沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 1 Changes and differences-1 Tidy up!-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b0061).docx

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1、1 / 3 Tidy up! 【第一课时【第一课时】 【教学目标】【教学目标】 1通过 Listen and sing 中有关整理房间的对话,帮助学生掌握本单元的核心句型。 2通过 Look and learn 栏目,帮助学生学习日常生活用品的名称。 【教学重难点】【教学重难点】 1能掌握单词 tidy, let, sock, cap, yours, mine, tidy up。 2会运用句型 Are they yours?及回答 No, they aren t。 【教学方法】【教学方法】 任务教学法、情景教学法。 【教学过程】【教学过程】 . Pre-task preparations 1.

2、播放上学期课文改编歌曲 2利用教室中的实物与学生进行对话,以复习学过的句型 Whose is this/that? Whose are these/those?(学生小组合作在组内进行问答) T: (point to a bag in the classroom) Whose bag is this/that? S1: Its (S2 s name) s. T: Is this/that? S2: Yes. Its. /No. Its. T: Whose are these/those? S3: They are. T:Are these/those? S4: Yes, they are/No

3、, they arent. 3然后出示教师照片学习 This is my umbrella.=This umbrella is mine. (用同样的方法学习 yours.)帮助学生理解 mine 和 yours 的用法。 4. 小组合作进行问答,生到前展示。 2 / 3 5.新知探究出示小猪佩小猪佩奇家庭人员,播放师提前模仿人物声音的录音。 (创设情境)Is this yours?Are they yours?及其回答。 Is that your book? /Is that book yours? This is my book. /This book is mine. T: Is thi

4、s your pen? S1: Yes, its mine. T: Is this yours too? S2: No. It isnt. 6.Lets play a game.(男女生进行游戏打 PK,对名词性无数代词进行训练。 ) . While-task procedures 1教师与学生就 Listen and say 第一幅图片中的情景展开问答。引出对话内容。 T: Look!This is a picture of a room. Is it tidy? Ss: No, it isnt. T: Who are they in the picture? Ss: They are Sa

5、lly and Peter. T: What are they doing? S3: They are tidying up the room. T: (write tidy up on the blackboard) Yes. They are tiding it up. “Tidy up” means “make it clean”. How do they tidy it up? Lets listen. 2出示以下句子,让学生听录音后,小组合作完成任务卡判断句子正误并改错,以检测 他们是否理解了对话的大致内容。 (1)The socks are Peter s.() (2)The so

6、cks are not on the bed.() (3)Both the cap and the T-shirt are Paul s.() (4)Sally asks Peter to put the T-shirt on the chair.() 3让学生听录音并跟读对话,男女生分角色朗读对话。然后,学生两两一组,根据 Listen and say 的对话以及后续练习中的对话提示做问答练习。 S1: Whose bedroom is it? S2: Its Peter and Pauls bedroom. S1: Who is tidying up the bedroom? S2: Sa

7、lly and Peter are tidying up the bedroom. 3 / 3 S1: Whose socks are those? S2: They are Pauls. S1: Whose cap is this? S2: Its Peters. 4 出示一双短袜和一顶帽子或相应的图片, 与学生对话, 引导学生学习单词 socks 和 cap, 同时引出用 Yes. /OK. /Sure.等表达方式来应答别人的请求或指令。 . Post-task activities 1跟学生借一些学习用品,根据这些学习用品和学生问答。 T: Whose ruler is this? S1: It is mine. T: Is this ruler yours? S2: No, its hers. T: Is this ruler hers? S3: Yes, its hers. 2. 播放图片及制作班级点滴生活视频,让生联系生活说一说在家帮助妈妈做过的家务以 及在班级做过的贡献,小组合作组内三号和四号进行汇报。 (并用鲜花和拥抱来表达对教师的 感谢)


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