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1、Book1 welcome unit 单词拼写 1.Im happy to learn that you will come to our school next term as an e_ student. 2.She has turned down several invitations in order to c_ on her studies. 3. I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and Im a_ to get help from you. 4.Your art skills are excelle

2、nt and admirable, which leaves me a deep i_ . 5.Only in this way can you have a chance to achieve your _(目标). 6.The _(组织) is designed to help people who wish to teach abroad. 7.I think it is her _(个性) rather than her looks that has struck me. 8.People speak in a more polite way in _(正式的) situations.

3、 9. An exchange student is talking to a teacher on _(操场). 10.What learning _(策略) do you and your partner share? 11.I know you are feeling _(烦恼) these days because you are not able to communicate with others effectively. 12.People have always been c_about how life on earth began 13.This course is spe

4、cially _( 设 计 ) for beginners like you, focusing on listening and speaking practice. 14.These _(实验) showed that our body clocks are affected by light and temperature. 15.We shouldnt mind what others say so long as we are _(自信) about what we have done. 语法填空 1.As a senior high student , I think you sh

5、ould concentrate your attention _ your skills of learning. 2.More and more countries are looking forward to_(join) the Belt and Road Project. 3. When _(ask) by the teacher suddenly, he could not come up with a proper answer. 4.This project _(design) to help the students in need just didnt work out a

6、s planned. 5.I believe I will make new friends here, and theres a lot_ (explore) at senior high. 6.We students should often exchange ideas _ our parents, who are rich in experience, and love us most in the world. 7.You will surely be _(impress) with those beautiful papercutting art works. 8.But when

7、 the police arrived, they found the door _ (lock) and all windows closed. 9.Hearing the huge noise, the f_baby refused to sleep in his cradle(摇篮) . Book1 unit1 单词拼写 1.There is a heated d_ on/over/about whether women should spend more time in the home. 2.Eye doctors r_ that a child s first eye exam (

8、should) be at the age of six months old. 3.You must q_ smoking.Most important of all , you should start taking exercise. 4.Ourschoolistryingtoteachyoungpeopletodevelopasenseof _(责任感). 5.The exhibition, to be held in the city Hall of Xian lasts for seven days from June 6th to 12th, which will _(吸引)a

9、large number of visitors at home and abroad. 6. With so many things to be worried about, he couldnt f_ (his attention) on study. 7.To make a good journey you must first organize your _( 日 程 安 排)properly. 8.I am quite _(困惑) by Chinese table manners. Id appreciate it if you can give me some tips on ho

10、w to behave properly at a dinner party. 9.Firstly,because Im good at spoken English,I think I am s_ for this job. 10.One of the _ (挑战) he has accepted is to swim across the river. 11.Im writing to apply for the post of _(志愿者) for our school English association. 12._(显然), the ability to talk is somet

11、hing that marks humans off from animals. 13.In many ways,children live in a world different from _(成年人). 14.The old story has been passed down to us by one _ (一代) after another. 15.He should apologize to you for his rude_(行为). 语法填空 1.They asked so many questions that I got _(confuse). 2.Nowadays man

12、y children prefer surfing the Internet at home to _ (take) exercise outdoors. 3.That rich man is tired of city life,so he is content _ (live) in the country. 4.Im thinking of signing up _ a yoga course. 5.Teenagers who are _ (addict) to the Internet are more likely to suffer from depression. 6.As we

13、 all know,babies are attracted _ bright colours. Book1 unit2 单词拼写 1.If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 5:00 p.m. next Thursday so that we will make necessary _ (安排). 2.Everyone is _ (独一无二的) and you dont have to imitate others. 3.The sun is the major _ (来源) of energy for our p

14、lanet. 4.Jerry did not regret giving the _ ( 评论) but felt that he could have expressed it differently. 5.I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, where we enjoyed a splendid v_ of the lake. 6.Midautumn Festival is an appealing and important festival when people a_ the moon and enjoy moonc

15、akes 7.The Internet helps me to get / keep / stay in _(联系) with my friends. 8.The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without being _(认出). 9.Ellis Island has become one ofAmericas most popular tourist_(目的地). 10.Spain took c_ of Peru in the 16thcentury and ruled until 1821. 11.I

16、 am writing to a_ for the post of volunteer for our school English club. 12.Its unbelievable that I met an old friend on the _(航班) from London to Paris. 语法填空 1.He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure _ the wounds. 2.Ifyouwanttoapplyformembership,youareaskedtofillinthe _(apply). 3.The city has be

17、en built up so fast that it has changed beyond _ (recognize). 4.Because of the spread of the serious illness, they have made an urgent request _ international aid. 5.Three parts make _ my speech.= My speech is made up _ 3 parts. 6.The two officers were _(extreme) lucky to escape serious injury. 7.Yo

18、u are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel _ the coach picks up tourists. 8.A Chinese papercutting exhibition will be held in our school hall on May 5th, and a number of students cant wait _(visit) it Book1 unit3 单词拼写 1.When I go on a d_, I eat only cucumbers, and that reduces my weight quic

19、kly. 2.They read newspapers everyday to keep t_ of current events. 3.Helen Keller never gave up and always took a p_ attitude toward(s) / to life. 4.It is my / an h_ to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school. 5.Each of us has our own s_ and weaknesses. 6.Up to a

20、 certain point, the more _( 压力 ) you are under, the better your performance will be. 7.Im writing to invite you to c_ in the Chinese paper cutting art competition. 8.Dogs owners should be responsible if their pets do an _(伤害) to other people or cause damage to their property. 9.Germany will compete

21、against Spain for the _(冠军) tonight. 10.Susan never _(作弊) in her exams,because she laid great stress on proper behavior. 语法填空 1.Only when we match our words with actions can we make a _(different) in our life. 2.I have determined _ working as a volunteer teacher in the countryside after graduation.

