的方法是好好利用受教育的机会。 5.迁居伦敦是一个很难做出的决定。 核心素养专练 .1.for2.from3.of;through4.to5.for .benefits;convenient;surf;download;distances;cash;updated;inspire;network;access .1.an2.stuck3.where4.benefits5.distance6.inspired7.have been helped8.better9.to10.to start


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