沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-11 Children's Day-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:e00b9).zip

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Swim,swim,I can swim. Can you swim? Can you swim? Run,run,I can run. Can you run? Can you run? Sing,sing,I can sing. Can you sing? Can you sing? Dance,dance,I can dance. Can you dance? Can you dance? M4U11Childrens Day Period 1 My Childrens Day Happy Childrens Day! S1:What do you do on Childrens Day? S2:I dance on Childrens Day . go swimming go to the park play football play chess . In the morning, We_. In the afternoon, I_. C. A. B. In the morning, We_. In the afternoon, I_. C. A. B. hard park card We can . at the party. sing dance eat cakes drink juice tell a story do a play play games hard park card In the afternoon,I go to _. thisatththth I go to the park with my grandma. I _with _. S1:What do you do on Childrens Day? play chess watch TV play ping-pong make cakes go to the concert S2: I _with my grandma. wash clothes . Childrens Day is a big day.In the morning, we_at school.Our classroom looks beautiful.We _ a song.How fun! have a party In the afternoon, I_ with_.I love_. Im _.How happy! go to the zoo my parents sing happy Childrens Day In the evening, I often have big dinner with my family. I often eat steak,salad and sandwiches. Im very happy.I love Childrens Day. In the afternoon, we often have a flea market at shool.I often sell(卖)some old books,old toys,old T-shirts with my mother. Today is Childrens Day.In the morning, I often make cakes,biscuits and drinks with my classmates at school. Hi! Im Billy. Im from the UK. In the UK, Childrens Day is on 14th July. Hi! Im Billy. Im from the UK. In the UK, Childrens Day is on 14th July. Today is Childrens Day. In the morning,I often make cakes,biscuits and drinks with my classmates at school. In the afternoon,we often have a flea market at shool.I often sell some old books,old toys,old T-shirts with my mother. In the evening, I often have big dinner with my family. I often eat steak,salad and sandwiches. Im very happy.I love Childrens Day. ( )1.Childrens Day is in June in the UK. ( )2.Billy often makes cakes,drinks and biscuits in the afternoon. ( )3.Billys Childrens Day is very busy,but he is very happy. F F T My Childrens Day Hello! Im_. Childrens Day is a big day for me. In the morning, I _with_. In the afternoon,I _. _. I love Childrens Day. Im_. (说一说 ) My Childrens Day Hello! Im_. Childrens Day is a big day for me. In the morning,I_with_. In the afternoon,I_. _. I love Childrens Day. Im_. (写一写 ) In the UK, Childrens Day is on the 14th of July. In Brazil, Childrens Day is on the 12th of October. July 14 October 12 Be a happy child! Enjoy your happy childhood! 1.Copy and recite “Listen and say” on page 54. 2.Finish your writing . 3.Talk about your Childrens Day with your parents or friends. 教教 案案 首首 页页 课题课题 Module 4Unit11 Childrens Day 课型New 教学 课时 1 授课 时间 教学教学 目标目标 1.能听、说、读、写单词Childrens Day,party,cinema,museum,with,听、说、认读 单词 often,sell,flea market, steak, salad。 2.学生通过听读课文、师生问答、两人合作、小组活动,能够熟练运用 I oftenwith.on Childrens Day.介绍自己在儿童节经常做的事情,并了解英国小 朋友 Billy 在儿童节经常做的事情。 3.通过本课的学习,做一个开心的孩子,享受快乐童年的意识。 