陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Spring Is Coming!-Part C-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:70133).zip

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学习目标学习目标: 听力原文:听力原文: 1. Its cold. Sometimes it snows. And we can make a snowman. 2. Its warm. The trees are green and we can see flowers here and there. 3. Its cool. And the trees are yellow and we can have nice apples and pears. So I like it. 4. Its hot. Children like to go swimming in the river. They should be careful. Listen and number 32 41 What do birds do in spring? Birds sing song in spring. What do ducks do in summer? Ducks always swim in summer. Look and answer What do children do in autumn? Children eat fruits in autumn. What do bears do in winter? Bears often sleep in winter. Read and find the right clothes for each season Winter in Harbin is cold. People wear warm coats and boots. Spring in Shanghai is warm. People wear shirts and trousers. Summer in Sanya is very hot. Girls wear skirts and boys wear shorts. Autumn in Xian is cool. People wear sweaters and jackets. SpringSummer AutumnWinter warm coats boots shirts trousers skirts shorts sweaters jackets 作业:作业: 写一篇作文写一篇作文My Favorite Season Unit2 Spring Is Coming! Part C 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1.完成 Part C 部分的活动,并对本单元所学的有关季节的词汇 和功能句进行全面的复习; 2.通过各项复习巩固活动,提高学生语言运用能力。 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 完成 Part C 部分的活动,并对本单元所学的有关季节的词汇和 功能句进行全面的复习 三、教学难点:三、教学难点: 通过各项复习巩固活动,提高学生语言运用能力 四、学法:四、学法: 自主探究 合作交流 五、教具准备:五、教具准备: 单词卡片,教鞭和奖励用的贴图 六、教学环节:六、教学环节: (一)复习导入(一)复习导入 1.读单词; 师出示单词卡片 spring,summer, autumn, winter, season 并 抽读; 请两位同学在黑板上用这些单词拼出它们的关系图: spring summer season autumn winter 师订正后并给做对的同学贴皇冠,别的同学用掌声鼓励。 T: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? SS: Four. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. T: Give them a big hand! 2.写单词; 师多媒体出示图片,生开火车写单词(第一个学生在图片下 写对应的单词,第二个学生拿书纠正,其余的同学在练习本上写。 以此类推写完单词) ; 师及时纠正并评价。 T: Is the letter “k” beautiful? S1: No.it isnt T: I write a beautiful letter and you write below. (二)探究新知(二)探究新知 1.板书课题 Unit2 Spring Is Coming !(Part C) 2.师出示学习目标并和生齐读一遍; 完成 Part C 部分的活动,并对本单元所学的有关季节的词汇 和功能句进行全面的复习; 通过各项复习巩固活动,提高学生语言运用能力。 3.完成 Part C Listen and number ; 生打开书并观察听力对应的四幅图; 师多媒体出示听力原文并让生用不同的的方式读一遍; 师多媒体播放音频,生边听边标出序号; 师多媒体订正答案并进行评价。 参考答案 :3 4 1 2 4. 完成 Part C Look and answer 师多媒体出示图片,让学生小组讨论猜问题,每组至少提出 一个问题; 多媒体出示问题并让生个别回答问题; a: What do birds do in spring? b: What do ducks do in summer? c: What do children do in autumn? d: What do bears do in winter? 多媒体订正答案; 参考答案: a: Birds sing song in spring. b: Ducks always swim in summer. c: Children eat fruits in autumn. d: Bears often sleep in winter. 师回答生提出的问题。 S1: How many birds are there in the picture? T: Four. S2: which season is this? T: Its summer. S3: T: 5.完成 Part C Read and find the right clothes for each season 师多媒体出示课文并分析; 师讲解“Winter in Harbin” ,此句中 winter in Harbin 表示 “哈尔滨的冬天” ,介词短语 in Harbin 做后置定语修饰 winter。如 Spring in Long xi is cool. 师出示卡片 cold、 warm、 hot、 cool 并让生齐读一遍,然 后抽两人在黑板上贴出它们与四季的关系; spring warm summer hot season autumn cool winter cold 让学生根据课文填写不同季节该穿的衣服; 多媒体订正答案; 参考答案: spring: shirts、trousers; summer: skirts、Shorts; Autumn: sweaters、Jackets; winter: warm coat、Boots. 师生齐读答案。 6.作业:写一篇作文My Favorite Season 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Unit2 Spring is coming! spring warm summer hot season autumn cool winter cold 八、课后反思八、课后反思 本课时是第二单元第三课时,主要是复习前面两课时新学单 词、做课后习题,我通过三种活动读单词、贴关系图、默写单 词来增强学生的记忆和学习兴趣。通过自主练习完成后面练习 题。通过这节课的活动,发现课后习题通过这样讲解和学习, 学生更好的接受新知。
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