沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 2 Work and play-5 At the weekend-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:91542).doc

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沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 2 Work and play-5 At the weekend-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:91542).doc_第1页
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沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 2 Work and play-5 At the weekend-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:91542).doc_第2页
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1、1 Teaching Plan of Oxford English 5B Module2 Unit5 At the weekend(Period 2) Tomorrow Text analysis: Its the second period of Unit 5 from Module 2 in Oxford English 5B. It mainly helps students review simple future tense and improve their reading skills. Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims: 1) Students

2、can understand and say the words: tomorrow, build, next, cry, until etc. 2) Students know the main idea of the story. 2.Ability aims: 1) Students can use the new vocabulary to talk about the main idea of the story. 2) Students can use simple future tense to talk about what the monkey is going to do

3、tomorrow. 3. Moral aims: To help students know its important to do what they want to do now. Dont wait until tomorrow. Language Focus: The pronunciation of the new vocabulary. The main idea of the story. The usage of simple future tense Difficulty: To help students retell the monkeys six days correc

4、tly. To help students improve their reading skills. 2 Teaching methods: Task-base language TeachingApproach Teaching aids: Multi-media, blackboard, paper sheets Teaching procedures: 教学环节 学习内容 活 动 序 号 导学方法 设计意图 教师活动学生活动 I Pre-task preparation 1.Free talk Learn the word tomorrow, next. 1T: Look at thi

5、s calendar. What day is it today? T: What day is it tomorrow? Teach: tomorrow T: We can also say The next day is Saturday. T: What day is the next day? Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday. The next day is Saturday. 从讨论日历导 入故事主题, 开门见山。 2.Play a guessing game. 2T: For me, Im going to a wonderful pla

6、ce. (PPT 森林模糊效果) Can you guess where it is? T: Look, its a forest. Who is coming? Are they happy? Guess. Is it a park/ garden? Some animals. Wwo, theyre so happy. 通过有趣的猜 测任务,引导 学生进入故事 情境。 II While-task procedure 3 1.Lead in the story.3T: Oh, whats happening? Hows the weather now? T: Its rainy. Can w

7、e standintherain? What should we do? T: What do they do? (PPT- Animals:Oh, its rainy. Lets go home.Let sgo home.) T: It rains heavily.Are there any animals in the forest? Its rainy/raining. Run away./ Go home. /Go to a house./ Under an umbrella. No, there arent. 呈现课文中主 人公。 发散学生英语 思维。 2. Read the sto

8、ry about the first day. a.Question1Whyis Little Monkey still in the rain? b.Question2Whatis Little Monkey going to do? 4(PPT 动物哭声) T: But who is crying? Who is still in the rain? Little Monkey. 通过设置两个 递进问题,帮 助学生理解文 本第一段。 T: Why is Little Monkey still in the rain? Read the first paragraph and think.

9、Why is Little Monkey still in the rain? A. He likes playing in the rain. B. He does not have a house. C. He wants to drink rainwater. Read and choose. B. He does not have a house. 5T: Its raining. Little Monkey has no house. Next what is he going to do? (PPT-“I need a house,” he thinks. “Im going to

10、 build one tomorrow.”) T:Whatdoeshe need? T: What does he Listen and think. He needs a house. Im going to build one tomorrow. 4 c.Learn to say. Im going to build a house tomorrow. d. Listen and read. think? 6T: What does “one” mean? T: Here“one”means “a house”. T: Please try to say after me. Ahouse.

11、 Read. Build, build, build a house. 理解并运用所 学词汇。 7Practise to say more. T: Look! What are the workers doing? Lookatthreelittle pigs. What are they doing? T: So we can say like this. Theyre building a house. Three Little Pigs are building their houses. I m going to buildahouse tomorrow. 8Listen the st

12、ory about the first day again. T: Little Monkey needs a house eagerly. How can we read this sentence? (PPT- Im going to build one tomorrow.) ) Invite individual students try to read. Listen. Try to read. Then read together. 指导朗读,体 验 Little Monkey 的情 感。 5 3. Enjoy the whole story. 4. Read the whole s

13、tory and try to find the reason. 9T: Little Monkey is goingtobuilda house. Look at this calendar. (PPT-Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday. ) T: From Saturday to Thursday, how many days? T:Yes, six days passed. Does Little Monkey have a house on the sixth day? Lets watch. Six days. Wat

14、ch the story. 引导学生带着 疑问,整体感 知故事。 学生自读,找 出六天来Little Monkey 没 有 房子的原因。 10T:DoesLittle Monkey have a house on the sixth day? T: Why? Please try to read the story by yourselves.And underline the reason you think. T: Why doesnt Little Monkey have a house? Do you find the reason? Which sentence? T:DoesLit

