沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-6 Music-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:90f4a).zip

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The music man I am the music man And I can play What can you play The piano Ding ding ding ding ding The triangle Ting ting ting ting ting The violin Zing zing zing zingzing The drum Boom boom boom boom Unit6 MUSIC guitar What is it? Its a guitar. play the guitar piano 52 white keys 36 black keys What is it ? Its a piano. play the piano Beethoven Fate / For Elise violin What colour is it ? Its brown. Its white. play the violin drum play/beat the drum triangle play the triangle Questions What can you play ? I can I can play the trangle. I can play the drum. I can play the violin. I can play the piano. I can play the guitar. Match violin guitar piano drum triangle Module 2 Unit 6 Music 教学设计教学设计 教学目标教学目标: 1.帮助学生学习 Look and learn 中的生词 wonderful violin guitar whose piano . 2.学习弹奏乐器的短语 play the guitar play the violin 等短语. 3.初步学习 Whoseis it? Its s s s .句型的灵活运用。通过提问让学生感知句型并 回答。 4.通过学习任务,帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学知识。 情感目标情感目标 培养学生学习英语的兴趣及学生对乐器和音乐的感知,让孩子们更大程度地感受音 乐的美妙。 教学重点教学重点 1.词汇及单词的掌握 wonderful violin guitar whose piano . 2.句型:Whoseis it? Its s s s . .的灵活运用。的灵活运用。 教学难点教学难点: 句型 Whoseis it? Its s s s . .的灵活运用。的灵活运用。 教学栏目:教学栏目: Look and learn Listen and say Ask and answer 教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、课前准备课前准备 Greetings : T:Good morning boys and girls Ss: Good morning, Miss Chen. T:Nice to see you again. Ss:Nice to see you, too. T: How are you? Ss: Im good. Thank you? T: Im good, too. Sit down, please. 1.T: Children,in Unit4,we have learned a subject. In this lesson we can sing .We like it very much. What subject is it? S1: Its music. T: Yes, you are right. Its music. Do you like music? Ss: Yes, I do. T: We have learned some English songs before. Can you sing? Ss: Yes, I can. T:What can you sing? Please put up your hands. The teacher looks around and asks: what can you sing, S1? S1: I can sing ABC song. S2: I can sing Twinkle twinkle little star. S3: I can sing the Music Man. T: Very good. This song we just learned yesterday. Its about a happy music man. Would you like to sing this song together? Ss: Yes, Id like to. T: Lets sing this song together. The students and the teacher sing and act out this song. The teacher shows the slide with the words of the song. 2. After singing the song, ask the students to think about the question. T: The song is nice. Answer my question. How many musical instruments can you hear? Review the wh-words how many: one, two, three.We have learned this pattern before. The students can get the meaning and put up their hands. S1:I can hear four. S2: I can hear four, too. T: What are they? S1: They are the piano and violin . S2: They are the drum and triangle. T: Yeah, you did a good job. 二二呈现新课呈现新课 1. T: Piano, violin, drum and triangle in the song are musical instruments. Today we are going to study them. Most of you have known these musical instruments in Chinese. First, look at the slide. Yes, you are right. Its a guitar in English.(The word guitar flies into the slide.) The students read the word after me twice. Ask them to spell the word. T: Can you spell the word? Ss: Yes, we can. Spell it, please. T: Spell it together, please. Ss: G-u-i-t-a-r guitar. Point to the picture .Ask the students , review the pattern. T: Whats this? (The sentences flies into the slide. Ask some students to answer my questions.) S1: Its a guitar. T: Yes, you are right. (The sentence Whats this? and Its a guitar. flies into the slide.) T: Could you tell me what color the guitar is? (Point to one guitar and review the pattern what color) S1:Its brown. Its a brown guitar. T: How about this one?(Point to another guitar.) S1: Its black. Its a black guitar. T: Yeah, its a black guitar. I think the brown one is beautiful. Do you think so? Point to the guitar and introduce it to the students. T: Lets look at the guitar. It has six strings, but it has no bow. Study the new phrase. T: In the last lesson we have studied the phrases: play football, play basketball. Today we still use play to express : play the guitar. The phrase play the guitar flies into the slide. Point to the picture. Ask the students to read the phrase after me twice. Then ask some students to read it. Show the slide .A man is playing the guitar. T: There is the between play and guitar. We should say play the guitar. But there is no the between play and football. We should say play football. We wont say play guitar or play the football.