(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 5 中国传统文化高中英语翻译 (含答案).doc

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1、中国传统文化翻译 一、儒家思想由孔子在春秋时期创立,并迅速成为中国文化的核心内容之一。儒家重视道 德和人与人之间的关系,着力关注人类社会的秩序的和谐安定:对于虚无缥缈的神灵(illusory divine)世界,尽量采取回避的态度,或按照自己的观念加以改造而得到强化。儒学对中国文化 产生了巨大的影响,其价值观念渗透在中国人民的生活、思想和习俗中。 1. Confucius established the Confucian school of thought during the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucianism quickly became one

2、 of the pillars of Chinese Culture.Confucian philosophy attaches great importance to ethics and interpersonal relationships and is concerned about the harmony and stability of the order of human society. It adopts the attitude of trying as much as possible to evade the illusory divine world or inten

3、sifying the concept through the transformation of divine world according to ones own ideology. Confucianism has had a great influence on Chinese culture with its values permeating the life, thinking and customs of the Chinese people. 二、要顺应人民群众对美好生活环境的期待,大力加强生态文明建设和环境保护。生态环 境关系人民福祉,关乎子孙后代和民族未来。要坚持节约资

4、源和保护环境的基本国策,着力推 进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展。同时,要积极推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建 设、社会建设,谱写中国特色社会主义事业新篇章。 2. In response to peoples expectations of having a good living environment, we should greatly strengthen ecological improvement and environmental protection. The ecological environment has a bearing on peoples well-bei

5、ng as well as the future of our following generations and our nation as a whole. We should adhere to the basic state policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment and endeavor to promote green, circular, and low-carbon development. Meanwhile,we should promote significant socialist ec

6、onomic, political, cultural, and social progress, and write a new chapter in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 三、春节是中国的重要节日。临近春节时,所有的中国人会想尽办法赶回家乡与亲朋好友 团聚。尽管这使得公共汽车、火车、飞机和道路异常拥挤,但是人们似乎不在意,因为回家过 春节更重要!除夕永远是人们与家人共享年夜饭和跨年的特别时刻。一家人在一起聊天、讲笑 话,分享自己的经历,其乐融融。 3. The Chinese Spring Festival is

7、the most important holiday in China. In the days leading up to the Spring Festival, all Chinese people will do their best to get back to their hometown to spend the holiday with their family members and friends. This means that buses, trains, planes and roads are packed, but people brave it out beca

8、use it is important to get home! The Chinese New Year Eve is always a special time for having the family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year s Eve and ringing in the new year. Families will chat, tell jokes and share stories in a pleasant atmosphere. 四、中国是茶叶的故乡。茶叶发源于中国的西南地区。中国的西南地区气候温暖潮湿,非 常适宜茶叶的生长。至今,

9、有着 2700 多年历史的野生茶树和 800 多年历史的栽种茶树仍然存 在。 茶叶最初被发现时, 是作为一种药材来使用的。 之后, 茶叶开始用于制作肥皂和烹饪食物。 在秦朝(公元前 221-206 年)和汉朝(公元前 206-公元 220 年)期间,人们开始广泛地使用茶 叶。 4. China is the homeland of tea. It was in the southwestern part of China that tea was first discovered. The climate there is warm and wetthis is the perfect env

10、ironment for the tea trees. More than 2,700-year-old wild tea trees and over800-year-old planted tea trees can still be found there. When tea was first discovered, it was used as medicine. After this, tea s tarted to be added to soaps and used to flavor food. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, people

11、 started using tea in different ways. 中国传统文化词汇 1.元宵节: Lantern Festival 2.刺绣: Embroidery 3.重阳节: Double-Ninth Festival 4.清明节: Tomb sweeping day 5.剪纸:Paper Cutting 6.书法: Calligraphy 7.对联: (Spring Festival) Couplets 8.象形文字: Pictograms/Pictograpic Characters 9.雄黄酒: Realgar wine 10.四合院: Siheyuan/Quadrangl

12、e 11.战国: Warring States 12.风水: Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13.昆曲: Kunqu Opera 14.长城:The Great Wall 15.集体舞: Group Dance 16.黄土高原: Loess Plateau 17.红白喜事: Weddings and Funerals 18.中秋节: Mid-Autumn Day 19.花鼓戏: Flower Drum Song 20.儒家文化: Confucian Culture 21.中国结:Chinese knotting 22.古装片: Costume Drama 23.武打片: Ch

