沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 1 Changes and differences-3 In the future-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:a032e).zip

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Period 1 Oxford English 3 In the future Module 1 Changes and differences I am a magic machine. If you put some money into my mouth, you will get a photo . There are some words on the back and you can know about your future from it. Q1: Where is Kitty? Q2: What does Kitty get from the machine? Q1: Where is Kitty? A1: She stands in front of a magic machine. Q2: What does Kitty get from the machine? A2: She gets a photo. take a photo Kitty wants to know about_. She stands _ a magic machine and _. her future in front of takes a photo Kitty will be_. Kitty will have_. Kitty will_ in Beijing. Kitty will_ her job. Kitty will not_. Kitty will be_. a teacher I will be_. She will be_. He will be_. a doctor a nurse a pilot Kitty will have_. Kitty will_ in Beijing. Kitty will_ her job. big and beautiful eyes live love Kitty will not_. wear glasses Kitty _ wear glasses. wont Kitty will not wear glasses. wear glasses What will you be in the future? What will you do in the future? Show time Kitty wants to _her future. She stands_ a magic machine and _. Kitty _her photo. There are some words_. In 15years, you will not _ . You will have _eyes. You will live in _. You will be a _ . You will love your_. This is _in the future! I_ wear glasses. I will have_ eyes. Ill _ Beijing and Ill be a _. know about in front of takes a photo looks at teacher on the back wear glasses big and beautiful Beijing job wont me big and beautiful live in teacher Kitty wants to _. She stands_ a _ and _. Kitty _her photo. There are _. In 15years, you _ . You will have _eyes. You will _. You will _ . You will _. This is me _! I wont_. I will have_ eyes. Ill_ and Ill_. know about her future in front of takes a photo looks at be a teacher some words on the back will not wear glasses big and beautiful live in Beijing love your jobwear glasses in the future big and beautiful live in Beijing be a teacher magic machine In 15 years, I will be a _. I will have a _. I will live in _. I will have a lot of _. teacher son shenyang money Homework Please write an essay about your future. Module 1 Unit 3 In the future 设计理念:设计理念:学习是学习者心理倾向和能力的相对持久的变化,是学习者自 身的变化,从这一意义上讲,所有的学习都是“自学” 。可以这样说,教学 实践的根本目的是要逐步确立和发展学生在学习过程中的主体地位,教学 过程也就是塑造和建构学习主体的过程。因此通过本课的学习,教师要培 养学生学习的主动性,并使之能够用一般将来时来描绘自己的未来。 教材分析:教材分析:本课的教学重点主要是一般将来时的学习,通过对话等练习, 让学生自己总结出一般将来时的语法规律。本章在整册书中起到了承上启 下的作用。 学情分析:学情分析:小学五年级学生在知识方面能基本掌握新单词,熟练运用重点 句型进行对话;能力方面,对新事物接受能力强、思维活跃,但在探索和 归纳方面的能力有待加强;情感方面,五年级阶段是培养良好学习习惯, 激发学生学习英语兴趣,树立学习英语自信心的关键时期。 教学目标:教学目标: 1 1知识目标:知识目标:通过 Ask and answer 的活动,让学生了解并掌握一般将来时的 用法 2 2能力目标:能力目标:通过小组合作的形式,学习,巩固所学知识。 3 3情感目标:情感目标:培养学生的合作交流能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树 立学习英语的自信心 教学准备:教学准备:教材,PPT, 教学光盘 教学重点:教学重点:用 will 描绘自己或别人的未来 教学难点:教学难点:学习新词组 take a photo, wear glasses 教学过程:热身复习教学过程:热身复习 文化感知文化感知 在课前向同学们介绍一位新朋友magic machine.先用几个问题如: What color is it? How does it feel? 让学生初步认识一下这个神奇的机器, 然后再通过机器的“自我介绍”让学生对这个 magic machine 充满兴趣。 设计意图设计意图: :在课前让学生对 magic machine 有一个初步的了解,并激发学生的学 习兴趣。 (一)(一)话题推进话题推进 学习新知学习新知 1 看课文的第一段视频,提出两个问题让学生思考。Q1: Where is Kitty? Q2: What does Kitty get from the machine? 学生带着问题看视频。 学生在回答第二个问题时,引出本课新短语,take a photo。教师先拿出一 张照片,提问学生“What is it?”,复习之前学过的单词“photo”,然后再出示 道具“相机“,做出拍照的动作,向学生提问“What am I doing?”,让学生 自己尝试着说出 take a photo 这个短语。然后请一到两名同学拿着相机做 拍照的动作,教师向学生提问“What are you doing?”, “What is he/she dong?” 以通过人称的变换来练习短语 take a photo。 2 看课文的第二段视频,出示关于本课重点一般将来时的填空,Kitty will be _ .Kitty will have _.Kitty will _in Beijing. Kitty will _ her job. Kitty will not_.让学生根据课文内容来填写,从而 总结出来 will do, will be, will not 的用法。 3 学生在回答问题时,引出本课新短语,wear glasses, 并进行学习。教师就 wear glasses 提出几个问题,如:Who wears glasses in our class? Do you like wearing glasses? Will you wear glasses in the future? 通过这几个问题引导学 生通过不同句型学习 wear glasses。 设计意图设计意图: 让学生在看课文视频,讨论,填空中总结出一般将来时 will do ,will be, will not 的用法,解决本课重、难点。 (二)(二)语用实践语用实践 巩固新知巩固新知 1 出示机器输出的语言,让学生假设自己是 Kitty,把机器的语言转换 成自己的语言,说出来。 2 学生跟读课文,分小组,分角色仿读课文。 设计意图设计意图: : 检验学生对一般将来时的表达情况 (三)(三)综合拓展综合拓展 激活语言激活语言 教师用 magic machine 来带领同学们玩游戏,教师先做示范,抽出自己的 照片,展示一下自己的未来,然后让同学们在组内用自己的盒子玩游戏。 设计意图设计意图: : 通过玩游戏,活学活用,巩固一般将来时的所学知识。 (四)(四)总结评价总结评价 作业夯实作业夯实 写一写自己的未来 设计意图设计意图: :把口头的表述落实到笔上,落实听、说、读、写相结合的教学理念。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 3 In the future Kitty will be a teacher. Kitty will live in Beijing. Kitty will not wear glasses.
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