WordsSentencesGrammarsSounds 知识知识 结构结构 图图 Childrens Day,party,cinema, museum,with,often,sell,flea market, steak, salad I oftenwith.on Childrens Day. Ioftenwith.on Childrens Day. with 的用法 th / ar /a:/ u /ju;/ 教学教学 重难重难 点点 教学重点:教学重点:1.四会单词:Childrens Day,party,cinema,museum,with。 2.四会句型:I oftenwith.on Childrens Day. 教学难点:教学难点:学生能够运用本课所学的单词和句型介绍在儿童节经常做的事情。 学习起点学习起点 预测预测 学生在前几个单元的学习中,学过一些有关动作的词,如:play basketball,read,go to the park 等,并且学生在本学期学过第三人称 单数的用法,因此,在学习本课时,学生们已经具备了一定的词汇 基础,而且本课以我的一周生活为话题,对于四年级的学生来说, 他们活泼好动,思维活跃,话题内容贴近他们的生活,与他们的生 活实际紧密联系,他们会积极参与到各项活动中。 学情学情 分析分析 学习困难学习困难 预测预测 本课中出现的单词中 with 和 museum 的读音会给学生带来一 定的困难,并且 with 的用法,也会给学生带来一定的困难。本 课要求学生用 I oftenwith.on Childrens Day.介绍自己在儿童节 经常做的事情.对于一些学困生来说,他们可能只会用一两句来 介绍,因此,用完整的一段话介绍自己的儿童节生活也会成为学 习困难,所以我会用辅助文本加以突破。 教学教学 具准具准 备备 Cassette, word cards, CAI 板书板书 设计设计 呈现呈现 现象现象 1. 学生能够自主地学习词汇和句型,并且在教师的指导下,学生逐 步养成记笔记、自己阅读的英语学习习惯。 2.小组竞赛,小组合作等活动形式充分调动了学生的积极性。尤其 是学生困能够在学优生的帮助下,主动地进行英语学习,并且能 够主动地参与到小组活动中去。 3. 进行写作练习时,没有有效合理地安排时间,因此应进一步研究 如何更有效地进行写作练习。 归因归因 分析分析 1. 四年级的学生通过两年的英语学习,已经养成了一定的英语学习 习惯,并形成一定的英语学习策略。 2. 我校的英语课堂一直以课题为指导,尤其是小组合作已经在我校 开展多年,本节课虽然在外校讲课,但是学生在小组合作中表现 很好,学习效率高。 3. 写作练习的时间有点少了,可以留给学生更多的时间进行练习。 教学教学 反思反思 改进改进 措施措施 1. 把英语课堂完全交给学生,让学生在小组内学习、探究,并体验 成功的快乐,从而让学困生在小组内找到自信。 2.合理分配各个环节的时间,多留给学生进行口头练习和书写练习 的时间,把英语教学的说和写真正落到实处。 教教 案案 续续 页页(第(第 1 1 课时)课时) 步骤步骤教学流程教学流程课堂调控课堂调控 导入导入 唤旧导新唤旧导新 1. Listen and enjoy 2. Talk about my students Childrens Day 3. Ask and answer T:What do you often do on Childrens Day? S1: I often .on Childrens Day. 从歌曲导入,了解 儿童节的日期及感 受儿童节的快乐。 重重 难难 点点 突突 破破 .While-task procedure 任务导学任务导学 1.Read and order 2.Read and circle T: Boys and girls,read the text,and circle key words. 展示促学展示促学 1)Learn party” T: What can we do at the party? We can sing. S1:We can dance. S2:We can eat. S3:We can play. S4:We can do a play. 2)Learn go to the zoo” T: Read after me, zoo. 第一步:整体感知,第一步:整体感知, 初步感知(略读)初步感知(略读) 第二步:二次阅读,第二步:二次阅读, 圈出关键内容圈出关键内容 重重 难难 点点 突突 破破 以学定教以学定教 3.Read and fill T: Read the text by yourselves,and fill in the blanks. 3.Learn with 5.Retell and say 6.Talk about Peter and Jills Childrens Day 辅助文本辅助文本 1: 1)Learn museum” T: There are many museums in Taiyuan. Look! S1:Shanxi Museum. S2:Taiyuan Art Muaeum. S3:Shanxi Science Museum. S4:Shanxi Science Museum. 2)Learn cinema” 7. Read and judge 第三步:自主阅读第三步:自主阅读 文本,进行细节的文本,进行细节的 学习学习 (精读)(精读) 第四步:整体阅读,第四步:整体阅读, 为下面的练习做准为下面的练习做准 备。备。 第五步:深入理解第五步:深入理解 文本。(输出)文本。(输出) 辅助文本辅助文本 1: 引出新授单词 museum,cinema。 用第三人称转述 别人的儿童节,并 继续感受儿童节的 快乐。 辅助文本辅助文本 2: 阅读“Billy”的 儿童节,扩大阅读 量,巩固新知,运 用阅读技能,同时 开阔知识面,为书 写做铺垫。 教学教学 拓展拓展 Extension Be a happy child! Enjoy your happy childhood! 总总 结结 提提 升升 总结提升总结提升 T:Alices Childrens Day is happy. Peter and Jills Childrens Day is interesting.Billys Childrens Day is exciting. How about your Childrens Day? Can you say something about your Childrens Day ? 课堂课堂 练习练习 设计设计 检测导评检测导评 单项选择单项选择 ( )1. I play football my friends. A.and B. in C. with ( )2. Childrens Day, we go to the park. A. At B. In C. On ( )3. I go to the_to see many animals. A. park B. cinema C.zoo 检测检测 必必 做做 1.Read “Listen and say” on page 54 after tape twice. 2. Read “Look and learn” on page 55. 作业作业 设计设计 选选 做做 Write about your Childrens Day . 小学英语公开课教学设计 4B Module4 Things we enjoy Unit 11 Childrens Day 教学设计教学设计 授课时间:授课时间:2015.5.52015.5.5 授课教师:曲洋授课教师:曲洋( (双塔北路小学双塔北路小学) ) 授课地点:桃南小学授课地点:桃南小学
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