沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 1 Changes and differences-1 Tidy up!-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:231fe).doc

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1、, 设计教师: 第一课时:第二课时: 第三课时: 学校: TitleTitle:UnitUnit1 1PeriodPeriod1 1 上海牛津英语上海牛津英语 5B5B ModuleModule 1 1UnitUnit1 1 2222 1 ContentsContents TeachingTeaching AimsAims AboutAbout Language:Language: To learn the new words and sentence patterns. New words :capsockscrayon umbrella Sentence patterns: Are the

2、y yours?No,they arent. AboutAbout Skills:Skills: Language skills: To train students skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing. AboutAbout Emotions:Emotions: To train students consciousness of good co-operation. KeyKey PointsPoints To grasp the usage of new words. DifficultDifficult PointsPoin

3、ts 1.To understand and use the sentence patterns. 2.To communicate with others in English. TeachingTeaching MethodsMethods Communicative ApproachTask-based teaching approach TeachingTeaching A Aidsids Ppt .cards. ACTIVITIESACTIVITIES TeachingTeaching ProcedureProcedure PRE-TASKPRE-TASK PREPARATIONPR

4、EPARATION TeacherTeachers s ActivitiesActivities Pre-task preparations 1.T:(point to a bag in the classroom) Whose bag is this/that? S1:Its(S2s name)s. T:Is this/that? S2:Yes,its/No.Its T:Whoseare these/those? S3:Theyre T:Are these/those? S4:Yes,theyre/No.Theyre S1:Whoseis/are? S2:Its/Theyre. Studen

5、tsStudentsActivitiesActivities 1.学生根据教师 提问回答问题 PurposePurpose 利用教室中 的实物与学 生进行对 话,以复习 学过的句型, 进行知识巩 2 S1:Is/Are? S3:Yes./No.Its/Theyre 2.学生之间互相交 流,练习对话. 固。 WHILE-TASKWHILE-TASK PROCEDUREPROCEDURE TeacherTeachers s ActivitiesActivitiesStudentsStudents ActivitiesActivities PurposePurpose 1. Sing a song

6、2Look and learn. 3. Listen and say. (1) Read and clap (2) 了解故事先后顺序 (3) Ask and answer T:Look!This is a picture of a room.Is it tidy? Ss:No,it isnt. T:Who are they in the picture? Ss:Theyre Sally and Peter. T:What are they doing? Ss:Tneyre tiding up the room. T:(write tidy up on the 1. 学生欣赏并跟唱。 2. 学生

7、学习新词。 3. Make a new chant 4. 学习 tidy 的发音 学生根据图片内容进行 思考并回答。通过问答 了解文章内容 引出主题 教师与学生就 Listen and say 的 第一幅图片中的情 景展开问答,引出 对话内容。 学生通过图片,学 习新单词,并且把 单词放在句型中学 习 3 blackboard)Yes.Theyre tiding it up. “Tidy up” means “make it clean” .How do they tidy it up?Lets listen Look and read 4.True or faulse. 1)The sock

8、s are Peters.(F;The socks are Pauls.) 2)The socks are not on the bed.(T) 3)Both the cap and the T-shirt are Pauls.(F;The cap is Peters and the T-shirt is Pauls.) 4)Sally asks Peter to put the T-shirt on the chair.(F;Sally asks Peter to put the T-shirt on Pauls bed.) Is that your book?/Is that book y

9、ours? This is my book./This book is mine. T:Is this your pen? S1:Yes,its mine. T:Is this yours too? S2:No,it isnt. 3.Do some exercises. S1:Whose bedroom is it? S2:Its Peter and Pauls bedroom. S1:Who is tiding up the bedroom? S2:Sally and Peter are tiding up the bedroom. S1:Whose socks are these? S2:

10、Theyre Pauls. S1:Whose cap is this? S2:Its Peters. 4.T:(show a pair of new socks)Look.This is a pair of socks.This pair of socks is mine.(point to S1)Is it 学生通过拼读单词,巩 固旧知,为名词性物主 代词的学习做准备 . 出示以下句子,让学生 听录音后判断句子正误 并改错, 复习学习用品的表 达 检测学生是否理解 对话的大致内容。 学习有关名词性物 主代词的一般疑问 句问答并且拓展 mine,yours 等名 词性物主代词 4 his/he

11、rs? Ss:No.Its yours. T:Guess!Whose cap is this? Ss:Is it(S1s name)s? T:Is it yours,(S1s name)? S1:No.(point to S2)Please put the socks on my desk. S2:OK. T:(give the cap to S3)Can you put the cap on (S1s nems)s desk? S3:OK. (4)Say and act 让学生听录音并跟读对 话,男女生分角色朗读 对话,学生两人一组, 根据对话进行问答练 习。 巩固生词和名词性 物主代词的用

12、法 引导学生学习单词 同时引出用 Yes,/OK./Sure. 等表达方式来应答 别人的请求或指 令。 5 出示相应的图片,学生 对话。 学生流利朗读并且表演 POST-TASKPOST-TASK ACTIVITYACTIVITY TeacherTeachers s ActivitiesActivitiesStudentsStudents ActivitiesActivitiesPurposePurpose 6 1.Read a chant .2.Ask and answer. 3.Think and read 4.Read and complete 学生模仿朗读儿歌并编写新儿 歌 学生情境对话。 学生朗读并记住 1.通过儿歌, 巩固 名词性物主代词 的用法。 2.跟学生借一些 学习用品, 根据这 些学习用品和学 生问答。 培养学生 运用语言的能力。 3.梳理代词 4.拓展练习。 BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesign Unit 1Tidy up! tidyletsockcap yoursminetidy up Aretheyyours? No,theyarent.


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