沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 1 Changes and differences-Revision 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级优课-(编号:01ced).zip

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Topic: My future 小学英语沪教版牛津教材五年级下册 Module 1 Revision 1 Lets chant! Lets chant! Lets chant! Topic: My future What will you be like? What will you do in the future? My future Hello, Im Joe. Ill be a cook in the future. Because I want to cook nice food. I like eating different food. Ill be tall and thin. I wont wear glasses. Ill have short hair. Ill live in Shanghai. I wont watch too much TV. Ill read more books and do exercise every day. Ill have two children. Ill have a big house. Ill be a great man. Learn to say! What will he be like? What will Joe do in the future? Tick and write! My future Hello, Im Joe. Ill be a cook in the future. Because I want to cook nice food. I like eating different food. Ill be tall and thin. I wont wear glasses. Ill have short hair. Ill live in Shanghai. I wont watch too much TV. Ill read more books and do exercise every day. Ill have two children. Ill have a big house. Ill be a great man. Can you try? My dream home Joes dream home My dream home Ill have a big house. There will be nine rooms. There will be four bedrooms. There will be one study. I can read and write in it. There will be a big kitchen. I can cook nice food in it. There will be two living rooms. We can watch TV and have a rest (休息) in it. There will be a bathroom. There will be a beautiful garden. We can play in the garden. This is my dream home. - Joe Draw and say ! Do you like your dream home? Yes, its nice. I like the study. A : A : B : B : Jills Toms Role-playRole-play Read Read them,pleasethem,please! ! 1.This is my pencil case. 2.That is his hat. 3.These are their shoes. 4.Those are our flowers. 5.This is your ball. This pencil case is mine. That hat is his. These shoes are theirs. Those flowers are ours. This ball is yours. My tidy home In my dream home, I will tidy up all the rooms with my family. Then I can have a tidy home. Ill be happy with my family every day. So I must study hard now, because I want to have a wonderful future! - Joe What about your future? Study hard! Youll have a wonderful future! Homework 1. Talk about your future with your friends. (和朋友们们一起谈论谈论 一下自己的未来。) 2. Do the exercise.(Page 21 Think and write). (完成21页页的练习练习 。) 3. Preview Unit 4. (预习预习 第四单单元的内容。) Lets visit Joes dream home!Lets visit Joes dream home! 教学设计教学设计 沪教版五年级下册 Revision1: Changes and differences Topic: My future Topic : My future 教学课时:一课时教学课时:一课时 教学内容:教学内容:沪教版五年级下册 Module 1: Revision 1 and Project 1:ChangesChanges andand differencesdifferences .教学目标教学目标 A.A.知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 1.复习关于询问物品归属的相关对话、词汇(tidy, sock, crayon, umbrella, cap, let 等 )和句型:Whose? Its,Are they yours/his/hers?及相关回答;能四会掌握名词 性物主代词,能准确区分名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词,并能熟练运用。 2.复习迁居带来变化的相关对话、词汇(why, because, study, dining room, change, place 等)和句型:Why do you like ? Because .; 3. 复习未来生活变化的相关对话、词汇(future, stand, machine, will, exercise, early, hard 等)和句型:will , wont . 4. 复习含有前三个单元中含有“ar, ue, oo”;“ir, ur, au, oor”;“ee, ea, eer, ear” 这些语音词的 chant。 B.B.过程与方法:过程与方法: 1.