沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-Revision 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:0022b).zip

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6 Module 2 My favourite things Oxford English Music HeHe cancan playplay thethe piano.piano. playplay thethe pianopiano playplay thethe triangletriangle playplay thethe violinviolin playplay thethe drumdrum No, he cant. What can you play? KittyKitty andand JillJill likelike music.music. Look.Look. 1. What can Kitty play? 2. What can Jill play? 3. Whose guitar is it? Kitty can play the violin. Jill can play the guitar. Its Joes guitar. Kitty:Kitty: I I likelike music.music. ItsIts wonderful.wonderful. DoDo youyou likelike music,music, Jill?Jill? Jill:Jill: Yes,Yes, I I do.do. Kitty:Kitty: I I cancan playplay thethe violin.violin. CanCan youyou playplay thethe violin?violin? Jill:Jill: No,No, I I cant.cant. Kitty:Kitty: WhatWhat cancan youyou play?play? Jill:Jill: I I cancan playplay thethe guitar.guitar. Kitty:Kitty: Is Is thatthat youryour guitar?guitar? Jill:Jill: No,No, it it isnt.isnt. MyMy guitarguitar is is atat home.home. WhoseWhose guitarguitar is is it?it? Kitty:Kitty: ItsIts JoesJoes guitar.guitar. LookLook atat thethe name.name. KittyKitty andand JillJill likelike music.music. 小结 What have we learned in this lesson ? 1.1. readread andand copycopy “Listen“Listen andand say”say” onon pagepage 26.26. 2.2. talktalk aboutabout whatwhat musicalmusical InstrumentsInstruments youyou cancan playplay withwith youryour classmate.classmate. Unit 6 Music 第二课时 Teaching aims: 1. 能够灵活运用句型:Whose guitar is it ? Its Joes guitar. 2. 激发学生认识乐器的兴趣,培养学生阳光积极向上的精神。 Main points: 词汇:wonderful 句型:Whose guitar is it ? Its Joes guitar. Difficult points: 名词所有格s 的用法 Teaching procedures: Step1. Warm up 1. Sing a song The music man 2. Free talk: T:What can the music man play? S:He can play T:What can you play? S: I can play 3.Picture leading(图片导入) Step2: Presentation 1. Listen and follow 2. Answer the questions 1)What can Kitty play? 2)What can Jill play? 3)Whose guitar is it? Step3: Practice 1. Read the dialogues in pairs 2. Act the dialogues in pairs Step4. Sum up What can we learn from this lesson? Step5. Homework 1. Read “listen and say ”on page 26 2. Talk about the musical instruments you can play with your classmates
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