沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-Revision 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:e2ca8).zip

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Oxford English Lets sing 教师自行寻找并插入The days of a week 的歌曲。 Ask and answer 1.1. WhatWhat dayday is is today?today? 2.2. WhatWhat lessonslessons dodo wewe havehave today?today? 3.3. WhatWhat subjectssubjects dodo youyou like?like? Lets review Think and say 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ Give a report WeWe havehave _ lessonslessons today.today. InIn thethe morning,morning, wewe havehave _,_, _,_, _ andand _._. FromFrom _ toto _,_, wewe havehave ourour lunchlunch break.break. WeWe havehave _ andand _ in in thethe afternoon.afternoon. I I likelike PEPE andand Music.Music. MyMy friendfriend _ likeslikes PEPE too.too. WeWe playplay sportsport together.together. Do a survey S2:S2: Yes,Yes, he/shehe/she does.does. No,No, he/shehe/she doesnt.doesnt. S1:S1: DoesDoes likelike sport?sport? basketballbasketballfootballfootballvolleyballvolleyballbadmintonbadmintontabletable tennistennis Name Sport S1:S1: WhatWhat sportsport doesdoes he/shehe/she likelike playing?playing? S2:S2: He/SheHe/She likeslikes playingplaying He/SheHe/She wantswants toto joinjoin thethe club.club. Give a report InIn ourour group,group, _ childrenchildren likelike playingplaying sport.sport. _ childrenchildren likelike playingplaying football.football. _ childrenchildren likelike playingplaying _._. _ childrenchildren likelike playingplaying _._. OnlyOnly oneone childchild likeslikes playingplaying _._. TheyThey wantwant toto joinjoin thesethese clubs.clubs. _ makemake usus _,_, _ andand happy.happy. Ask and answer 1.1. DoDo youyou likelike Music?Music? 3.3. WhatWhat musicalmusical instrumentinstrument cancan you/youryou/your friendfriend play?play? 2.2. WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo in in youryour MusicMusic lesson?lesson? Sing a song pianopianoviolinviolintriangletriangledrumdrum ting-tingting-tingzing-Zingzing-Zingboom-boomboom-boomding-dingding-ding ListenListen toto this.this. WhatsWhats thethe sound?sound? S:S: Is Is thisthis thethe soundsound ofof thethe ? Is Is it it thethe ? Listen and guess Pair work B:B: I I cancan playplay thethe _._. I I playplay thethe _ veryvery well.well. A:A: WhatWhat cancan youyou play?play? A:A: HowHow doesdoes it it sound?sound? B:B: It It soundssounds _._. 1. play _ piano 2. play _ badminton 3. play _ table tennis 4. play _ violin 5. play _ triangle 6. play _ football the the the / / / Read and complete (Fill(Fill withwith “the”“the” oror “/”)“/”) Look and read ItsIts timetime f_f_ thethe MusicMusic lesson.lesson. KittyKitty andand JillJill areare in in thethe musicmusic room.room. KittyKitty cancan playplay thethe v_v_ veryvery well,well, butbut JillJill cancan playplay thethe g_.g_. JillsJills guitarguitar is is atat h_.h_. TheThe drumdrum is is Joes.Joes. ItsIts b_b_ thethe cupboard.cupboard. or iolin uitarome eside Read and complete Nameplay the piano play the violin play the triangle play the drum S1:S1: WhatWhat cancan youyou play?play? S2:S2: I I cancan playplay _._. InIn ourour group,group, _ cancan playplay thethe _._. It It goesgoes “_”.“_”. Do a survey Think and complete I myme you he she it we your hishim you her itsit her ourus Revise the sounds Read and choose ( )1. a. pickckb. reachch c. checkck ( )2. a. fall llb. tell ll c. r rude ( )3. a. theseseb. classss c. Missss b c a Revision2 1.Warming up: Sing a song together. 2.Procedure Procedure (1) 活动内容:师生问答切入复习内容。 活动目的:帮助学生复习巩固 U4 的知识内容。 操作方法:教师提问,学生自由回答。 Procedure (2) 活动内容:复习 Unit 4 Listen and say。 活动目的:帮助学生复习和理解文本和关键句型 操作方法:出问题,课表隐藏,出问号,让学生复习再读再复现补充完整课表。 Practice (3) 活动内容:呈现理解 Unit 4 Listen and say 的内容。 活动目的:帮助学生复习和理解文本和关键句型。 操作方法:学生自己填写完整课表。 备注:学生自己填写需要印发课表的表格,写写练练。 Pair work (4) 活动内容:填写学生今天的课表,并同桌问答。 活动目的:复习课程以及关键问答句型。 操作方法:先自己填写课表,再同桌问答,最后汇报。 Give a report (5) 活动内容:填写报告 活动目的:复习 Unit 4 的 Think and write. 操作方法:同桌讨论口头完成。 Do a survey (6) 活动内容:小组完成调查表,统计成员名字及喜欢的运动。 活动目的:复习 Unit 5 Sport 的词汇及关键句型。 操作方法:学生根据给出的句型结构进行问答,再填写表格。 Do a survey (7) 活动内容:完成调查报告。 活动目的:在语境中复习 Unit 5 的词汇和句型。 操作方法:根据前面的小组调查,同坐完成报告。 Lead in (8) 活动内容:师生问答,引入 Unit 6 的复习内容。 活动目的:复习 Unit 6 的词汇和句型的复习。 操作方法:教师提问或学生提问,学生回答。 Enjoy a song (9) 活动内容:复习唱 Unit 6 的歌曲。 活动目的:巩固复习各种乐器的声音词,提高学生学习兴趣。 操作方法:播放歌曲,师生共吟唱。 (10) 活动内容:听乐器的音乐,猜乐器,并说出音乐声。 活动目的:复习词汇,同时复习乐器的声音词的拼读。 操作方法: 教师播放音效,让学生通过一般疑问句来猜。 Practise (11) 活动内容:同桌互相问答。 活动目的:操练词组 play the .的用法。 操作方法:同桌互相问答。 Exercise (12) 活动内容:用 the 或 / 填空。 活动目的:掌握乐器前加 the 球类前不加 the 的用法。 操作方法:教师出示题目,学生填空。 Procedure (13) 活动内容:朗读 Unit 6 的 Listen and say 的文本内容。 活动目的:复习 Unit 6 的 Listen and say 的文本内容。 操作方法:学生齐读或男女生分角色朗读。 Exercise (14) 活动内容:根据文本内容填空。 活动目的:掌握本课核心词汇的用法。 操作方法:学生自读再填空。 Pair work (15) 活动内容:小组 4 人完成调查表。 活动目的:进一步操练问答,为后面的写铺垫。 操作方法:学生四人一组问答,在表格内打钩,再完成汇报,朗读汇报。 Pair work (16) 活动内容:完成书上的复习部分的练习 活动目的:操练 Whose .is it?的句型。 操作方法:学生用铅笔连线,并用对话操练问答。 Exercise (17) 活动内容:完成这张表格 活动目的:操练人称代词,形容词性物主代词和宾格的词汇。 操作方法:学生填空,完成表格。 Exercise( 18) 活动内容:选出发音不同的单词 活动目的:辨识发音特殊的单词 操作方法:选出划线部分发音不同的单词。 3Homework Work in pairs to talk about page31 after class.
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