陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 4 He Lives in a Village-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:70a49).zip

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Unit 4 He Lives in a Village Period 1 陕西旅游出版社 五年级下册 Lead-in Look and tick Where is your home? Lead-in Look and say They are my grandma and grandpa. Where is their home? Can you guess? Presentation Lets learn Look! My grandpa and grandma live in a village. Look at the trees, the grass and the houses. This is a village. Presentation Lets learn In the village, there is a tree. Can you guess what is in the tree? Can you guess what is under the tree? girl shirt first take make in on I can say The bird is in the tree. The _ is _ the tree. Presentation Lets learn There is a farm in the village.What can you see? potatoestomatoes On the farm, there are many potatoes and tomatoes. Presentation Lets learn Near the village, there are two places. There is a lot of water and many fish in them. Can you guess what are they? Magic fingersMagic fingers Practice Practice Play a game Whats missing? potato village river tomato bird lake snake Summary 本课所学的重点单词: village snake tomatoriver lake bird potato Make a new story 一只( ), 住在有一个漂亮( )的( ), 朋友( )生病了,他提着( )和( ), 沿着一条( )去看朋 友。 East or west, home is the best. 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。 HomeworkHomework Draw your village and write sth Draw your village and write sth about it.(about it.(画出你的村庄并写一写画出你的村庄并写一写) ) 1 / 6 Unit4Unit4 HeHe LivesLives inin a a VillageVillage 第第 1 1 课时教学设计课时教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词:bird, snake, potato, tomato, village, lake, river 2. 能在实际情景中熟练运用以上单词。 二、教学准备二、教学准备 1. 教师准备: (1) Lets learn 部分的教学卡片以及本课时的课件。 (2) Lets learn 和 Listen and circle 部分的教学音频。 2. 学生准备:一张白纸和水彩笔。 三、教学方法建议三、教学方法建议 课程导入课程导入(Leading(Leading In)In) (1)课前热身 1. 教师播放歌曲视频 Old MacDonald,要求学生认真听歌曲并 回答问题: Does Old MacDonald have a farm? Are there many animals on his farm? What are they? 2. 鼓励学生边听歌曲边根据歌曲中出现的小动物做相应的动作, 活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习新课的兴趣。 (2)新课导入 2 / 6 1. Part A Warming-up: Look and tick 教师让学生打开书翻到 P25,并引出问题: T: Old MacDonalds home is on the farm. Where is your home? Please tick the picture. 2. 教师以课件出示一位老奶奶和一位老爷爷的照片,并向学生 介绍: T: These are my grandpa and grandma. Where is their home? Can you guess?。 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)presentation) (1)新课展示 Part A Lets learn 1. 教授单词 village 教师承接上一部分,以课件出示村庄的图片,继续描述: T: Look! My grandpa and grandma live in a village. Look at the trees, the grass and the houses. This is a village. 教师板书单词 village,让学生随着教师的写进行拼读。 2. 教授单词 bird 和 snake (1) 教师以课件出示一棵树的图片: T: In the village, there is a tree.(教师指着树的上面) Can you guess what is in the tree? 教学建议:如果有学生在这里的回答是果实类的,如:apples, pears,教师可注意强调 on the tree 和 in the tree 的区别:on the tree 表示的是树上本身长的东西(叶子、果实等) ,in the 3 / 6 tree 表亲的是树上的外来物(鸟、猫等) 。在学生理解之后再次提 问:Can you guess what is in the tree? 学生进行猜测之后,教师在课件树上出示一只小鸟,教授新单 词 bird,并板书领读。 (2) T:(教师指着树的下面,并模仿蛇发出的声音:嘶嘶)Can you guess what is under the tree? S2: . T: Oh, no! Look! Its a snake. 教师板书并领读单词 snake。之后,引领学生一起做动作说唱 歌谣: 嘶嘶嘶(双手背后) ,snake(像蛇出洞一样,从背后伸出左手) 嘶嘶嘶(双手背后) ,snake(像蛇出洞一样,从背后伸出右手) One long snake(左手像一条长蛇向上移动) One short snake(右手像一条短蛇向上移动) One green snake(左手像一条长蛇向下移动) One yellow snake(右手像一条短蛇向下移动) 嘶嘶嘶(左手放回背后) ,snake 嘶嘶嘶(右手放回背后) ,snake 3. 教授单词 potato 和 tomato 4 / 6 T:(出示土豆和西红柿的图片)There is a farm near the village. On the farm, there are many potatoes and tomatoes. 教师板书并领读单词 potato 和 tomato,之后,在两个单词的 下方分别板书 potatoes 和 tomatoes,注意用其他颜色的粉笔板书 es,强调其复数结尾。 4. 教授单词 lake 和 river T: (引导学生猜一猜)Near the village, there are two places. There is a lot of water and many fishes in them. Can you guess what they are? T&Ss: River and lake. / 河流和湖泊 T.(出示小河、湖泊的图片) Yes. There is a river and a lake near the village. 教师板书单词 river 和 lake,并引导学生拼读记忆。 教学小贴士教学小贴士 教师在教授时 river 和 lake 时也可采取以旧带新的方式,如: 通过已学单词 driver(司机)来引出新词 river,通过 snake (蛇) 来引出 lake,在新旧单词之间建立拼写上的联系,可以加深学生对 新单词的印象并减轻其记单词的负担。 (2)巩固活动 1. 教师播放 Lets learn 部分的录音,让学生听并跟读单词。 5 / 6 2. 教师随意抽取单词卡片,要求学生全体或一个接着一个快速 拼读单词。 操练活动的设计与实施建议(操练活动的设计与实施建议(PracticePractice Activities)Activities) (1)听画活动 教师将学生分为若干小组,进行“听画”活动,可参考如下 步骤: 1. Listen and draw 教师将本课时的单词揉合在一起进行表述,要求学生拿出所准 备的白纸和水彩笔,将听到的内容画下来。教师的表述可参考如下 内容: There is a small village. In the village, there is a big tree. Look, there is a blue bird in the tree. Oh, there is an orange snake under the tree. On the right of the village, there are many potatoes and tomatoes on the farm. On the left of the village, there are many fishes in the river and the lake. 2. Show time 每个小组选出两名代表上台向大家展示自己的画,并进行简单 的介绍。 3. Listen and point 6 / 6 教师说单词,学生听到后,快速地在自己的画上找到并指出该 物品,看谁的反应快。也可以让学生两人一组,一人说一人指,交 替练习,巩固单词。 4.让学生在各自画的图片上,为每个物品标上相应的英文单词, 教师巡视、检查学生的拼写是否正确,也可要求英语水平比较差的 学生看书将单词抄写到图片的相应物品旁,达到巩固练习新单词的 目的。 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit4Unit4 HeHe LivesLives inin a a VillageVillage bird snake potato tomato village lake river
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