沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 3 Things we do-9 Seeing the doctor-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:30861).doc

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1、牛津英语 5B Unit9 第一课时 教学重点:短语 have a headache, have a toothache,have a cold. take some medicine, 句子:Whatswrong with you?你怎么了? I have a . 教学难点:句型:How do you feel today? What should I do? Whatswrong with you? 导语: How are you today? I think we are all well ,but we sometimes have a cold, have a headache an

2、d so on. Today we will learn how to see the doctor? 教学过程 一Pre-task preparations 1. 教师与学生问答,复习日常用语,为本课时新句型的学习做铺 垫。 T: How do you feel today? S1:Im fine. S2: Im just so-so. S3:Im happy today, Its my birthday. 2. 播放歌曲“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”的动画, 让学生并且跟唱。 T:Youre fine. You are happy. Youre

3、 healthy. Im healthy too. Do you know why? Because I eat an apple every day, Now let us sing a song. 二While-task procedures 1. 出示 Listen and enjoy 的图片,与学生问答。 T:Look at these pictures, Is the boy feeling well? S1:No, he isnt. T:Hows he? S2: Hes sick. T:What does he do? S3:He goes to see the doctor. 2

4、.接着,学生看图听儿歌,回答问题。与此同时,教师出示 Look and learn 的单词卡片,教授生词。 T:Hows he? S1: He has a toothache. S2:He has a fever S3: He has a cold. S4:He has a headache. 然后,教师用同样的方法教授短语 have a cold 和 have a headache 最后教师将这些图片拿在手中,任意选出一张,让学生快 速说出短语,以巩固记忆。 3. 学生以小组的形式讨论 Listen and enjoy 中男孩牙疼的原因, 然后, 学生说出讨论的结果, 教师可以先与和一名学生

5、对话, 做示范。 T:Why does the boy have a toothache? S1: He doesnt brush his teeth. T:How many times do you brush your teeth every day? S1:I brush my teeth twice every day. T:Oh,he should brush his teeth twice every day. S2:He eat too much candy. T: Yes. He shouldnt eat too much candy 最后你, 引导学生用祈使句像男孩提意见,

6、并将孩子的建议 写到板书上 T:Please tell the boy what to do. S1: Brush your teeth twice every day S2:Dont eat too much candy S3: Dont eat before bed time. 4. 引导学生用 should 和 shouldnt 句型给男孩提出建议, 并将 核心句型板书在黑板上。并且请学生用 should 和 shouldnt 句型表述黑板上的其他祈使句。 5. 学生两人一组,根据 Ask and answer 栏目的图片和对话提示, 互相问答,操练核心句型和词汇。 S1:I have

7、a.What should I do? S2:You should. S3:What shouldnt I do? S4:You shouldnt . 三Post- taskactivites 1播放 Listen and enjoy 的录音,学生听录音并且跟读儿歌,再一 次复习巩固已经学过的单词和词组还有句型。学生四人一组,思考 have a fever, have a cough 是应该注意什么? 2.学生二人一组,以互相问答的形式展开讨论内容,和全班一起分享 交流。 S1:How do you feel? S2:I have a fever, What should Ido? S1: Y

8、ou should go to see the doctor,drink a lot of water,have a good rest and take some medicine. 四:Homework 1. ReadRead “ListenListen andand saysay” ononStudentStudents s BookBookpagepage 58.58. 2. SpellSpell thethe wordswords ononStudentStudents s BookBookpagepage 59.59. 3. MakeMake a a newnew dialogue

9、dialogue withwith “shouldshould” andand “shouldnshouldnt t”. . 4. FinishFinishWorkbookWorkbookpagespages 5050 andand 52.52. 学情分析: 五年级学生是一个很难掌控阶段 1 学习兴趣不是很高,部分学生甚至有厌恶感,同时,许多学生 还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣问题;回家不会学习,无正确的 学习方法,不知如何看书.学习态度谈不上十分端正, 2 回家以后巩固时间很少,且缺乏有效的巩固手段,练的机会明 显不足。 3、部分学生学习的目的性不是很强,导致学习习惯不好,学习无 明确的计划,

10、有作业就写,无作业就玩。老师布置的作业不能按 时完成,回家看书也只是应付家长,作业不能很好完成,作为语 言性学科,听与读是非常关键的环节,而大多数学生这一点做的 不好,这在听力测试时表现的尤为明显。 课后作业题 1.Today Im not feeling _ because I have a _. The doctor tells me that I should _ and _. I shouldnt _ or _. I hope Ill get better soon. 2.I have a _ so I feel _.My friends tell me that I should_ and _I shouldnt _ or_. I hope Ill get better soon. 板书设计:板书设计: 5B Unit9Seeing the doctor have a headache。have a toothache, have a cold.take some medicine, Whatswrong with you?should not =shouldnt How do you feel today? 夏茂坤


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