陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Spring Is Coming!-Unit 2 Spring Is Coming!(通用)-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:80190).doc

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陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Spring Is Coming!-Unit 2 Spring Is Coming!(通用)-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:80190).doc_第1页
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1、1 Unit 2spring is coming教学设计 TeachingTeaching content(content(教学内容教学内容) ): 陕西旅游版英语教材五年级下册英语课本 Unit2Unit2 SpringSpring i is s coming!coming! TeachingTeaching materialmaterial analysisanalysis(教材简析(教材简析) : 本课是陕西旅游版英语教材五年级下册英语课本 Unit2Unit2 SpringSpring i is s coming!coming!的内容。本节课的教学重点是复习巩固上节课所学关于季 节的名

2、词,让学生掌握并运用句型 What do you do in?询问并谈论 在相应的季节里可做什么活动,学习用频度副词 often 和 sometimes 进行描述和回答。 TheThe designdesign conceptconcept(设计理念):(设计理念): 本课是依据英语课程标准编写,从学生学习兴趣,生活经验 和认知水平出发,通过听、说、读、玩、演 、写的训练,利用多媒 体,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的听说读写能力,增强学生 的求知欲。让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中掌握所学知识,有效地促进教 学效果。 ThreeThree dimensionaldimensional target

3、target(三维目标):三维目标): 1 1、知识与技能目标知识与技能目标。学生掌握并运用句型 What do you do in? 询问并谈论在相应的季节里应该做什么活动,学习用频度副词 often 和 sometimes 进行描述和回答。 2 2 2、过程与方法目标。、过程与方法目标。在教学过程中运用图片,小知识,多媒体 等教学手段,通过听、说、读、玩、演的过程来激发学生学习的兴趣, 增强学生学习的趣味性,培养学生简单的口语交际能力。 3 3、情感态度与价值观目标。、情感态度与价值观目标。用多种形式的教学手段和丰富多彩 的教学活动吸引学生参与其中,关注学生的情感,营造宽松、愉快、 和谐的

4、氛围。让学生体验合作学习的乐趣,发挥评价的激励作用,增 强学生学习英语的自信心。 通过本课的学习让学生体会到季节的丰富 多彩、生活的绚烂多姿,使学生热爱大自然、热爱生活! 教学重点教学重点(TeachingTeachingkeykeypointspoints ) : Be able to use the following sentences to talk some activities about every season. _ What do you do in? _ I often with my friends. Sometimes we 教学难点教学难点(TeachingTeach

5、ingdifficultdifficultpointspoints ): 1、Be able to understand and use the upon sentences to talk some activities about every season. 2、Be able to understand :Tree Planting Day、 How interesting! 教教学方法学方法(Teaching(Teaching methods)methods) : Communication(情景教学法)sing song(说唱法) Conversation(交流 法)Asking a

6、nd answering(问答法)Small group work(小组练习法) 学法指导学法指导(Learningmethods ): 3 Looking( 看 )Saying( 说 ) Acting( 表 演 ) singing( 唱 ) Playing game(游戏) 教学教学准备(准备(PreparationsPreparations) : 单词卡片,PPT 课件,贴图卡片 TeachingTeachingproceproceduredure( (教学过程教学过程):): Stepone:warmingup(愉悦热身愉悦热身) 1、Greeting(问候) 2、free talk(轻

7、松交流) T: Are you happy my children? S: Yes. T: Show me a happy look!(生露出微笑的表情) Show me a big happy look! (生露出更为开心的表情) Wow , how happy we are! Lets say together: How happy we are! 3、chant and act.(说唱热身) Whatwhatwhatdo you do? IIfly fly fly a kite. IIgo go go swimming. Whatwhatwhatdo you do? IIclimb cl

8、imb climb the mountains. IImake make make a snowman. (在明快的音乐节奏中,师生边唱边做动作,极大地调动起学生 英语学习的趣味性与积极性) 4 4Devide all students into two groups.One is Tree Group,the other is Flower Group.(趣味分组) Steptwo: New presentation(生动呈现)生动呈现): 1、Review the key words from the upon chanting. Review the key words:spring,s

