沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 2 Work and play-6 Holidays-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+音频)--(编号:1154c).zip

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Period 1 Oxford English Module 2 Work and play 6 HolidaysHolidays SummerSummer andand winterwinter holidaysholidays Why/WhyWhy/Why not?not? DoDo youyou enjoyenjoy summer/wintersummer/winter holidays?holidays? SummerSummer andand winterwinter holidaysholidays WhereWhere dodo youyou usuallyusually gogo duringduring summer/wintersummer/winter holidays?holidays? HowHow dodo youyou getget there?there? WhatWhat cancan youyou seesee there?there? WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo there?there? MyMy summersummer holidaysholidays I love summer holidays. I usually go to Hangzhou during summer holidays. I go there in my fathers car. I see West Lake. It is very famous because it is big and beautiful. I like to row a boat on the lake. I have fun during summer holidays. MyMy summersummer holidaysholidays WhatWhat dodo youyou knowknow aboutabout Sanya?Sanya? Clear water! Beautiful beaches! Nice seafood! 1.How1.How dodo theythey getget there?there? 2.Where2.Where willwill theythey stay?stay? 3.How3.How longlong willwill theythey staystay there?there? TheyThey getget therethere byby plane.plane. TheyThey willwill staystay in in a a hotelhotel byby thethe sea.sea. TheyThey willwill staystay therethere forfor fivefive days.days. Tips:YouTips:You cancan underlineunderline thethe answer.answer. 4.What4.What willwill theythey dodo in in Sanya?Sanya? TheyThey willwill gogo swimming.swimming. TheyThey willwill havehave seafood.seafood. Tips:YouTips:You cancan underlineunderline thethe keykey words.words. Sanya this summer plane five days a hotel by the sea go swimming have seafood HolidaysHolidays教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1、通过学习 Listen and say 中关于度假计划的情景对话,帮 助学生学习本单元的核心句型。 2、通过 Listen and answer 活动,锻炼学生的听力能力和捕捉 重要信息的能力。 二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: 会用本单元核心句型来交流有关度假的计划。 三、教学过程:三、教学过程: Pre-taskPre-task preparationspreparations 1、Listen and enjoy. 播放课本 Listen and enjoy 动画,让学生先听再跟着说。 (设计意图:既活跃了课堂气氛,又为学习本课新知做好铺垫。 ) 2、Ask and answer. 师生问答说一说:喜欢 summer holidays 还是 winter holidays.最后学生用一段话说说自己的假期. 3、Look and say. 课件出示有关三亚的图片,学生看图说一说对三亚的了解。 While-taskWhile-task proceduresprocedures 1、播放 Listen and say 的录音,播放之前出示以下问题,学 生边看书边听,听完后回答问题。 Q1.How do they get there? Q2.Where will they stay? Q3.How long will they stay there? 再次播放课文录音,生听完后回答下面的问题。 Q4.What will they do in Sanya? (设计意图:采用任务式教学方式,能让学生集中注意力,有目 的地听。 ) 2、Listen and read. 播放课文视频,学生逐句跟读。 3、Practise in groups. 学生小组内分角色朗读课文,再展示。 Post-taskPost-task activitiesactivities 让学生独立完成课本第 37 页的练习,再指名汇报,全班订正答 案,最后师生根据关键词一起复述课文。 (设计意图:学以致用,考察学生的对本文的理解情况,还锻 炼了学生找关键词的能力。 ) HomeworkHomework 完成课本第 39 页 Think and write,制定自己的假期计划。
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