沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-6 Music-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:00d09).zip

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Period 1Period 1 6 Module 2 My favourite things Oxford English Music 四年级 第二学期 TTttin Twinkle, twinkle,little star,Twinkle, twinkle,little star,Twinkle, twinkle,little star,Twinkle, twinkle,little star, How I wonder what you are!How I wonder what you are!How I wonder what you are!How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high,Up above the world so high,Up above the world so high,Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.Like a diamond in the sky.Like a diamond in the sky.Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle,little star,Twinkle, twinkle,little star,Twinkle, twinkle,little star,Twinkle, twinkle,little star, How I wonder what you are!How I wonder what you are!How I wonder what you are!How I wonder what you are! Twinkle, twinkle,little starTwinkle, twinkle,little starTwinkle, twinkle,little starTwinkle, twinkle,little star Lets enjoy the music!Lets enjoy the music! All kinds of musical instruments make the concert wonderful! 各种各样的乐器使得音乐会美妙绝伦 E Enjoy njoy some beautiful sounds ofsome beautiful sounds of musical instruments (musical instruments (musical instruments (musical instruments (乐器乐器乐器乐器) ) ) ) What can you hear? I can hear a . piano What can you hear? I can hear a . guitar What can you hear? I can hear a . violin What can you hear? I can hear a . triangle What can you hear? I can hear a . drum Ask and answerAsk and answer What can he play? He can play the .piano Ask and answerAsk and answer What can he play? He can play the .violin Ask and answerAsk and answer What can he play? He can play the .guitar He can play the _. What can he play? Look and sayLook and say violindrumtrianglepiano Can he play the guitar? No, he cant.No, he cant. Think and answerThink and answer piano Guessing gameGuessing game Whose(谁的) piano is it? Its Miss Fangs piano. guitar Whose guitar is it? Its Joes guitar . violin Whose violin is it? Its Kittys violin . Listen and answerListen and answer 1、 Do they like music? 2、Who can play the violin? 3、What can Jill play? 4、Where is Jills guitar? Yes, they do. Kitty can play the violin. She can play the guitar. Its at home. Role-playRole-play I am the music man And I can play. What can you play? The piano! Ding-ding! Ding-ding! The triangle! Ting-ting! Ting-ting! The violin! Zing-zing! Zing-zing! The drum! Boom-boom! Boom-boom! There are so many great There are so many great musicians musicians in the world, in the world, so our world is more colourful!so our world is more colourful! 因为我们世界有如此多的伟大音乐家,因为我们世界有如此多的伟大音乐家, 所以我们的世界才会更加丰富多彩!所以我们的世界才会更加丰富多彩! Do you know him/her?Do you know him/her? Knowledge is powerKnowledge is power.( .(知识就是力量知识就是力量) ) I hope you knowI hope you know Industry Industry is the parent of is the parent of success.success. ( (成功源于勤奋成功源于勤奋) ) No pain, no gainNo pain, no gain. . ( (没有付出就没有收获没有付出就没有收获) ) One minute on the stage needs One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stageten years practice off stage. . ( (台上一分钟,台下十年功台上一分钟,台下十年功) ) Homework: 1. 抄写单词各一排,要求会拼背。 2.熟读26页的课文。 3.以组为单位,在组长的带领下,给The music man这首歌编简单的动作。 4.查找著名音乐家的信息,下节英语课和全班同 学一起分享。 附件 1: 论文编号: (由教研室统一按市、县编码编号) 学科类别(不要以编号代替):小学英语 论文题目Unit6 Music 作者姓名学校名称 课题组 成员姓名 学校地址 贵阳市(州、地)南明区县(区、市、特区) 王溪路 18 号 乡(镇) 联系电话 固定电话: 085185792426 移动电话: 15985131805 论文内容摘要(200 字左右)通过学习今天的五个关键词,和两个主要句 型,学生们能够正确的使用 Whose.is it? 询问某个物品的主人是谁, 并能用 Its.s.做出相应回答。能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词 汇和关键句型。