沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 3 Things we do-Revision 3-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:000e8).zip

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Module 3 Things we do Read and review schoolschool gategate artart roomroom hallhall meetingmeeting roomroom meetmeet finallyfinally showshow whichwhich trouserstrousers sweatersweater coatcoat shoeshoe moneymoney smilesmile keepkeep laughlaugh onlyonly ill ill headacheheadache feverfever medicinemedicine restrest toothachetoothache presentpresent worldworld wrongwrong shouldshould Look and spell Look and spell Look and say Look and read First, Ms Guo will welcome our parents at the school gate. Next, theyll visit our classroom. Then our parents will go to the art room to see the beautiful pictures. After that, they will go to the hall and the library. Finally, our parents and teachers will have some tea and cakes in the meeting room. Think and say DuringDuring thethe break,break, I I First, Next, Then After that, Finally, Have a class IfIf ImIm ill,ill, IllIll Think and say First, Next, Then After that, Finally, Get well Go to the hospital Look and say shouldshould shouldntshouldnt = = shouldshould notnot 选择填空选择填空 () 1_ that , theyll go to the library. A First B After C For ()2 Which dress do you like, the blue one _ the pink one? A and B but C or ()3 _ your mouth and say “Ah” A Open B Opens C Opened ()4 Its _ happy day! A the B an C a ()5 The emperor walks _ the street. A in B at C on ()6 Pink is my _ colour. A favourite B like C love ()7 Ill _ on the trousers A wear B try C take ()8 Which _ of trousers does Kitty like? A pair B a C the C A C C A B A B 连线连线 1 have a cold A 牙疼牙疼 2 have a fever B 头疼头疼 3 have a headache C 吃药吃药 4 have a toothache D 发烧发烧 5 take some medicine E 感冒感冒 排序排序 A Let me have a look. B I have a headache. C Whats wrong with you? D You have a cold. E She has a fever too. 正确顺序正确顺序C B E A D Homework If you are ill, you go to see a doctor, please make up a dialogue about this, but you have to use “should ” and “shouldnt ”. Thank you. 年年 级级五学学 科科英语 课课 型型复习授课教师授课教师 学习内容学习内容Revision3 学习目标学习目标 1 使学生能够清晰的表述病情,并给出建议。 2 熟练使用已学过的句型,并且进行对话练习。 3 使用First, Next, Then, After that, Finally 来清晰的叙述顺序。 学习重点学习重点 词汇school gate,meeting room,hall, coat,sweater,shoe,trousers, have a fever,have a headache have a toothache 句型 Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one? You should take some medicine. You shouldnt go to bed late. 学习难点学习难点 1 选择疑问句的使用和回答 2 用should和shouldnt 表达建议 3 First, Next, Then, After that, Finally的使用 学习准备学习准备1、单词卡片 2、课件 备备 课课 导导 学学 过过 程程 StepStep 1 1 带领学生通过复习单词来回顾在Module 3 中学过的内容。 StepStep 2 2 通过图片让学生拼写单词,以达到背诵的效 果。强调”一双鞋”和”两条裤子”的用法 区别。 StepStep 3 3 出示一片小短文,让学生朗读,并找出能够 表达顺序的词。(First, Next, Then, 学生能够准确的读出已 给的单词 学生在拼读单词过程中 能够积极参与,兴趣浓 厚。 学生在读小短文过程中 能够准确找出表示顺序 的词,并可以用已给出 的短语进行练习。 导导 学学 过过 程程 After that, Finally) 使用这些表示顺序的词进行练习,同时复习 有关生病的短语。 StepStep 4 4 通过书中Think and say 部分,让学生进行对话练习,并且进行表演 。 StepStep 5 5 看图片,根据图片进行表述。运用已给的短 语进行对话练习,使用should 和shouldnt给出建议。 巩固练习巩固练习 一一 选择填空选择填空 ( () ) 1_1_ thatthat , , theylltheyll gogo toto thethe library.library. A A FirstFirst B B AfterAfter C C ForFor ( ()2)2 WhichWhich dressdress dodo youyou like,like, thethe blueblue oneone _ thethe pinkpink one?one? A A andand B B butbut C C oror ( ()3)3 _ youryour mouthmouth andand saysay “Ah”“Ah” A A OpenOpen B B OpensOpens C C OpenedOpened ( ()4)4 ItsIts _ happyhappy day!day! A A thethe B B anan C C a a ( ()5)5 TheThe emperoremperor walkswalks _ thethe street.street. A A inin B B atat C C onon ( ()6)6 PinkPink isis mymy _ colour.colour. A A favouritefavourite B B likelike C C lovelove ( ()7)7 IllIll _ onon thethe trouserstrousers 学生在这个环节中同时 掌握了有关北京出游的 一些景点的英语表达。 在此环节学生通过表演 进一步巩固了should 和shouldnt ,并且能够给出合理建 议。 学生在做练习时能够准 确说出正确答案,说明 已掌握本节课内容 导导 学学 过过 程程 A A wearwear B B trytry C C taketake ( ()8)8 WhichWhich _ ofof trouserstrousers doesdoes KittyKitty like?like? A A pairpair B B a a C C thethe 二二 连线连线 1 1 havehave a a coldcold A A 牙疼牙疼 2 2 havehave a a feverfever B B 头疼头疼 3 3 havehave a a headacheheadache C C 吃药吃药 4 4 havehave a a toothachetoothache D D 发烧发烧 5 5 taketake somesome medicinemedicine E E 感冒感冒 三三 排序排序 A A LetLet meme havehave a a look.look. B B I I havehave a a headache.headache. C C WhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith you?you? D D YouYou havehave a a cold.cold. E E SheShe hashas a a feverfever too.too. 正确顺序正确顺序 板板 书书 设设 计计 RevisionRevision 3 3 havehave a a headacheheadache havehave a a feverfever havehave a a toothachetoothache havehave a a restrest 句型句型 -Which-Which dressdress dodo youyou like,thelike,the blueblue oneone oror thethe pinkpink one?one? -I-I likelike thethe pinkpink one.one. 给出建议给出建议 YouYou shouldshould taketake somesome medicine.medicine. YouYou shouldntshouldnt gogo toto bedbed late.late.
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