(on the blackboard)Please pay attention to it. Read the phrases play the guitar and play football three times after me . Ask some students to read them. Show them the slide: A man is playing the guitar. T: Look at the picture. The man is playing the guitar. He is so handsome. I think the tune of the guitar must be wonderful, too. Would you like to hear it? Ss: Yes, wed like to. T: OK. Lets appreciate the guitar together quietly. Play the video for one minute and then stop it. T: Sounds good? Ss: Yes , its wonderful. I like it. T: Its a wonderful tune. Its very famous, too. Its name is Stairway to heaven .Jimmy page wrote it. Do you like it? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Me too. Its name is Stairway to heaven .Remember it.( Stairway to heaven flies into the slide)If you like it, you can listen to it online after school. 2. T: After listening to the guitar , we are going to study another musical instrument. Its the king of instruments. Look at the picture.(Show the slide of piano.)I think all of us know it in Chinese. In English, its a piano.(The word piano flies into the slide.) Read the new words twice after me and spell it. P-i-a-n-o piano. Ask some students to spell it once more. T: The piano looks so beautiful. Whats this in English?(Review the pattern again.) S1: Its a piano. T: What color is it? S1: Its black. Its a black piano. T: What about this one? (Point to a white piano.) Ss: Its white. Its a white piano. T: Yes. Its big. I like the white piano better. It looks so beautiful. If you like it, you can learn to play the piano later. I think you can learn it well. Ss: OK. Thank you. T: The piano looks so beautiful. Lets know about the piano. It has 88keys, 36 black keys and 52 white keys.(The number 36 black keys and52 white keys flies into the slide.) Show another slide .A man is playing the piano. Ask the students . T:We have just learned the phrase play the guitar. Please tell me what the man is doing? If you can say it, put up your hands. Ss: Play the piano. T: Yeah, you are right. Well done. Read the phrase after me , please. Ask some students to read the phrase and then read after me once more. T: The piano looks so beautiful. It also can play very beautiful melody. Would you like to listen to it? Ss: Yes, Id like to. T: OK. Lets appreciate this piano tune together. The teacher plays the video and listen to music quietly. Ss: Its so nice. T: Yes, it is. Its very famous, too. Could you tell me what piano piece it is? If you know, please put up your hands and tell me. Look around the classroom. Nobody knows its name. T: OK. Let me tell you about it. We often hear this tune, but we cant name it. Yes or no? Ss:Yes. T:It doesnt matter. Let me tell you. Its the Fate of Beethoven. Many many people in the world like this piano piece. Show the slide of Beethoven. Point to it and tell the students. T:This is Beethoven. He is a German .He is a great pianist in the world. He cant hear. He is deaf.(Do the action). But he could fight against his fate and wrote many great piano piece. He is a great musician. T: Lets appreciate his another piano piece. OK? Ss: OK. The teacher plays the video and stops it one minute later. T: Sounds good, children? Ss: Yes. Its beautiful. T: Its another piece of Beethoven. Its For Elise. We often hear it. Yes or no? Ss: Yes, Miss Chen. T: Its very beautiful , too. Lets remember this beautiful melody and this great pianist. 3.T: After listening to the beautiful pieces, we are going on studying another musical instrument. Show the slide of the violin. Point to the picture. T: Its a violin in English.(The word violin flies into the slide.) Ask the students to read the word twice after me and spell it. S1: v-i-o-l-i-n, violin. S2: v-i-o-l-i-n, violin. Spell this word together. Go on using this pattern. Ask and answer in pairs. S1: Whats this in English? S2:Its a violin. S1: What color is it? S2: Its brown. Its a brown violin. S1:What about this one? S2: Its white. Its a white violin. T: Both of you did a good job. The two violins look nice. Do you think so? Ss: Yes. I like them very much. Show the slide with a girl playing the violin. T: Whats the girl doing? Who can tell me? Ss: Play the violin. T: Yeah. She is playing the violin.(The phrase play the violin flies into the slide.) The students read the phrase twice after me. Then ask some students to read the phrase. T: The beautiful girl must be playing the beautiful tune. Would you like to listen to it? S:Yes,I d like to. Play the video and appreciate the wonderful tune quietly about one minute. After listening to this piece, the teacher asks the students if they know this tune. Ss: Yes. But I dont know its name. T: OK. Let me tell you. Its the Butterfly lovers.(Do the action like a butterfly.)We call it Liang Zhu in Chinese.