陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 3 Spring Begins From March-Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:20f8e).zip

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教学设计 Lesson 3 Spring Begins from March 陕旅版五年级下册 Instructional Design 1. Content of courses Lesson 3 Spring Begins from March Part B :Lets learn more 2. Teaching method 1.Panel discussion 2.Play games 三.Teaching tools 1. Recorder 2. Word cards 3. Some stickers 4.Instructional objectives 1.掌握 1 到 12 个月的单词 2.掌握重点短语 begin from 和 from to 3.能够通过一些问题串,来了解文章大意 5.Key teaching points 1.能通过图片和问题,准确地判断出仪年的四个季节 2.能通过问题准确清晰的归纳出每个季节包含几个月,并准确说出 3.通过引导,掌握 begin from 和 from to 这两个短语 6.Teaching process 1.Warming up (1)通过课前简单的互动,进入游戏部分。 (2)通过比喻引出两个卡通人物 Mr. Year 和 Mrs. Season,展示出 12 个月份,及四个季节。 (3)在通过游戏,对已学的 12 个月份,予以温习。 2.Presentation and process (1)通过激励奖励法,调动学生兴趣,已投入下面的一系列问题串。 How many months are there in a year? How many seasons are there in a year? How many months are there in a season? (2)引入本课的核心,从整体上给学生一个纵观的把握。 There are four seasons in a year. There are twelve months in a year. So each season has three months. (3)从而自然过度到文章的重点。 Which months are in spring? (4)呈现 Begin from 和 from to 短语 (5) 展示功能句型 -begins from-. It is from-to-. 3.Practice (1)第一遍跟录音整体了解文章。 (2)通过五道简单的练习掌握大意。 (3)第二遍跟读录音。 (4)为了检查跟读的效果,做游戏,让学生当老师,跟着学生读,其中了解学生对课 文语音语调的把握。 (5)分角色朗读课文,上前表演朗读。 7.Development 1.lets retell the text again. 2.整体分小组,分角色朗读,以达到全面的了解。 8.Lets enjoy the colorful season . 9.Homework 10.Ending So much for today,Good bye.Thank you. Unit3 Spring Begins from March说课稿 一、说教材 我说课的内容是陕旅版五年级下册 Unit 3 Spring Begins from March第三课时。本课是季节为话题,学习如何询问和描每个季节所含的月份,功能结 构以Which is your favorite season ?why? three months.为主。以及在日常生活中灵活自如的谈论自己喜欢的季节及原因。 根据小学英语课程标准,我将本课教学设计如下: 二、说教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1、能运用There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months 谈论四季月份的划分。 2、能在活动中灵活运用所学句子。 (二) 语言技能目标 使学生能够根据图片、情境说出单词和句子。 (三)、情感态度目标 通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语,说 chant,参与游戏,勇于开口、乐于模仿。 三、说重点、难点 本课的重难点是让学生谈论四季月份的划分,且能在活动和生活中灵活运用所学 句子。 四、说教法、学法 教法 在教学中我运用图片展示、游戏、编 chant、做对话等来引导学生学习本课单词及句子。直观的的形象,再加上光盘的动画 效果。充分开发了学生的智力,提高学生对于学习英语的兴趣。 学法 1、 模仿教学法- 让学生跟着光盘模仿。这主要是利用了小学生模仿能力强的特点。 2、做对话学习法- 让学生两人一组互相交流、共同完成学习任务,在合作中感受学习英语的乐趣。 3、 情景教学法- 设置各种不同的情景,是教学活动带有浓厚的情感色彩,激发了学生想说的愿望。 4、游戏法和鼓励法 课堂评价主要一鼓励法为主,同时通过游戏进行操练的方法。是学生乐于参与, 渴望成功的心理得到满足。 五、说教学过程 整个教学程序我采用了听,说,玩演,唱一系列的教学活动.具体的设计为热身-新知- -趣味操练-巩固练习. Step1、课前热身 利用光盘播放歌谣Sunshine,并要求学生试着跟唱,这样课堂气氛充分调动 起来。 Step2、新知导入 1)、教师播放Lets learn more部分的内容,让学生感知新知。教师在动画上点击要学的新句子让学生模仿 4)、出示课件学习本课句子。 Step3、趣味操练 通过设计“炸弹游戏”这一环节让学生巩固了所学单词,同时也激发了学生的学 习兴趣。 Step4、巩固练习 1、利用课件把教学的重点句型展示出来,让学生对重点句型进行练习,起到了巩 固的作用。 2、朗读比赛。 这部分主要是让学生进一步巩固了所学的句子。 Step5、总结及作业布置 1、教师和学生一起总结所学的单词及句型。并要求回去把单词读给爸妈听,让学 生爱表现的心理充分得到发挥,增强学习英语的信心和兴趣。 2、再次播放歌曲Sunshine。让学生在轻松愉快的气氛下结束新课。以上便是 我的说课。 六、说教学反思 本节课大部分学生对所学知识掌握的较好,且能灵活运用所学句型。对一年中的 月份和季节也能灵活划分。不足之处个别学生不能大胆回答问题,课堂气氛不够活跃 。 Unit 3 Spring Unit 3 Spring Unit 3 Spring Unit 3 Spring Begins From MarchBegins From MarchBegins From MarchBegins From March If were the same,try to If were the same,try to If were the same,try to If were the same,try to stand up and say“stand up and say“stand up and say“stand up and say“me, too!me, too!me, too!me, too!” Im from xingpingI can speak EnglishI love candies very muchI often fly a kite in springI like wearing skirts in summer I often make sonwman in winterI like watching TV I like music Mr.YearMr.Year He has He has 1212 handsome sons. handsome sons. Lets call out their names.Lets call out their names. 