沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 3 Things we do-7 Open Day-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频)-公开课-(编号:a0089).zip

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共 1 课时 9Seeingthedoctor 小学英语 沪教 2011 课标版三年级起点评论(0)1 教学目标 Knowledge Aim: Using the key words in context e.g. ill, wrong, headache, fever, should, medicine, rest, toothache Using modelled sentences go give suggestions e.g. You should take some medicine. You shouldnt go to bed late. Using formulaic expressions in context e.g. Whats wrong with you? Let me have a look. Have a good rest and youll get well soon. Ability Aim: Listening Identifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation Understanding modelled sentences giving suggestions Understanding the meaning of formulaic expressions Speaking Pronouncing the key words correctly Using the modelled sentences to give suggestions Using formulaic expressions in context Reading Understanding a dialogue about seeing the doctor Reading the text aloud with the appropriate pronunciation and intonation Writing Writing the key words and sentences correctly. Moral Aim: Understanding the importance of developing healthy life habbits 评论(0)2 学情 分析 The students have learnt English for almost five years. Its not quite difficult for them to understand the dialogue ,the key words and the expressions. So I pay great attention to developing their abilities. Such as, listening, speaking, passage reading and team working. I want to make sure that they can communicate with others in Enlish.评论(0)3 重点难点 Main points:1. Using the key words in context. e.g. ill, wrong, headache, fever, should, medicine, rest, toothache 2. Understanding a short passage about seeing a doctor. 3. Using modeled sentences to give suggestions. e.g. You should take some medicine. You shouldnt go to bed late. Difficult points: Using modeled sentences to give suggestions.4 教学过程 4.1 教学活动评论 (0)活动 1【导入】.Pretaskpreparations CAIshowsashortpassage“Medicine”andgetthestudentstolistenthenfindtheoutlineaboutit.T:Wh atdoyouknowaboutmedicine?S1:Illnessesareafraidofmedicine.Wecancallit“afighter”.S2:Itcanh elppeoplewhentheyhaveacoldorafever.S3:Peoplealsoneeditwhentheyhaveaheadacheoratoothac he.S4:Sometimesitdoesnttastenicebutitisveryimportant.评论(0)活动 2【讲授】 Whiletaskprocedure . While-task procedure1. Look and learnT: Illness has a big family. Do you know the family members? Some are in the passage. Can you find them out?Ss: A cold, a fever, a headache, a toothache.T: Great! What else do you know?S5: Stomachache, flu, coughCAI shows the words below: have a cold, have a headache, have a fever, have a toothache, stomachache, runny nose, cough. And help them read out correctly.2. Quick responseStudents rearrange the letters as quickly as they can.e.g. e, h, a, d, c, a, e, h - headache3. Look and answer(CAI shows the picture)T: Where is Kitty now? Whats she doing?Ss: Shes in the hospital. Shes seeing the doctor.T: Hows she ? Is she feeling well?Ss: No, shes not feeling well.T: Kitty is not feeling well. She is sick.4. Enjoy the dialogueT: Whats wrong with her? Lets enjoy the dialogue and find out.5. Listen and tickGive the report after watching the dialogue. 6. Look and learn Explain the key points by asking and answer.6.Key patterns teachingExplain the key points according to the doctors advice.e.g. should, shouldnt=should not, have a good rest, get well 评论(0)活动 3【活动】Posttaskactivities 1.ThinkandcompleteonP59 2.ReadingforfunReadthepassageandfindoutthetipsforhealth.T:Letsfindoutthetipsforhealth.S1: Healthyfoodisveryimportantforus.S2:Weshouldeatalotoffruitandvegetableseveryday.S3:Weshoul dnteattoomuchsweetfood.Itsnotgoodforourhealth.S4:Waterisveryimportanttoo.Weshouldd rinkeightglassesofwatereveryday.S5:Weshoulddrinkmilkandfreshjuice3.LetsreadReadth etextinrolesthenshowitinthefront.4.Aproverb“Anappleaday,keepsthedoctoraway.”5.AchantDo ctor,doctor,Ihaveatoothache.Youshouldnteatsomanycakes.Doctor,doctor,Ihaveafever.Youshou lddrinkalotofwater.Doctor,doctor,Ihaveacold.Youshouldwearwarmclothes.Doctor,doctor,Ihaveac ough.Youshouldtakesomemedicine. .Thinkandsummarize 评论(0)活动 4【作业】Homework 1.Read “Listen and say” on Students Book Page 58.2.Make a new dialogue with “should” and “shouldnt. 五年级英语下册(上海教育出版社) Unit 9 Seeing the doctor Hi, Im Medicine. Do you know me well? You can call me a fighter. Illnesses are afraid of me. I can help people when they have a cold or a fever. People also need me when they have a headache or a toothache. Sometimes I dont taste nice but I am very important. I wish people be healthy all the time. ReadRead andand thinkthink havehave a a coldcold havehave a a feverfeverhavehave a a toothtoothacheache LookLook andand learnlearn havehave a a headheadacheache stomachstomachacheache runnyrunny nosenose coughcough IllnessesIllnesses e,e, h,h, a,a, d,d, c, c, a,a, e,e, h h headacheheadache o,o, d,d, c, c, l l coldcold v, v, e,e, f, f, e,e, r, r, feverfever c, c, t, t, a,a, o,o, h,h, o,o, t, t, h,h, e e toothachetoothache u,u, l, l, f f fluflu u, n, r, y, o, s, n, e, n runny nose h, c, u, o, g cough h,h, a,a, s, s, o,o, h,h, e,e, a,a, c, c, t, t, m,m, c, c, stomachachestomachache 1.1.WhereWhere is is Kitty?Kitty? She is in the hospital. 2.2. WhatWhat is is KittyKitty doing?doing? She is seeing the doctor. 3.3. HowHow is is Kitty?Kitty? She is not feeling well. LookLook andand answeranswer She feels sick. = She is ill. EnjoyEnjoy thethe dialoguedialogue Doctors advice(建议建议) for Kitty You should take some medicine. You should drink some milk. You should drink a lot of water. You shouldnt go to bed late. You should have a good rest. tired sick a toothache a fever a cold a headache Whats wrong with Kitty? LookLook andand ticktick YouYou havehave a a YouYou shouldshould taketake YouYou shouldshould alsoalso drinkdrink YouYou shouldntshouldnt HaveHave a a goodgood restrest andand youllyoull getget wellwell soon.soon. should该该 should not LookLook andand learnlearn cold.cold. somesome medicine.medicine. a a lotlot ofof water.water. gogo toto bedbed late.late. ThinkThink andand completecomplete wellwell a a headacheheadache a a feverfever taketake somesome medicinemedicinedrinkdrink a a lotlot ofof waterwater gogo toto bedbed latelate TipsTips forfor healthhealth Healthy food is very important for us. We should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every day. Theyre really good for us. We cant eat too much sweet food. Its not good for our health. Water is very important too. The scientists say we should drink eight glasses of water every day. Milk and fresh juice are good for our health too, but soft drinks are not good. Sport is also important. It is fun and can make us stronger and healthier. Riding, swimming, running are all good. Dont sit in front of the computer or TV for too long. Its bad for our heath. We shouldnt go to bed too late. We must have a good rest at night. WeWe shouldshould WeWe shouldntshouldnt FunFun readingreading An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. ProverbProverb LetsLets chantchant New wordsNew patterns You should You shouldnt ThinkThink andand summarizesummarize Homework 1.Read “Listen and say” on Students Book page 58. 2.Make a new dialogue with “should” and “shouldnt”.
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