22、3.As long as you have a dream, keep trying and youll make _. 4._(Compare) with last year,the price of beef has increased. 5.She pretended _ (do) her homework when her mother came in. 6.See, your computer has broken down again! _ doesnt make sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a

23、few dollars 7.Dont refer to your notes when answering questions, _ you? Book1unit4 单词拼写 1. To his sorrow, the building he visited last year was completely d_by fire. 2. Apparently, blindly following others advice will _( 影 响 ) our own judgment. 3.The whole city lay in r_ after the earthquake, which

24、made us awake all night. 4.Too much packaging is doing / causing serious d_ to the environment. 5.An unhappy childhood may have some negative e_ on a persons character; however, they are not always permanent. 6.Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to _(生存) is to

25、 live in harmony with nature. 7.Abig earthquake s_ the city last year,killing dozens of people 8.If you are lost in the mountains, stay / keep c_ in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. 9.The government took immediate action to _ (帮助)the earthquake victims as soon as the earthquake hap

26、pened. 10.As the saying goes,“Knowledge is p_ 11.This is one of the worst natural _(灾难) ever to hit the area. 12.The first thing he did was to find _(掩蔽处) from the freezing wind and snow. 13.John is always working hard. So he is.I believe all his _(努力) will be rewarded at last. 14.There is a _(小结) a

27、t the end of each chapter. 15._(紧急情况) line operators must always stay calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. 语法填空 1.To our delight, the _ (suffer) has decided to give up smoking. 2.He made a mistake, _ ruined his chance of going abroad. 3.He sank into a chair, _

28、 (bury) his face in his hands. 4._(bury) in his books, he was not aware it was raining outside. 5.One of the most _ (effect) ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust. 6._ struck me that we might have made the wrong decision. 7.The moment he saw the poor little boy on TV

29、 , he determined to aid him in _ (continue) his study. 8.I prefer the room _window faces south. 9.The light music I am addicted to _(be) also popular with many young people. Book1 unit5 单词拼写 1.Please write down the name of the hotel for future r_. 2.The booklet gives a brief _(描述)of each place. 3.Bu

30、t I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people e_. 4.Im writing to express my sincere _(感激) for the MP5 you sent to me. 5.Nowadays many foreigners love to study Chinese c_ in China. 6.D_ the high mountains and thick forests, the doctors and n

31、urses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue. 7.This is an animal that is _(特有的) to this part ofAfrica. 8.She is now crazy about _(古典的) music and will not miss any chance to attend a concert. 9.What subject did you _(主修) in when you were in university? 10.Ill a_ it if you can reply to my

32、 letter at your earliest convenience. 语法填空 1.No matter _ well you know Paris, it is easy to get lost. 2.My demand is that the information referred to in my report _(email) to Mr. Brown without delay. 3.Helen Keller became deaf and blind when she was 19 months old, but she never gave up and struggled

33、 _ (lead) an active life. 4.There are _ (variety) of reasons in favor of my opinion that a Chinese dictionary shouldnt include English words. 5.According to the expert, the temple has a history _(date) back tothe early TangDynasty. 6.Just as the saying goes,“One tree doesnt make a forest”;our succes

34、s is based _cooperating with others. 7.People who work in offices are usually referred to _“white collar workers”. Welcome unit 单词拼写 1. exchange2.concentrate3.anxious4.impression5.goal.6organisation7.personality 8.formal.9campus10.strategies11.annoyed12.curious13.designed14.experiments 15.confident

35、语法填空1on2 joining3 asked 4designed 5to explore 6with 7impressed 8locked 9frightened Unit1 1. debate2. recommend 3.quit4.responsibility 5.attract6.focus7.schedule 8.confused9.suitable10.challenges11.volunteer12.Obviously13.adults 14.generation 15.behavior 1. confused2.taking3.to live 4.for 5. 5addicte

36、d. 6.to Unit2 1. ment5.view6.admire7.contact8.recognized 9.destinations10.control11.apply12.flight 1.to2.application3.recognition 4.for5.up,of6.extremely7.that8.to visit Unit3 pete8.injury9.champion 10.cheated 1.difference2.on/upon 3it 4. Compared 5.to be doing6.It 7. will Unit4 1. destroyed 2.affec

37、t 3.ruins 4.damage 5.effects 6.survive 7.struck 8.calm 9. aid 10.power 11.disasters 12.shelter13.efforts14.summary15.Emergency 1. sufferer2.which 3.burying 4.buried 5. effective 6.It 7. continuing 8.whose 9.is Unit5 1reference2.description3.equal4.appreciation5.characters6.Despite7.specific 8.classic 9.major 10. appreciate 1.how 2.(should)be emailed 3.to lead 4.varieties 5.dating 6.on 7. as


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