(The name flies into the slide.) T: Sounds good? Ss: Yes. Its wonderful. T: Its a Chinese traditional violin. Its also well-known all over the world. It comes from an old Chinese fairy tale. I hope you can listen to it online after class. 4.T:After listening to the violin, well go on learning another musical instrument. Look at the slide. Show the next slide .Its the drum. The word drum flies into the slide. Read the word after me together. Ask the students to spell it. S1: D-r u-m, drum. S2: D-r-u-m, drum. Spell the word together three times. Show the slide of playing the drum. Make the students say the phrase and then the phrase play the drum flies into the slide. Ask the students to read it. T: Who can read the phrase, please put up your hands. S1: Play the drum. S2: Play the drum. T: You did a good job. Also we can say beat/hit the drum. The phrases flies into the slide. The students read the phrase after me. T: I think all of us hear the sound. When we beat the drum, we must be very happy or excited. In China, we often beat the drum at many important festivals. Also we beat it on the battlefield. It can make the soldiers excited . 5.T: OK. Lets look at the last musical instrument well study today. Show the slide. Its also a shape. We have learned the word last year. T: Yes, you are right. Its a triangle.(The word triangle flies into the slide.) Ask the students to read the word and spell it. S1: T-r i-a-n-g-l-e, triangle. S2: T-r i-a-n-g-l-e, triangle. T: The triangle is made of the iron .Its sound is very crisp. Show another picture with a girl playing the triangle. T: Who can tell me what the girl is doing? Ss: Play the triangle. The phrase flies into the slide. T:Yes, you did a good job. The girl is playing the triangle. The students read the phrase after me. T: Children, if you want to listen to the drum and the triangle, you can hear them online after school. After studying these musical instruments, review these new words and phrases. Read them after me once more, then ask the students to read these new words and phrases. If they can, please put up their hands. If they do a good job, praise them for their hard work. T:Children, do you still remember Supergirl? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Tell me about Supergirl and Superdog. S1: Supergirl can fly. S2: Supergirl can swim. S3: Supergirl can run fast. S4: But she cant draw. T: Wonderful. You did a good job. In this lesson, well still use this sentence pattern. But its not Supergirl can do.Its I can do . Use the phrases that we have learned today. 5.Do the actions of playing the musical instruments and ask the students to guess. Make dialogues in pairs. We have learned the pattern What can you hear? last year. So the students can use it to ask and answer in pairs. Show the slide with What can you hear ?on it. Also there are five pictures with the people playing the musical instruments. S1: What can you play, Xu Meiyi? Sxu: I can play the triangle. According to the pictures on the slide.)The sentence flies into the slide.)What can you play, Zhang Minghao? Szhang : I can play the drum.(Do the action. The answer I can play the drum. . flies into slide.) S3: I can play the piano. S4: I can play the violin. S5: I can play the guitar. Practise the dialogue once more until they can use it well. 6.T: Children, today we are going to study a new word. Its Whose.(on the blackboard) T: If we dont know the owner of something and want to know. Well use this word whose. Pick up something such as the students books ,bags and other things on their desks. Ask them. T: whose books is it? Whose pencil is it? Whose bag is it? Ask them to answer my questions if they can. Who can, please put up your hands. S1: Its my book.(the owner) S2: Its not my bag. Its Wang Luzhan.(It has a fault in this sentence.) Tell them we can use Kittys , Joes to know the owner. So we can say Its Wang Luzhans. We wont say Its Wang Luzhan. Use the things on the desks .Ask and answer in pairs with the new word whose.(on the blackboard) Whose is it? Itss. According to the new words we have learned today ,ask and answer in pairs. Show the slide .They are the musical instruments with the names on them. Ask and answer in pairs. T: Whose guitar is it? S1: Its Joes guitar. S2: Whose violin is it? S3: Its Kittys violin. S4: Whose piano is it? S5: Its Miss Fangs piano. 7. Then review all the words , phrases and the sentence patterns. Ask the students to read them and make the dialogues once more. 三三Practice Do a match. Match the words and the pictures on the slide. 4 Homework 1.1.句型句型:Whoseis it? Its s . .的的巩固巩固运用。运用。 2.2.更好的掌握使用本课的单词和短语。更好的掌握使用本课的单词和短语。 3.搜集更多表示乐器的单词,更好的感知音乐。搜集更多表示乐器的单词,更好的感知音乐。 板书设计板书设计 play the guitar Whose is it? play footballIts s. What can you play? I can . .
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