沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 3 My colourful life-9 A friend in Australia-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:00fdb).zip

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4B Module 3 My colourful life Unit 9 A friend in Australia An email from Amy Period 3 Where are you from ? 你你从哪国来?从哪国来? talk about? 谈论什么谈论什么 talktalk aboutabout 谈论谈论什什么么 sportssports familyfamily subjectssubjects festivalfestival节节日日 musicmusic schoolschool Which festival (节日节日)do they talk about? A ChildrensChildrens DayDay B ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear CChristmasChristmas 圣诞节圣诞节 发件人发件人 收件人收件人 邮件主题邮件主题 Saras powerpoint Its 24th December. Its Christmas Eve. Im so happy today. 今天是今天是12月月24日,日,圣诞夜圣诞夜,我好开心啊。,我好开心啊。 Its cold and snowy. Look at Father Christmas , He wears a warm coat. 天有点冷,雪花纷飞。看!圣诞老人穿着暖和的天有点冷,雪花纷飞。看!圣诞老人穿着暖和的外套外套。 At Christmas, the family get together. 圣诞节这天,全家人团聚在一起。圣诞节这天,全家人团聚在一起。 We have a big dinner. 我们享受着圣诞大餐。我们享受着圣诞大餐。 We sing Christmas songs. 我们一起欢唱圣诞歌。我们一起欢唱圣诞歌。 Children get presents from father and mother. 爸爸妈妈为我们准备了满意的礼物。爸爸妈妈为我们准备了满意的礼物。 MerryMerry Christmas,JillChristmas,Jill ! ! 圣诞节快乐!圣诞节快乐! 1. In the USA, what season is it at Christmas? 2. Hows the weather? 3. Do people wear warm clothes or cool clothes? 4. What do people do(人们做些什么人们做些什么)? 5. How do people greet each other(人们彼此怎么人们彼此怎么 问候问候)? 1. Hows the weather? 2. What season is it? a photo of Amys family 1. In Australia, where do Amys family go at Christmas? 3. What clothes does Father Christmas wear(穿)(穿) in Australia? 2. Can Amy see snow at Christmas? 观看视频,回答观看视频,回答 1. In Australia, where do Amys family go at Christmas? They go to the beach. 3. What clothes does Father Christmas wear in Australia? He wears shorts. 2. Can Amy see snow at Christmas? No, she cant. Do they like the red hats? The hats are very lovely! Read and underline (读课文,读课文,划线索划线索) 听一听,填一填听一听,填一填 读邮件读邮件 ? ? 赤道赤道 南半球南半球 北半球北半球 Different countries, 不同国家不同国家 different seasons. 不同季节不同季节 In Australia Different countries, 不同国家不同国家 different seasons, 不同季节不同季节 different traditions. 不同传统不同传统 importantimportant festivalfestival 重要节日重要节日 ChristmasChristmas ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear information card January or February in winter season 季节季节 weather 天气天气 cold warm coat clothes 衣服衣服 activity 活动活动 1. have a big family dinner (吃年夜饭)吃年夜饭) 2. light fireworks (放烟花)放烟花) 3. visit friends and relatives (拜访亲朋好友)拜访亲朋好友) and say “Happy Chinese New Year” (互道新互道新 年好)年好) 4.children can get red packets from parents (小朋友可以获得祝福红包)小朋友可以获得祝福红包) 信息卡信息卡 Help Jill write an email . 帮助帮助J Jillill写一封有关春节的回信给写一封有关春节的回信给AmAmy y Jill Amy Happy Chinese New Year! Dear Amy, How are you? Yours, Jill 呼语,问候呼语,问候 结束语结束语 正文正文 ? 节 什么南北半球的季什么南北半球的季节 相反相反 Homework Know more about “different countries, different seasons”. 1 2 Complete the email. 