13、inese Swordplay Movie 24.元宵: Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25.越剧:Yue Opera 26.火锅: Hot Pot 27.江南: South Regions of the Yangtze River 28. 诗经: The Book of Songs 29.谜语: Riddle 30.史记: Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31.红楼梦: A Dream of Red Mansions 32.西游记: The Journey to the West 3

14、3.除夕: Chinese New Year s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34.针灸: Acupuncture 35.唐三彩: Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery 36.二人转: Errenzhuan 37.偏旁: Radical 38.孟子: Mencius 39.亭/阁: Pavilion/ Attic 40.黄梅戏: Huangmei opera 41.火药: Gunpowder 42.农历: Lunar Calendar 43.印/玺: Seal/S

15、tamp 44.腊八节: The laba Rice Porridge Festival 45.京剧: Beijing Opera/Peking Opera 46.秦腔: Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera 47.太极拳:Tai Chi 48.本草纲目: Compendium of Materia Medica 49.天坛: Altar of Heaven in Beijing 50.小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand 51.红双喜: Double Happiness 52.国子监: Imperial Academy 53.春卷: Spring Rol

16、l(s) 54.莲藕: Lotus Root 55.罗盘: Luopan 56.故宫博物院: The Palace Museum 57.相声: Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue 58.五行: Five Phases 59.北京烤鸭: Beijing Roast Duck 60.桃花扇: The Peach Blossom Fan 61.木偶戏:Puppet Show 62.敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves 63.电视小品: TV Sketch/TV Skit 64.甲骨文:Oracle Bone Inions 65.古筝:Chinese Zither 66.二胡:Urhee

17、n 67.门当户对: Perfect Match/Exact Match 68.水浒: Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh 69.除夕:Chinese New Years Eve 70.文房四宝( 笔墨纸砚):The Four Treasure of the StudyBrush,Inkstick,Paper, and Inkstone” 71.兵马俑: Cotta Warriors/ Terracotta Army 72.旗袍:Cheongsam 73.指南针:Compass 74.泼水节: Water-Splashing Day 75.馄饨: Wonton

18、76.花卷: Steamed twisted rolls 77.羊肉泡馍: Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup 78.冰糖葫芦: A stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.) 79.八宝饭: Eight-treasure rice pudding 80.粉丝: Glass Noodles 81.豆腐脑: Jellied bean curd 82.小品: Witty Skits 83.孝顺: To show filial obedience 84.武术: Wushu(Chinese Martial Arts) 85.宣纸:R

19、ice Paper 86.衙门: Yamen 87.叩头:Kowtow 88.中庸: The way of medium(cf.Golden Means) 89.牌楼: Pailou( pai-loo ) 90.东坡肉: Dongpo Pork 91.中山陵: The Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum 92.秦淮河: Qinhuai River 93.玄武湖: Xuanwu Lake 94.夫子庙: The Confucian Temple 95.鸭血粉丝:Duck blood fans 96.盐水鸭: Yanshuiya,or salted and baked duck 97.大煮

20、干丝:Gansi 98.小笼包: Steamed buns 99.明孝陵:Ming Tomb 100.云锦: Nanjing brocade 五. 丝绸之路(the Silk Road)是历史上连接中国和地中海的一条重要贸易路线。 因为这条路 上的丝绸贸易占绝大部分,所以在 1877 年它被德国的地理学家命名为“丝绸之路”。这条古道 从长安开始,经过河西走廊(the Hexi Corridor),到达敦煌后分成三条“南部路线,中部路线和 北部路线。这三条路遍布新疆维吾尔自治区(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region),然后扩展到 巴基斯坦(Pakistan),印度,甚

21、至罗马。 5. The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean. It was named the Silk Road by an eminent German geographer in1877 because silk comprised a large proportion of the articles traded along the road. This ancient road begins at Changan, then by way of the Hexi Corridor, and it reaches Dunhuang, where it divides into the Southern Route,the Central Route and the Northern Route. The three routes spread all over the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and they extend to Pakistan, India and even Rome.


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