沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-Revision 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:8032b).doc

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1、MusicMusic 教学设计教学设计 课题牛津英语(沪教版)Unit 6Music设计者 课型新授年级四年级指导教师 目标设定 1.能在语境中正确运用本单元核心词汇 2.能用 Whose is it?询问某个物品的主人是谁,并能用 Itss 做出相应回答。 学习重难点 1.重点: 词汇 guitar, piano, violin, triangle, drum,whose, 句型 Whose guitar is it? Its Joe guitar. 定冠词 the 在乐器中的用法,play the piano 2.难点: 名词所有格s 的用法 教学准备课件、学习单、乐器、相关的音频、视频

2、教材分析 1、本教材按“话题功能结构任务”体系编写。话题、功能、 结构、任务四个方面紧密联系,融为一体,以利于学生在掌握语言基本结 构的同时获得听、说、读、写的基本技能和能力。 2、内容浅显易懂、重点突出,题材结合实际、贴近生活,语言正确 规范、真实地道,插图生动活泼、富有情趣,比较符合儿童学习语言的规 律。 教学过程 学生活动教师活动设计意图 听音频,汇报能听出几种乐器播放音乐音频,设置任务,问学 生听出几种乐器。 T:Now please listen to a piece of music. Then tell us how many instruments can you hear?

3、T: What kind of instruments can you hear? 创设情境,引出 guitar, violin, piano 小组内互读、拼写单词。指 导 学 生 学 习 guitar, piano, violin 三个单词。 T:Boys and girls,you can read and spell the words in groups. T:Please pay attention to the pronunciations. 培养学生自主学 习的能力和合作 意识 看视频,并说出 He can play the piano. She can play the vio

4、lin. 让学生看朗朗弹钢琴和陈美拉小 提琴的视频, 引出 play the piano, play the violin,强调定冠词 the 在乐器中的用法。 T: Langlang is a famous piano player. He can play the piano. T: Chenmei is a famous violin player. She can play the violin. T:注意弹奏某种乐器类,在乐器单 词前要加定冠词 the. 通过看名人视频 引起学生学习兴 趣。 看视频,并思考 What can he play?播放 music man 演奏视频,引出单

5、 词 triangle, drum,进行学习 T:What can the music man play? T:He can play the piano. He can play the violin. He can play the drum. He can play the triangle. 出示 triangle 和 drum 图, 听音并 学习这两个单词。注意 dr 字母组 合读音。 了解相关乐器, 陶冶情操 小组内学习,并做对话,What can you play? I can play the 调查班级学生会弹奏哪些乐器? T:There are many boys and g

6、irls in our class.What can you play? 拓展学习,让学 生积累有关乐器 的英语词汇。 看视频, 思考问题 Whose guitar is it? Whose violin is it?并完成 学习单任务。 播放课文视频,设置问题让学生思 考,并根据短文回答问题,完成学 习单任务。 T:Look at the video,answer the questions. T: Whose guitar is it ? Whose violin is it? 培养学生听短文 和理解短文的能 力。 小组内做对话 Whose is it? Its s . 讲 授 单 词 w

7、hose 和 句 型 Whose guitarisit?Itss guitar.强调名次所有格s 的 用法。并给学生布置任务,小组内 做对话。 将所学内容应用 到实际生活中, 培养学生听说能 力和合作意识。 组内共同学习完成学习单任务,阅 读短文回答问题。 布置学习单,让学生小组内完成阅 读理解并回答问题。 T:Readthearticlethen completethequestionsin groups. 培养学生阅读理 解能力和合作意 识。 板书设计: Music piano. I can play the violin. guitar. Name_ 一、一、Study in group

8、s, then fill the words. _ 二、二、Look and think 1、Whose guitar is it?Its _s guitar. 2、Whose violin is it?Its _s violin. 三、三、Read and answer the questions in groups. Whose sock is it? Mike and Tom are twins. They are 10 years old. Their mother is a teacher. Their father is a doctor. Their parents are al

9、ways busy. One morning, Tom couldnt(不能) find one of his socks. His socks are green. But he only(仅仅) had one green sock. He found(找) and found and found. But he didnt find his sock. Then, Mike shouted(喊),“Ah, I am wearing a pair of blue socks and a green sock. My socks are blue. I am wearing three so

10、cks. I dont have a green sock. Whose sock is it? Is this your sock, Tom?” Tom answered happily“Yes, its my sock.” Choose the right answers. 1、Mikes socks are_ A. redB. blueC. yellow 2、_ couldnt find his sock. A. MikeB. TomC. Mother 3、Mike and Tom are_ A. twinsB. sistersC. cousins 4、Mike and Toms mother is a _ A. nurseB. teacherC. doctor


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