沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 3 Things we do-9 Seeing the doctor-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:b5770).doc

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1、OxfordEnglishBook U9 (P3) Atoothlesstiger 单元教学概述单元教学概述 教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 掌握本单元的核心词汇: ill, wrong, headache, fever, should, medicine, rest, toothache, present, world, have a headache, have a cold, have a fever, have a rest, get well, have a toothache, have a meeting, put out 2. 能正确运用核心句型和日常用语: You should

2、 take some medicine. You shouldnt go to bed late.Whats wrong with you? Let me have a look. Have a good rest and youll get well soon.What shall we do? 3. 理解并认读字母组合 ay 和 ai 在单词中的发音并能根据发音规则读出单词。 语言技能: 听:1. 听懂有关看病的对话,了解对话的大致内容。 2. 听懂别人给予的意见和建议。 说:1. 用 You should/shouldnt表达建议。 2. 在语境中正确运用 Whats wrong wit

3、h you? 等日常用语。 读:1.读懂一段医生和病人的对话。 2. 读懂故事没牙的老虎 ,体会故事寓意。 写:1.正确书写本单元的核心词汇。 2. 正确书写本单元的核心句型:You should take some medicine. You shoulnt go to bed late. 情感态度:培养学生养成良好的生活习惯,加强身体锻炼,热爱生活。 教学重难点: 重点: 1. 词汇: ill, wrong, headache, fever, should, medicine, rest, toothache, present, world 2.句型:You should/ shouldn

4、t 3. 了解字母组合 ay,ai 在单词中的发音。 难点: 1. 正确使用 You should/ shouldnt建议别人做或不要做某事。 2. You should/ shouldnt句型与祈使句的区别。 课时划分:3 课时 课时分配: 第一课时:Lookandlearn ,Listenandenjoy, Ask and answer。 第二课时:Listenandenjoy,Listenandsay, Learnthe sounds. 第三课时:Read a story 第三课时: 教学内容:Read a story 教学目标 知识目标: 1.通过阅读故事没牙的老虎 ,帮助学生综合运用

5、语言知识,并培养阅读技能, 同时体会健康的重要性。 2.通过学习任务(task) ,帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能,调 查别人的生活习惯,提出“健康忠告。 ” 教学重难点: 重点:1.词汇:present, world, toothless 2.语音:all the animals, pullout 教具准备:PPT,头饰 教学过程: Step1:Pre-task preparations 1. 学生朗读 Listen and enjoy 儿歌,分成男女生配上动作和相应表情。 2. 讨论课件中人物图片,Whats wrong with them?He/She has 3. .复习

6、 Listenandsay,复述会话。 Step2:While-task procedures 1.教师出示老虎的图片向学生提问,然后出示关键词帮助学生回答。如: T:Look at the picture. What does a tiger look like? S1: He is big and strong. He has sharp teeth. T: What does he like to eat? S2: He likes to eat small animals. T:Who is the king of the forest? Do the animals like the

7、 tiger? S3: The tiger is the king of the forest. The animals dont like the tiger. They are afraid of him. 2.学生看故事, 帮助学生初步了解故事内容, PPT 呈现四幅图片, 学生排序标号。 3.听故事,判断句子正误并改错。 4.学生仿读故事。请学生模仿和分角色扮演。建议引导学生展开合理的想象,注 意语音语调,不同角色之间的语气差异。 学习相关词汇。出示 Read a story 的图 1,与学生问答。 5. 出示下列问题,引导学生读故事,寻找答案。T 播放录音, 。 (1). Who a

8、re the a nimals afraid of? They are afraid of the tiger. (2). What does the fox give the tiger? The fox gives the tiger a lot of candy. (3) . What gives the tiger a toothache? The candy gives the tiger a toothache. (4). How do the animals help the tiger? They pull all the tigers teeth out. 6. 学生开展小组活动,分角色朗读。 7. 学生复述故事。 8. 小组活动,表演故事。 9. 想一想,写一写。请你给老虎写一封信。 Homework 1.Read “A toothless tiger” 5 times. 2.Retell the story. 3.Perform the story with yourfriends. Blackboarddesign Unit 9 (P3) A toothless tiger afraid of have a good idea a lot of candy toothache, pullout 教学反思:


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