沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 3 Things we do-7 Open Day-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:e038d).zip

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1 / 4 芜湖市北塘小学 主备教师:主备教师: 备备课课时时间间: _2018_年年_4_月月_10_日日 执教教师执教教师: 芜芜 2017-20182017-2018 学年第学年第 2 2 学期学期 上课班级上课班级: :五年级五年级 3131 班班 学科:学科: 英 语 课题:课题: OpenOpen DayDay 教学目标:教学目标: 1.Language knowledge: To understand and grasp the key words: meet, school gate, art room, hall, finally, show To understand and use: FirstNextThenAfter thatFinally To understand and read the passage:Future tense. To pronounce the sound “air”, “are”, “ear” correctly in the words. 2.Language skills: To train students skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing. 3.Sentiment: To train students consciousness of good co-operation. 教学重点:教学重点: To understand and grasp : FirstNextThenAfter thatFinall 教学难点:教学难点: To understand and grasp : FirstNextThenAfter thatFinally 课前准备:课前准备: Multimedia,cards. 课时安排:课时安排:共 3 课时 教学过程教学过程(分课时备课) 教学活动预设计教学活动预设计设计意图设计意图二次修改方案二次修改方案 Period One Step 1: Warm-up 1.Enjoy an English song. 2. Show a picture of Beitang Primary School. 通过欣赏与 课文相关话题的 2 / 4 芜湖市北塘小学 Ask: Look, whose school is it? How is your school? Whats in your school? 3. How is your school life? Your school life is colour, so we invite your parents to our school every year. We have an Open Day. Step 2: While-task procedures 1. Does Kitty have an Open Day? Lets watch a video and find the answer. 2. Watch and complete Ms Guo and her students are talking about_ The Open Day is on _. 3. Read the dialogue by yourselves and think about “Howmany places will the parents visit” and circle the time words. 4. Learn the words: art room, meeting room, hall, school gate 5. Read and guess. Read the sentences and guess “what room is it?” 6. Read the dialog with partners and discuss the questions. a.Where will Ms Guo meet the parents? b.What will they do first? c.Where will they visit next? d.Where will they go finally? What will they do there? 7.Look and number 7. Read the dialogue together. 8. Dub it. 歌曲活跃课堂气 氛,使学生很快 进入轻松的英语 学习氛围。 出示北塘小 学照片,谈论和 学校有关的话题 复习旧知,为新 授内容做好铺垫。 谈论学校生活 引出话题 OpenDay 并观看 动画。 学生自读课文 了解大意。 学习单词并 通过游戏 Read and guess 进行巩 固,进而拓展各 个教室的用途。 和同桌一起 读对话并思考讨 论问题,培养学 生的阅读能力和 合作精神。 完成书上练习, 加深对课文的理 解和记忆。 3 / 4 芜湖市北塘小学 9. Show the mind map. Students try to retell the dialogue. Step 3: Post-task activities: 1.Our Open Day is coming soon,are you happy? This is our Open Day poster, now its your turn to write and share.(Ask the students to write the Open Day plan). Good plans, I think with your plans, our Open Day will be wonderful! 2.Finally, lets enjoy some pictures of you. Your school life is colourful. Enjoy your school life. Step 4: Homework 1.Copy the new words. 2.Listen to the cassette and read five times. 3.Act the dialogue with your partners 一起读课文并 分角色配音,培 养学生的英语口 语能力。 创设 Open Day 的真实情境, 小组讨论设计开 放日活动安排, 培养学生的综合 能力。 欣赏学生们 在学校的美好照 片,德育渗透校 园生活多姿多彩, 享受你们的校园 生活! 4 / 4 芜湖市北塘小学 板书设计:板书设计: Period One Unit7 Open Day 教学反思教学反思: :
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