陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 3 Spring Begins From March-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:11b35).zip

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Unit 3 Spring Begins from March Part B Lets learn more If If werewere thethe same,same, trytry toto standstand upup andand saysay “ “Me,Me, too!too!” ” Im from Hengyang. I can speak English. I love candies very much.I often fly kites in spring. I like wearing skirts in summer. I like autumn. I often make snowmen in winter.I like music. Tips: 如果 我们一样的 ,就站起来 说:“Me, too!” He has 12 handsome sons. Lets call out their names. 年先生有年先生有1212个英俊的儿子,个英俊的儿子, 让我们大声叫出他们的名字。让我们大声叫出他们的名字。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 抢答抢答 springspringsummerautumn winter How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year. She has 4 beautiful daughters. Can you tell me their names? How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year. How many months are there in a year? Twelve. How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year. How many months are there in a year? Twelve. How many months are there in each season? Three. There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months. ea /i:/ Ea March April May Spring begins from March. It is from March to May. Which is the first season? Which months are in spring? Spring从从开始开始 从从到到 June July Summer begins from _. It is from _ to _ . Which months are in summer? August June June August summer Autumn begins from _. It is from _ to _ . November When does autumn begin? September October September November September many fruits autumn Winter begins from _ . It is from _ to _ . January Which months are in winter ? December February December December February Lets enjoy the video ! 1. There are four seasons in a year. ( ) 2. Each season has four months. ( ) 3. Summer is from July to September. ( ) 4. Winter begins from December. ( ) 5. New Year is the first month of the year. ( ) Tick () or Cross () Read again and tick or cross. 4. Winter begins from December. 2. Each season has four months. 3. Summer is from July to September. 5. New Year is the first month of the year. Tick () or Cross () 1. There are four seasons in a year. ? () () () () three June to August () YoureYoure thethe teachers.teachers. I I amam a a student.student. There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months. Spring begins from March. Summer is from June to August. Autumn begins from September. Winter is from December to February. New Year is in the first month of the year. Then how many months are there in a year. Do you know? Tips: Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 注意语音语调哟!注意语音语调哟! ImitateImitate (模仿)(模仿)Group work 四人一组朗读课文,前两句和最后三句集体朗读,四人一组朗读课文,前两句和最后三句集体朗读, 而有关四个季节的句子则每人读一句。而有关四个季节的句子则每人读一句。 January February winter April autumn June July August September October summer spring November March December May Seasons in China GroupGroup workwork小组合作小组合作 : 把把 月份放入所属的季节月份放入所属的季节 There are _ seasons in a year. Each season has_ months. Spring begins from_. Summer is from _to_ . Autumn begins from_. Winter is from to. New Year is in the month of the year. Then how many months are there in a year. Do you know? four three March JuneAugust September December February first Spring is a green season. Its warm . We can go rowing and go cycling. Summer is a red season. Its hot. We can go swimming and climbing. .Autumn is a yellow season. Its cool. .We can go camping and walking. .Winter is a white season. Its cold. .We can go skating and skiing. How nice! Enjoy LetsLets rememberremember : : HappyHappy everyevery dayday ! ! 多彩的季节,多彩的生活!多彩的季节,多彩的生活! 1.1.ReadRead thethe texttext withwith youryour friends.friends. 2.2.TalkTalk aboutabout thethe seasonsseasons inin youryour hometownhometown. Spring Begins from March 第三课时第三课时 教学目标:教学目标: 掌握下列句型: 1. Each season has three months. 2. Spring begins from March. 3. Summer is from June to August. 4. New Year is in the first month of the year. 教学重点:教学重点: 灵活应用以上句型,并能熟练掌握 Part B Lets learn more 当中 的这段话。 教学难点:教学难点: 灵活应用以上句型,并能熟练掌握 Part B Lets learn more 当中 的这段话。 教法:教法: 高效课堂教学模式 学法:学法: 自主探究 合作交流 教具准备:教具准备: 小黑板 单词卡片 录音机 教学环节:教学环节: 学习目标(2 分钟) 掌握下列句型: 1. Each season has three months. 2. Spring begins from March. 3. Summer is from June to August. 4. New Year is in the first month of the year. 自主学习(15 分钟) (一)温故知新 Part C Listen and tick. Part C Think and answer What is this season? Which is your favorite season? What is this month? Which is your favorite month? When is Childrens Day? When is New Years Day? (二)阅读方法 完成 Part B Lets learn more 的句子。 (三)互助释疑 同桌间相互交流,读懂这段话,并把不会的用横线画出。 (四)探究出招 自主学习对话,了解对话内容。 展示交流(8 分钟) 班级展示 上讲台,用简单的句型描述月份。 点拨升华(8 分钟) (一)Summer is from June to August. (二)New Year is in the first month of the year. 课堂作业(7 分钟) 作业当堂清 根据实际情况,回答下列问题。 What is this season? _ Which is your favorite season? _ What is this month? _ Which is your favorite month? _ When is Childrens Day? _ When is New Years Day? _
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