沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-Revision 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:607dd).zip

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This is our timetable for today. We have six lessons. In the morning, we have English, Chinese, Maths and Music. In the afternoon, we have Art and PE. WeWe havehave _ lessonslessons today.today. InIn thethe morning,morning, wewe havehave _,_, _,_, _ andand _._. WeWe havehave _ andand _ in in thethe afternoon.afternoon. I I likelike PEPE andand Music.Music. MyMy friendfriend _ likeslikes PEPE too.too. WeWe playplay sportsport together.together. 1. We read and write in our _ lesson. 2. We run and jump in our _ lesson. 3. We have fun with numbers in our _ lesson. 4. We learn ABCs in our _ lesson. 5. We paint and draw in our _ lesson. 6. We learn about animals and plants in our _ lesson. 7. We sing and dance in our _ lesson. ChineseMaths Englis h Scienc e PEMusicArt play football play volleyball play basketball play badminton play table tennis Whats missing? It has a big body. Its black. It has many keys. Theyre black and white. You can use it to play music. It goes “ding-ding”. What is it? musicalmusical instrumentsinstruments It has a long body. Its brown. It has four strings. Theyre thin and long. You can use it to play music. It goes “zing-zing”. What is it? It has three sides (边边). It has no eyes. It has no hands. You can use it to play music. It goes “ting-ting”. What is it? Its big and round. Its smooth too. It has no hands or legs. You can use it to play music. It goes “boom-boom”. What is it? A piano. A violin. A triangle. A drum. Nameplay the piano play the violin play the triangle play the drum S1:S1: WhatWhat cancan youyou play?play? S2:S2: I I cancan playplay _._. InIn ourour group,group, _ cancan playplay thethe _._. Do a survey table tennis ball ping-pong ball Its a white ball. Its round. Its small. Read and guess 1. play _ piano 2. play _ badminton 3. play _ table tennis 4. play _ violin 5. play _ triangle 6. play _ football the the the / / / Read and complete (Fill(Fill withwith “the”“the” oror “/”)“/”) Ask and answer 3.3. WhatWhat cancan youyou play?play? 1.1. WhatWhat lessonslessons dodo wewe havehave today?today? 2.2. WhatWhat subjectssubjects dodo youyou like?like? _ _ makes us healthy, strong and happy. Playing table tennis Sport Lets talk join the club Table tennis Club Basketball ClubBadminton Club Volleyball Club Swimming Club WhatWhat clubclub dodo youyou wantwant toto joinjoin? I I likelike playingplaying I I wantwant toto joinjoin club.club. Rugby Club Football Club Homework Revision 2 教学设计 一、教学设计说明一、教学设计说明 1. 基本理念基本理念 义务教育英语课程标准旨在通过选取符合学生生理和心理 的素材,采用适当的表现形式,激发和培养他们学习英语的兴趣, 发展听,说,读,写技能,从而初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力, 养成良好的学习习惯,促进心智发展。 2整体设计思路整体设计思路 根据本年段学生学习语言的实际情况,以学生熟悉的生活经验 为基础,突出语言学习的多样性,沿用以任务为主要学习途径,通 过不同层次,不同技能的实践,体验,交际活动,以说,做,读, 写等活动形式,实现语言学习和学生多元智能的双重发展。 二、教学分析二、教学分析 1.教学内容分析教学内容分析 本单元内容涉及调查学生喜欢的学科,体育运动及物品所属性 等对话情景。Whose 句型首次出现,应关注答句中 s 表示所有的 用法。核心词组之外,可以适当补充其他词组,通过复习,句型的 操练,帮助学生巩固核心句型。 2.教学对象分析教学对象分析 四年级学生已初步形成良好的英语学习习惯,具有一定的英语 语感,在单词的记忆和句型的运用能力方面,有了自己的方法和思 维方式,对英语学习持有浓厚的兴趣。根据四年级学生们活泼好动, 求知欲强,但注意力不够持久的年龄特征,在教学过程中,多变化 教学方法和教学手段,如谜语、游戏、小组活动、书写等,吸引他 们的注意力,以提高学习兴趣和效果,使他们在轻松愉快中操练及 巩固知识。 三三. 教学目标教学目标 1知识与技能目标:Review the words of Module 1. Review the sentences. 2. 过程与方法目标: 1.Learners use interrogative of subjects,sports and musical instruments to know the answers; . 2. Learners use modeled sentences to ask about and find out various kind of information about a sentences. 3.情感态度与价值观目标: 通过听说读写训练,发展学生综合运用语言的能力,提高与他 人合作,交往,运用语言进行交往的能力。 4. 学习策略:积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。学生通过对 话唱歌、谜语、游戏等活动来巩固新知。 四、教学重点、难点四、教学重点、难点 1.教学重点: 1.Learners use interrogative of subjects,sports and musical instruments to know the answers. 2. Learners use modeled sentences to ask about and find out various kind of information about an object. 2.教学难点:准确地运用所学疑问句型去进行对话交流讨论。 五. 教学准备 多媒体课件。 六、教学过程设计六、教学过程设计 (一)组织教学,师生问候。 用歌曲组织教学,师生问候,听唱歌曲Twinkle twinkle little star 。 Twinkle twinkle little star 是 Unit 3 的内 容,因此这里只需要学生观看,附和着唱一唱即可。 (设计意图:)活跃课堂气氛,引出话题。 (二)Free talk 导入,复习相关单词句型。 1.使用第 4 单元相关句型 Free talk 导入。 (设计意图:)帮助学生复习和回忆文本和相关句型。 2.呈现学生真实课程表,学生自己填写相应空缺,写写练练。 (设计意图:)这样利用多媒体课件呈现课程表,贴近学校实际生 活,他们带着强烈的好奇心和浓厚的学习兴趣,积极主动地参与知 识的学习。 ) 3.根据幻灯片描述,写出相应乐器名称。 (设计意图:)帮助学生复习和理解文本和关键句型。 4. Whats missing? 找出消失的单词,学生快速说出擦去的词组。 (设计意图)提供素材,对单词认知进行巩固复习,调动学生的非 智力因素来促进智力因素 (设计意图:)考察已学词组,巩固核心词汇。 5.猜谜语,学生阅读并回答,教师点击答案 ,引出用 the 或 / 填空。 (设计意图:)复习单词,掌握乐器前加 the 球类前不加 the 的用 法。 6.继续通过多媒体图片,自然呈现复习句型,分组练习 What lessons do you have today? What subject do you like? I like.(设计意图:)进一步操练问答,呈现相关语言点,调动学 生积极性,帮助学生复习旧的知识体系,更好的完成复习目的,为 后面的写铺垫。 7. 完成书上的复习部分的练习,操练 Whose .is it?的句型。学生 用铅笔连线,并用对话操练问答。 (设计意图:)帮助学生复习巩固 U4 的知识内容。 8.教师提问,教师先说,再让学生选择替换说。 (设计意图:)拓展新的句型说说运动的意义,体现育人价值。 (三)布置作业(Homework) 出示作业模板,学生根据自已实际情况补充完成作业 I like playing,I want to joinclub 。 (设计意图:)鼓励学生课上课下积极参与各种课内外活动, 既补充了学生所学的知识,又增强了学生学习英语的兴趣。
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