4B Module3 Unit 9 A friend in Australia (3rd period) An email from Amy 教学栏目:教学栏目:Look and read, Culture corner 教学构想:教学构想: 1. 本节课的教学中,我新增了教学内容:引入了来自美国的主人公 Sara, 以她 发给 Jill 的一封电子邮件(PPT 文件形式)为切入点,带学生感受白雪皑皑的 冬季圣诞节。目的:以此和澳大利亚的圣诞节作对比(season, weather, clothes, activity),让学生更为清晰的感受南北半球圣诞节的不同。 2. 注重文化熏陶。对于美国和澳大利亚而言,圣诞节是一个重大节日。而对于 中国而言,春节则是最为隆重的节日。课堂中,引导学生补充信息卡: Whens the Chinese New Year? Hows the weather? What clothes do people wear? What do people do? 课后,鼓励学生借助课堂中完成的“信息卡”, 完成给 Amy 的回信。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.通过 Look and read 的阅读活动,帮助学生了解电子邮件的格式。 2. 以 Culture corner 栏目的文化意识为指引,上课过程中补充介绍美国的圣诞节, 让学生了解,由于南北半球的气候差异,所以美国和澳大利亚的圣诞节在不同 的季节。 教学重点:教学重点: 词汇:email, wear, Christmas Day 句型:Merry Christmas! Here is a photo of my family. Arent they lovely? 教学难点:教学难点: 在板书提示下,能够简单复述美国和澳大利亚的圣诞节。 教学过程教学过程活动设计活动设计学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Activity 1 Lets watch Students enjoy the video “Where are you from?” 用包含国家名的视频 导入教学,激发学生 的学习兴趣,引出三 位主人公所在的国家。 Activity 2 Lets know about characters Students get to know about 3 friends in 3 different countries. 借助图片信息,让学 生了解三位主人公所 在的国家在地图上的 位置,埋下伏笔: 不同国家, 不同气候, 不同文化。 Pre-reading Activity 3 Brainstorming Students think about : 1. How do they talk? 2. What do they talk about? 3.Which festival do they talk about? 以问促思,引出关键 词: talk on computer ( 进 一步引出 email ) Christmas Step 1 Read the email from Sara in the USA, and learn the format of it: from, to, subject Activity 1 Read the email from Sara (PPT 格式) Step 2 Read the email carefully and answer questions: 1. What season is it? 2. Hows the weather? 3. What clothes do they wear? 4. What do they do? 来自美国的 Sara 发 给 Jill 的邮件是 PPT 形式,图文并茂的介 绍了美国的圣诞节, 意在和即将展现给大 家的澳大利亚的圣诞 节作对比。 Step 1 Talk about the format of the email. from, to, subject Step 2 Describe the pictures: Hows the weather? What season is it? Step 3 Read the email carefully and answer questions: 1. In Australia, where do Amys family go at Christmas? 2. Can Amy see snow at Christmas? 3. What clothes does Father Christmas wear in Australia? Activity 2 Read the email from Amy Step 4 Analysis of the sentence “Arent they lovely?” 学生结合教师所给的 阅读策略,通过分析 图片,细读邮件,获 取问题中的详细信息。 回答问题的过程中, 呈现核心词汇: wear, go to the beach, every year, a photo of 讲解句子: Arent they lovely? While-reading Activity 3 Read and complete Students read the email from Amy and fill in the blanks. 检测学生对邮件内容 的掌握情况。 Activity 1 Culture learning Have students know about: Different countries, different weather. 借助 Sara 和 Amy 的 电子邮件,让学生感 知两国因所处半球不 同,所以季节刚好相 反。 Posting-reading Activity 2 Write an email back Have students list the main information of Chinese New Year, and then try to write an email back to Amy. 引导学生完成有关中 国春节的信息卡,有 效帮助学生写一封有 关此内容的回信给 Amy。 Homework 1. Know more about “different countries, different seasons”. 2. Complete the email. 板书设计:板书设计:
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