在情感渗透部分,我让学生知道世界上有很多著名的 音乐家,因为有了这些人,我们生活的世界更加美妙,但是每一个人 的成功都是不易的,要用自己的勤奋来铸就辉煌,希望孩子们能够有 更多的思考和想法。 个人诚信承诺(在括号内打“” ): 1.所写论文为本人原创,并非从网上直接下载或抄袭他人( v ) 2.所写案例真实,源于本人亲历的课堂( v ) 说明:一、学科类别:1.中学语文 2.中学数学 3.中学英语 4.中学物理 5.中学化学 6.中学生物 7.中学政治 8.中学历史 9.中学地理 10.通用技 术 11.小学语文 12.小学数学 13.小学思品 14.小学英语 15.小学科学 16.中小学音乐 17.中小学体育与健康 18.中小学美术 19.中小学信息技术 20.中小学综合实践活动 21. 学前教育 22.特殊教育 23.职业教育 24.综合(凡不是纯学科性的论文都归在这一类,如:如何做好班主任工作、 如何提高学生的心理素质等) 。 二、论文题目不要太长。教学设计或教学案例直接点明是什么课的设计或案例, 如:祝福教学设计、 分数的除法教学案例(不要把某某版第某册第某课 作为题目的组成部分) 。 教学设计教学设计 教学目标:通过学习今天的五个关键词,和两个主要句型,学生们能够正确 的使用 Whose.is it? 询问某个物品的主人是谁,并能用 Its.s.做出相应回答。 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇和关键句型。在情感渗透部分,我让学 生知道世界上有很多著名的音乐家,因为有了这些人,我们生活的世界更加美 妙,但是每一个人的成功都是不易的,要用自己的勤奋来铸就辉煌,希望孩子 们能够有更多的思考和想法。 教学重点:Words:wonderful, piano, violin, guitar, whose . Sentence patterns: Whose guitar is it? Its.s. 教学难点:名词所有格s 的用法。 教学准备:单词和句型的卡条,多媒体。 教学(活动)过程: Unit6 Music 一、Daily greetings: 二、Warming up: Sing a song“Twinkle, twinkle, little star”. (设计意图:本课时的主题是音乐,而在第三单元又刚学了一首歌曲,所 以我觉得放在 warming up 很合适, 加之孩子们都很喜欢,平时课时很紧张, 他们能够听着音乐唱的机会并不多) 3、Lead-in. T: Do you like music? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Me too. Because its wonderful. Lets enjoy music. (设计意图:唱完歌之后,学生们还意犹未尽,我问他们喜欢音乐吗?引 出了课文的文本内容: Do you like music? Yes, I do. Its wonderful. 这个时候我 会把文本内容贴在黑板上,并教授新单词 wonderful。继而让学生欣赏一小段音 乐会的视频,让他们知道是各种各样的乐器才促使了这场音乐会的震撼) 四、Teaching presentation: 1. Listen and answer: T: All kinds of musical instruments make the concert wonderful! Lets enjoy some beautiful sounds of musical instruments . Listen! What can you hear? S1: I can hear a piano. T: Well done! Its a piano. (设计意图:由一个音乐会的小视频导出本单元的主要内容:乐器,再通 过欣赏音乐的方式教授本课的核心单词,单词会要求拼背和书空,并把单词卡 片张贴在黑板上。总而言之围绕主题音乐教授乐器单词。 ) 2. Do a chant: Piano,piano, Ding-ding-ding! Ding-ding-ding! Triangle,triangle, Ting-ting-ting! Ting-ting-ting! Violin,violin, Zing-zing-zing! Zing-zing-zing! Drum,drum, Boom-boom-boom! Boom-boom-boom! (设计意图:通过这个 chant 再次巩固核心单词,不枯燥,又能让学生 容易并且快速熟记今天的单词。 ) 3. Look an say: T: What can he play? S1: He can play the piano. S2: He can play the violin. . (设计意图:通过看 The music man 的这张图片,先让学生认识这个人, 为之后的 sing a song 做好铺垫,其次是回归文本内容: I can play the violin. Can you play the violin? No, I cant. What can you play? I can play the guitar.) 4. Guessing game: T: Whats is it? S1: Its a piano. T:Whose piano is it? S2: Its.s. . (设计意图:通过游戏的方式再次复习核心单词,继而引出关键句型 whose. is it? Its .s.,这个时候我会把关键句型的词条贴在黑板上,这 样就可以很自然的回归文本内容,不会显得很突兀。 ) 5. Practice: T: All guys, close your eyes please. (a few seconds) Open your eyes. Who can tell me whose book it is? S1: Its.s. . (设计意图:这个部分我没有做进课件里,我想的是自由发挥,又带点 游戏的成分,让学生们先闭上眼睛,之后我任意那个东西问 Whose.is it? 学 生们可要观察谁的桌子上少了什么东西,继而回答我的问题,同时又再一次操 练了关键句型,我也许会加入 Whose. are they? They are.s.) 6. Listen and answer: 1、Do they like music? Yes, they do. 2、Who can play the violin? Kitty can play the violin. 3、What can Jill play? She can play the guitar. 4、Where is the Jills guitar? Its at her home. (设计意图:在前面层层铺垫之后,带着问题回归文本,首先可以训练 学生们的听力,其次是拔高点难度,带着问题听,然后回答问题。 ) 7. Read and role-play: (设计意图:再一次熟读课文,然后角色扮演。我上课我最喜欢的一个 环节就是 role-play, 因为我觉得学生扮演,说明对文本的把控很好,而且可以 身临其境,有时候全班会看着表演笑得前仰后翻,不失为上英语课的乐趣。 ) 8. Sing a song: The music man I am the music man And I can play. What can you play? The piano! Ding-ding! Ding-ding! The triangle! Ting-ting! Ting-ting! The violin! Zing-zing! Zing-zing! The drum! Boom-boom! Boom-boom! 设计意图:回归主题音乐,学生们最喜欢的就是唱歌,由于时间有限, 我会要求学生们课后练习并且编上简单的舞蹈动作。 三、Achievement of emotional objects: (设计意图:让学生们在学习之后能够有所思考,界上有很多著名的音 乐家,因为有了这些人,我们生活的世界更加美妙,但是每一个人的成功都是 不易的,要用自己的勤奋来铸就辉煌。 ) 作业布置: 板书设计:
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