9、ummer,autumn winter. Flash cards to review the key words pronunciation and spelling. Guess: Whats the teachers favorite season?引入 often 和 sometimes. 2Teacher shows some beautiful picture about spring. Then say“Spring is coming!”(学生欣赏春天美景,润物细无声的引 入了课文主题句的学习。) Show and stick word card: ride a bike pla

10、nt trees. Spell it:.Write it on the blackboard. Teach this new words. T: I often go out to play with my friends. Sometimes we fly kites and climb the mountains. What do you do in spring?( Inserv leaningwordsoften, sometimes, interesting) 3Learn Lets talk. Lets listen. Insert leaning new wordsTree Pl

11、anting Dayand exclamatory sentence “How interesting!”. 5 Listen and answer Are they happy? What does Li Shan do in spring? What does Su Nan do in spring? Answer the questions and check studentscomprehension about the text.(播放课件对话朗读,通过回答问题促使学生对课 文深层理解锻炼。 ) Read the dialogue with the different ways. R

12、ead after the tape one sentence by one sentence. Read it in group. Stepthree: Practice one(Look and guess.)趣味游戏趣味游戏 Task supermarket.(任务超市) Stepfour: Practice two (Introducefamily )趣味实践趣味实践 Show pictures of different seasons and talk : What do you do in ? Stepfive: Drill.(Let s share)分享体验)分享体验 1Let

13、s share. Read a short writing emotionally with the music. My favorite season is coming ! Its my favorite season. It is. 6 How happy we are! What do I do in? I oftenwith my friends. Sometimes we. . How interesting! 2 2LetLet s s write.write. After sharing, let students imitate writing a short English

14、 passage.(让学生在舒缓的音乐声中欣赏短文,练写小短文, 交流分享小短文。) Stepsix: Summary(总结评价总结评价) 1、Summarizes the class content.(总结全课内容) 2、Everyday an English sentence:(每日一句) Enjoy the seasons!Enjoy our life! (既扩充了课堂知识容量,也适时有效的培养了学生热爱自然 热爱生活的高尚情操,将德育有效地融入英语课堂教学。) 作业设计(作业设计(Homework): 一星级(1 star)1Introduce your favorite season

15、 to your friends and your family.(将你最喜欢的季节介绍给你的朋友和家 人。) 二星级(2 stars)Do a survey (在你家里做一个小调查) 7 三星级(三星级(3 3 starsstars):):TryTry toto saysay youryour favoritefavorite seasonseason toto youryour parents.parents.和你的家人分享你本节课所写的小作文和你的家人分享你本节课所写的小作文. .(注:一、二星级(注:一、二星级 为必做题,三星级为选做题,供能力较好的学生选做。)为必做题,三星级为选做题

16、,供能力较好的学生选做。) BlackboardBlackboard designdesign : : Unit2Unit2 SpringSpring isis coming!coming! springsummerautumnwinter What do you do in? I oftenwith my friends. Sometimes we Teaching Reflection(教学反思(教学反思) : 在本节课的教学中,我注重从学生的心理年龄特点出发,精心设 计教法,以突出重点,突破难点,使教学内容形象直观,易于学生接 受。在课堂中我尽量少说汉语,而是运用简单的英语组织教学,创设

17、 语言情境,激发学生的参与热情,适时运用激励性语言,鼓励学生学 习语言,运用语言进行表达。本节课我把英语课与活动课相融合,倡 导体验参与, 通过谈论自己最喜欢的季节、 谈论自己在季节中干的事、 自编小诗等活动,使学生感受合作学习的快乐,用英语进行交流体验 生活的的乐趣,通过的 Spring is coming 视频和 Chant 通过本课的 学习让学生体会到季节的丰富多彩、生活的绚烂多姿,使学生热爱大 自然、热爱生活!整个课堂让学生在活动中快乐学英语,通过听听、 做做,说说、猜猜、玩玩等方式,将词汇教学融入到句子之中,将句 型融入情景中,在活动中提高学生的语言综合运用能力,达到学以致 用的目的。本节课学生学的很开心、很有趣 、很有意义,真正体现 了英语学习学在乐中,乐在学中!


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