1、Module3 Unit9 A friend in Australia(第二课时)(第二课时) 教学目标:教学目标: 知识和能力目标: 1.通过图片、歌曲及 chant 等形式复习有关天气和月份的单词; 2. 通过 listen and say 的情景对话,以及 play a game 的游戏,帮 学生学习并操练核心句型 Hows the weather in(month)in(plac)? Its .描述不同地方的天气。 情感态度和价值观: 通过对本课的学习,学生能意识到友情的珍贵与美好,并善于广 交好友,并学习格言 A A lifelife withoutwithoutfriendsfri
2、ends isis a a lifelife withoutwithout thethe sunsun ; 学习策略与方法: 善于小组合作,敢于结对问答,通过游戏快乐学习。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 能够询问某地某月的天气状况,并简单回答。 教学用具:教学用具: 电子白板图片 教学过程:教学过程: 1. Warming-up 1)出示天气单词及 chant, 复习有关天气的单词。 2)谈话。 T: Hows the weather today? S1: Its sunny/rainy/. S2: Its hot. T:Do you like the sun? S2: Yes, I like t
3、he sun. S3; No, I dont like the sun,I like the rain. T: Do you like the rain? S4: . 2.2. ProceduresProcedures 1) 复习天气单词并练习天气的问答。 出示 12 个月份及相应的问答句, 让学生对每个月份的天 气状况能简单地问答。 2) 唱月份歌曲。 3) 导入课文。 T: I have a friend. Shes yourfriend,too. Whos she?(出示图片) Ss:ShesJill. T: She lives in Beijing,China. Lets watch
4、about her. 4) 观看 Listen andsay 视频。 5) Watch again. a. Picture1,Live in 居住在某地 T: I live in Qinshui. Ss: I live in Qinshui. b. Picture2. She lives in Sydney, Australia. T: I live in Qinshui,Shanxi,China. Ss: I live in Qinshui, Shanxi, China. T: Do you want to know Sydney? 播放有关悉尼的视频。 T: Do you like Syd
5、ney? Ss: Yes. c. Picture3. T: Hows the weather in Beijing in May? S1: Its sunny and warm. T: Hows the weather inSydney in May? S2: Its windy and cool. T: Hows the weather in Sydney inDecember? Ss: Its sunny and hot. T: Who can sayhows the weather in Beijing in December? S3: Its snowy/sunny/windy and
6、 cold. T: Why? 出示图片,了解有关北京和悉尼在地球仪上的地理位 置。Their seasons are opposite. 6) 出示有关悉尼和北京当天的天气预报图片,学生看图说说 天气。 Hows the weather in Beijing?Its . Hows the weather in Sydney?Its . 7)Let talk and write. 学生四人小组读课文,并且完成相应的句子: 1.Jill lives in _. Her friend is_. 2.Amy lives in _, _. They talk on the _ on _. 3.Its s
7、unny and warm in_in May. Hows the weather in Sydney in May? Its _. Its_in Sydney in December. 3.Consolidation 出示有关 Sydney 的十二个月份天气状况的图片,学生 in pair 进行问答练习。 然后前六个月份 boys 问,girls 答, 后六个月份, girls 问, boys 答。 1. Play a game 一位学生拿魔方,音乐响起,开始向后传,音乐停后,拿魔 方的同学指定一位同学问问题,那位同学答问题。 Hows the weather in (城市) in (月份)? Its sunny/rainy/cloudy andwarm/hot/cool/cold . 2. Extention 1)出示不同地区的不同天气。 Different places different weather. 2) Friendship A life without a friend is a life without the sun.