12 Months January February March April May June July August September October November December A-: A A M-: M M Ju-: Ju Ju -ber: ber ber ber ber -uary: uary uary 12 Months pril ugust ne ly Septem Octo arch ay Novem Decem Jan Febr 抢答题抢答题 Mrs.SeasonMrs.Season ShShe has e has 4 4 beautiful daughters. beautiful daughters. Lets call out their names.Lets call out their names. There are four seasons in a year How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year. How many months are there in a year? Twelv e How many months are there in each season? Three ThereThere are are four four seasons in a year.seasons in a year. Each season has Each season has three three months months Spring begins from . 从.开 始 March March April April May May Which is the first season? Its from March to 从.到 March May Summer begins from . 从.开始 JuneJune July July AugustAugust Which months are in summer Its from June to 从.到 June August. When does autumn begin? Autumn begins from 从. .开始 SeptemberSeptember October October NovemberNovember Its from September to 从. .到 September. November. Which months are in winter? Winter begins from 从. .开始 DecemberDecember January January FebruaryFebruary Its from December to 从. 到 December February Lets learn more Lets enjoy the video Read again and tick or cross Tick() or Cross() 1.There are four seasons in a year . ( ) 2.Each season has four months. ( ) 3.Summer is from July to September. ( ) 4.Winter begins from December. ( ) 5.New Year is in the first month of the year. ( ) Read again and tick or cross Tick() or Cross() 1.There are four seasons in a year . ( ) 2.Each season has four months. ( ) 3.Summer is from July to September. ( ) 4.Winter begins from December. ( ) 5.New Year is in the first month of the year. ( ) Youre the teachers. I am a student. There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months. spring begins from March. summer is from June to August. Autumn begins from September. Winter is from December to February. New Year is in th first month of the year. Then how many months are there in a year.Do you know? 四人一组朗读课文、前两句和最后三句整体朗 读,有关四个季节的句子则每人读一句。 There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months. spring begins from March. summer is from June to August. Autumn begins from September. Winter is from December to February. New Year is in th first month of the year. Then how many months are there in a year.Do you know? SpringSummer Autumn Winter Group work 小组合作 : 把月份放入所属季节 March April May June July August September October November December January February There are seasons in a year. Each season has months. spring begins from . summer is from to . Autumn begins from . Winter is from to . New Year is in the month of the year. Then how many months are there in a year.Do you know? four three MarchJun e August September DecemberFebruary first Colorful Seasons Spring is a green season ,Its warm. We can go rowing and go cycling. Summer is a red season,Its hot.We can go swimming and climbing. Autumn is yellow season,Its cool We can go camping and walking.Winter is a white season,Its cold We can go skating and skiing. Lets remember!Lets remember! Colorful seasons,Colorful life! 多彩的季节 ,多彩的生活! Happy every day! HomeworkHomework 1.Read the text with your friends. 2.Talk about the seasons in your hometown.
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