创设 My future 的情境,另外引申出三个小的情境:My future, My dream home, My tidy room。其中以三个问题来串联这个模块中三个单元的内容:What will you be like in the future? Where will you live? What will your home be like? 2. 在 What will you be like in the future?这个情境中通过观看视频来感知未来的变化, 巩固学习“.will/wont”这个核心句型,并运用相关语言来描述自己的未来。在 Where will you live?这个情境中通过对 My dream home 的设想复习关于变化的相关内容, 巩固学习“Why do you like ? Because .”这一核心句型。在 What will your home be like?中通过设想 My tidy room,模仿对话来学习询问物品归属的相关内容,巩固 Whose? Its,Are they yours/his/hers?及相关回答。 3.通过不同形式的 chant 复习三个单元的语音部分内容。 C.C.情感态度情感态度价值观价值观: 通过本课时的学习,让学生进一步感知生活是在不断变化和不断进步的,同学们需要通过努 力学习来实现自己将来的目标。 .教学重难点:教学重难点: A.A.重点:重点: 1.复习关于询问物品归属的相关对话、词汇和句型;能四会掌握名词性物主代词,能准确区分 名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词,并能熟练运用。 2.复习关于迁居带来变化的对话、词汇和句型。 3. 复习关于未来生活变化的对话、词汇和句型。 B.B.难点难点: : 能在本课时的学习中较好地运用这个模块中的核心语言,能在教师的引导下形成较完整的文本 语言。 . 教具准备:教具准备:多媒体 . 教学过程教学过程: ProcedureContentsMethodsPurposes Pre-task Preparation 1. Free talk 2. Review sounds 1. Free talk. 2. Students chant it. 在 warm-up 中完成三个单 元的 Sounds 复习,以三 种不同的方式来 chant, 避免形式单一。 While-task Procedure 1Topic 2.Joes future Listen to Joes future. Tick and write.(P22) Read it(Revise; Joes future) 3. Joes dream home. Visit Joes dream home. Think and write (P22) Pairwork Topic: My future. What will you do in the future? What will you be like? Listen to the record. Answer: What will Joe do in the future? What will he be like? Do the exercise, then report. Read (Revise 2) and Joes future. Visit Joes home and answer: Do you want to have a dream home? Do the exercise(P22) Then show it. 直接导入课题。 创设情境,通过听 Joes 的内容,引出本课的学习 内容。 利用完成课本中的习题, 复习“.will / wont ” 的 句型,并进一步发展学生 的说,写和用的能力。 读出复习的核心句型及 Joes future 来进一步感知 核心语言。 在 Joe 的梦想中逐步过渡 到 Joes dream home, 通过 Joe 的文本示范,让 学生来巩固学习核心语言 “Ill live in_.”及 “Why do you like it?”在 学习中反复操练核心语言。 4. Joes tidy home Joes messy garden Pairwork Listen to Joes tidy home. Do you like your dream home? Why do you like it? Look at Joes garden. Whose schoolbag/ball is it? Whose is it? Is it yours? (P20 Think and say) Listen to the record and read it. 通过 Joes garden 来引出 需要 tidy 的复习内容,并 在其中复习和名词性物主 代词相关的对话。 听音认读 Joe 的范本。 Post-task Production 1.Think and write: My future Then check it. 2. Sum-up. Watch a video about the future world. Fill in the blanks of My future. Check it. Study hard. Youll have a wonderful future! 通过本课时的学习,让学 生根据范本写一写自己的 future,课堂前三个部分 的学习已经为这部分的输 出做了很好的铺垫。 通过观看未来世界的视频, 激发学生们要努力学习, 为自己的美好未来而奋斗。 Step 5: Homework 1. Talk about your future with your friends. 2. Do the exercise.(Page 21 Think and write). 3. Preview Unit 4. Step 6: Blackboard Design: Module 1: Revision My future Ill be a doctor. Ill be tall and thin. Ill live in Shanghai. Ill have a big house. Study hard. Ill have a wonderful future! 课后反思: 本节课是 5B 第一个模块的复习课,复习的内容是从 Unit 1 到 Unit 3,共 3 个单元,将要复习的内容 是物品的归属(名词性物主代词的学习) ,迁居带来的变化(Why do you like ? Because)和未来 生活的变化(will/wont) 。 亮点之处: 1. 教学设计巧妙:把三个单元的内容设计成了一个情境“My future” ,由 Joe 这个人物引出了本课 的复习内容,并把大的情境分成三个小板块:Joes future, Joes dream home, Joes tidy home,最 后叠加形成了一个完整的篇章。整节课在话题的引导下一气呵成。 2. 教学资源利用充分:本节课充分利用了声频和视频资源,这些资源在课堂上起到了很好的作用, 极大地激发了学生们说的欲望,学生们的说的能力也得到了很好地展示。 3. 学生的思维能力训练到位。整节课学生的思维特别活跃,能在老师的引导下运用所学的知识,同 时学生之间的交流特别真实自然,对话的内容源于课本也高于课本。 不足之处: 教学的内容和输出的文本需要照顾中等以下的学生,可以再设计一些适合他们的文本练习。
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