沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 3 My colourful life-9 A friend in Australia-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:f0e0c).zip

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Module 3 My colourful life Oxford English A friend in Australia 9 song Its _.sunny Its _.cloudy Its _.windy Its _.rainy Its _.snowy Its _ in spring.warm Its _ in summer.hot Its _ in autumn.cool Its _ in winter.cold There are twelve month There are twelve months s in a year. in a year. 月月 年年 song S2: Hows the weather in January? S1: Its (warm/hot/cool/cold/ .) S1: Im in Beijing. There are four seasons in a year. 说话练习 课文对话 There are _ seasons in a year. They are _ , _ , _ and _. My favourite season is _. I live in _. _ comes in _. Its _. I can _. What a beautiful season! Do you like it? 图 Where does Amy live? Amy lives in Australia. Hows the weather in China? Its sunny and hot. Hows the weather in Australia? Its windy and cool. Which month is it now? Its May. 课文 对话 Period 2 Module 3 My colourful life Oxford English A friend in Australia 9 song Its _.sunny Its _.cloudy Its _.windy Its _.rainy Its _.snowy Its _ in spring.warm Its _ in summer.hot Its _ in autumn.cool Its _ in winter.cold ThereThere areare twelvetwelve monthmonths s inin a a year.year. 月月 年年 song S2: Hows the weather in January? S1: Its (warm/hot/cool/cold/ .) S1: Im in Beijing. There are four seasons in a year. 说话练习 课文对话 There are _ seasons in a year. They are _ , _ , _ and _. My favourite season is _. I live in _. _ comes in _. Its _. I can _. What a beautiful season! Do you like it? 图 Hello,Im Jill.I live in China. This is my friend Amy. She lives in Sydney, Australia. We talk on the computer on Sunday. Hi, Amy. Its sunny and warm here. Hows the weather in Sydney? Its windy and cool. Its cool here in April and May. Hows the weather in December?Its sunny and hot. 1 . 2 3 . 4. Hows the weather in December? Its sunny and hot. 问答 练习 Where does Amy live? Amy lives in Australia. Hows the weather in China? Its sunny and hot. Hows the weather in Australia? Its windy and cool. Which month is it now? Its May. 课文 对话 四年级下册英语四年级下册英语 Unit9Unit9 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:Unit9 A friend in Australia 第二课时 版本:上海教育出版社沪教版 【教学目标教学目标】 1.能在语境中正确运用本单元核心词汇: China,talk,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,Au gust,September,October,November,December 2.能用句型 Hows the weather in?来询问某地或某个月份的天 气情况,并能用 Its cloudy /snowy来回答。 3.初步了解世界各地天气的差异。知道季节不同,天气不同;地方 不同,天气不同。 4. 培养学生的说话能力及语言组织能力。 【教学重点教学重点】 1.本课新词汇:China,talk,Sydney,Australia,snowy ,January, February, March, May, June, April, July, August, September, October,November,December 2.复习学过的关于天气的词汇:warm,hot, cool, winter, cloudy, windy, sunny, rainy。学习新天气单词:snowy 3.复习旧句型:Hows the weather?Its (省略号处可填 warm/cloudy) 学习新句型:Hows the weather in(省略号处可填月份或地 点)? Its 【教师准备教师准备】 PPT,打印的短文填空题 【学生准备学生准备】 复习关于天气的单词 【教学过程教学过程】 Step1 Lead- in Today, well study Unit9 A friend in Australia Period2. First,lets listen and enjoy a song Hows the weather? (通过听歌既复习了关于天气的句型,为本课句型的学习奠定了 基础,又吸引了学生注意力,同时激发了学习兴趣。) Step 2. Check 1.教师一边播放天气图片,一边问:Hows the weather?学生 根据图片及句子的提示回答出关于天气的单词:warm,hot, cool, cold, cloudy, windy, sunny, rainy,snowy ( 检查学生天气单词的复习情况。) 2.复习上节课所学的 12 个月份单词。 ( 采用听读形式,及说单数月份,双数月份的接龙游戏的方 式来复习, 为本课的句型操练奠定了基础。) Step 3.Presentation 1.Think and say (1)出示北京与悉尼的四季对比图,根据图中孩子的穿着,引 出四季,并向学生解释北京与悉尼的四季分别在哪几个月;再根据 图中天气图片的提示引导学生说出每个季节的天气情况。 ( 给学生解释清图片内容,为后续的句型操练奠定了基础。) (2)操练本课的重要句型。 S1:Im in Beijing. S2:Hows the weather in January? S1:Its ( 以同桌的形式练习,培养合作能力;然后抽几组展示,培养 学生敢说,勇于表达的积极学习态度。) 2.Think and complete 出示四季图及北京与悉尼的四季对比图,复习一些与之相关的 词语:go to the park,see many flowers,swim,fly a kite,ride a bike,skate,make a snowman,引导学生完成短文填空练习题 My favourite season,让学生介绍自己喜欢的季节。 ( 将学生分成四大组,每组通过讨论完成一个季节的填空,最 后每组请一个代表来展示。培养学生的说话及写作能力。) 3.Listen and say 出示课本 Listen and say 部分: (1)听一遍,强调 China,talk,Sydney,Amy 这几个新词的发音; (培养学生的听的能力) (2)根据对话,回答问题;(培养学生的阅读理解能力) (3)听并跟读;同桌分角色读;(培养学生的读的能力及与他 人合作的能力) (4)集体读对话。(再次巩固对话,并可检查学生读得情况, ) Step 4.Summary 出示图片,总结本课: Different seasons,different weather; Different places,different weather. 【板书设计】 Unit9 A friend in Australia Period2 warm,hot, cool, cold, cloudy, windy, sunny, rainy,snowy S1:Im in Beijing. S2:Hows the weather in January? S1:Its go to the park, see many flowers, swim, skate, fly a kite, ride a bike, make a snowman 2016 年 5 月 9 日
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