15、tle Monkeyplayevery day? What does he think? Lets see. No, he doesnt. Read the whole story and underline the reason. Im not going to work./ Im going to play on it today. etc. 5. Read and fill in the blanks. a. Read and fill in the blanks about Day 1. 11T: On the first day, hows the weather? Little M

16、onkey does not have a house. What does he do? T: He plays with his friends. What does he say? Rainy. He plays with his friends. Read and choose. A. I need a house. Im going to build one tomorrow. 精读文本,引 导学生抓关键 词。 6 b. Read and fill in the blanks about Day 2 and Day 3. 12T:Howaboutthe second day and

17、the third day? Lets read and think. Read by themselves, then try to fill in the blanks about Day2 and Day3. 学生尝试自读 找信息。 13T: On the second day, hows the weather? Is it rainy? What does Little Monkey do? Does he build a house? What does he think? Talk about Day2. The next day is Sunday. The weather i

18、s fine. Little Monkey plays. He thinks, “It s Sunday today. Im not going to work. ” No. Its sunny. No. He plays. Read and choose. C. Its Sunday today. Im not going to work. Try to say with their deskmate. 通过由扶到放 的任务设置, 引导学生用自 己的语言讨论 第二天和第三 天的故事,为 后面复述整篇 故事铺垫。 13T:And the third day? Talk about Day3.

19、The third day is Monday. The weather is fine. Little Monkey finds a swing/plays. He says, “Im going to play on the slide today./ Im going to build a house tomorrow.” Pair work: 1. Read and fill in the blanks. 2. Try to say with the deskwork. 6. Look and image about Day 4 and Day 5. 13T: What does Li

20、ttle Monkey do on the fourth and fifth day? If youre Little Monkey, what will you do? Group work. Look and imagine in group. Talk about it with their own ideas. Little Monkey: It is a fine day. Im going to _today. I tomorrow. 文本中没有 Day 4 和 Day 5 的内容,通过 扮演 Little Monkey 想象 的任务说,创 设情境,引导 学生运用 be going

21、 to 的句 型,体验情感。 7 7. Read and fill in the blanks about Day 6. 14T: Day after day, its the sixth day. T: Hows the weather? T: How is Little Monkey? Lets listen. T: Is Little Monkey happy? T: Oh, he cries. crycries T: Little Monkey is very sad. He says loudly. Lets cry like Little Monkey. Rainy. Listen

22、 and think. No. Learn to read. Role-play. 通 过 教 师 引 导,学生读故 事 最 后 一 部 分,体会 Little Monkey 的 情 感变化。 8. Sum up.15Ask and answer, then finish the blackboard design. T:Boysandgirls, lookatthescreen. WhatdoesLittle Monkeydoevery day? T: What does he usually say? T: So does he have a houseonthesixth day? T:

23、 What do you want to say to Little Monkey? T:Whatdoeshis friendLittleRabbit say? Little Rabbit says, Learn to say. Dont wait until tomorrow. 今日事今 日毕。 He plays every day. Im going to build my house tomorrow. No. He does not have a house. Dont play any more./ Dont cry. /Build a house quickly.) Listen

24、and say. You should build your house now. Say after the teacher. 对照 PPT 表格 小结,引导学 生悟出故事寓 意,完成板书。 9.Readandretellthe whole story. 16Read the whole story together. Read together.朗 读 复 述 故 事,培养语用 8 能力。17Retell the story.Group work: Retell the story. III. Post-task activities 1.Anew story. Tomorrow 18T:

25、 In our daily life, there are many Little Monkeys. Look at this boy. His name is Tom. He is a primary school student.Healways says, “I am going to domyhomework tomorrow.” Read the following story and fill in the blanks. Group work: 1. Read and write the story. 2. Share the story in group. 通过再构文 本,使学

26、生更 直观的感受 Dont wait until tomorrow. 语用能力的培 养。 2.Emotion education:19T: How is Tom? Is he a good boy? If you take time tomorrow, Tomorrowwillbe tomorrow. If you take time today, Tomorrowwillbe OK. Dont wait until tomorrow. Do it now! No. Say together. Dont wait until tomorrow. Do it now! IV Homework 1. Read the story. (一星) 2. Retell the story. (两星) 3. Enjoy more stories inAesops fables.(三星) 考虑到学生英 语水平和学习 能力的差异, 设置难度不一 的作业任务, 帮助孩子们课 后巩固和拓展 学习。 Blackboard design: 9 (附学生文本)


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