沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 3 Things we do-Revision 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:d1000).zip

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5BM3 U9 Seeing the doctor5BM3 U9 Seeing the doctor Period 3 Teeth Care (A toothless tiger) 司雅琳名师工作室 司雅琳名师工作室 司雅琳名师工作室 司雅琳名师工作室 司雅琳名师工作室 And And they help us have a clean and beautiful they help us have a clean and beautiful smilesmile. . Teeth are Teeth are very important very important to us. to us. They help us They help us talk but not eat.talk but not eat. We We shouldshould brush our teeth brush our teeth once once every dayevery day. . We We shouldntshouldnt drink too much soft drinks. drink too much soft drinks. Candy is nice. We Candy is nice. We shouldshould eat candy every day. eat candy every day. eat . eat . They help us They help us talk.talk. twicetwice WeWe shouldnt shouldnt eat too much candy.eat too much candy. The Dentists AdviceThe Dentists AdviceThe Dentists AdviceThe Dentists Advice big sharp teeth strong legs This tiger has no teeth! Its a toothless tiger. A TOOTHLESS A TOOTHLESS TIGERTIGER Who ? Why ? How ? Watch and sayWatch and sayWatch and sayWatch and say 1. Who are in the story? 2. Who makes the tiger toothless? Look and sayLook and sayLook and sayLook and say 1. Why do they make the tiger toothless? All the animals are afraid of the tiger. I am I have I can Im the king of the forest ! I have an idea. What shall we do? The animals have a meeting. A clever fox has a good idea. What ? How? Make the tiger toothless easily My king , I have a present for you. Its the best food in the world. Really? Try it. You will love it. 1. What does the fox give the tiger? 2. What does the tiger do? The tiger likes the candy very much. He eats the candy every day. The fox gives the tiger a lot of candy. Oh my friend, you should / shouldnt Oh my king, you should / shouldnt The animals come to help. They pull all the tigers teeth out. 3. How do the animals help the tiger? 4. How is the tiger at last?He becomes a toothless tiger. has big sharp teeth becomes toothless “a present” “help” has a toothache a lot of candy pull his teeth out cleverclever stupidstupid bravebrave greedygreedy ( (贪婪的贪婪的) ) Think and actThink and act Dear Tiger, Im sorry to hear that you have _. I think you should _ and _. You shouldnt _. Dont you forget. Yours, _ Think and write You should l brush your teeth twice a day l have a good rest Hi. Do you love your teeth? Heres some advice for you. You should And you shouldnt Then your teeth will be better. You shouldnt brush your teeth once a day eat before bed eat too many sweets drink too many soft drinks l eat some fruit and vegetables l drink a lot of water Advice for teeth care Advice for teeth care HELP MOREHELP MORE Task 1. Make a teeth care poster in your group. Task 2. Find ten students with bad teeth care. Task3. Tell them something about teeth care. A toothless tiger 教学设计 课 题Module 3 Unit 9 Seeing the doctor班级 课 型new课时第 2 课时 核心素养与课标 分析 本课时是上教版牛津英语五年级下册 “Things we do”这 一模块主题及“Seeing the doctor”单元话题下的故事教学课。 故事讲述了聪明勇敢的狐狸巧用给老虎献糖的计谋使老虎失去 牙齿,帮助小动物们逃离被吃掉的命运的故事。在模块与单元 主题功能之下,本节课通过精彩的故事情节、精心设计的听说 读看写等理解和表达意义的活动,可以全面促进学生语言能力 的发展;阅读过程中学生在问题链的引导下,梳理故事脉络, 分析老虎之所以掉牙的原委,有助于学生逻辑思维的发展;故 事有很多留白的片段,留给学生无限想象以及设身处地去思考 表达的情节,有助于学生发散性与创造性思维的发展;在分析 狐狸达成计策的问题解决过程中,分析故事蕴含的教育意义, 对故事角色进行评价,非常有助于学生逻辑思维和批判性思维 的发展;在阅读过程中,学生从反面教材中进一步获取关于健 康生活的知识,知道健康生活习惯的重要性,同时领悟遇事不 放弃、用智慧与勇敢迎难而上的精神,涵养内在精神,有助于 塑造更坚韧更睿智的人文品格;阅读过程中学生在主题意义与 语篇情境中,理解、感悟、思考、表达,继续养成良好的阅读 习惯,感受积极的阅读体验,有利于学生阅读素养的全面提升。 教材内容分析 “A toothless tiger”是本单元的故事拓展板块,通过故 事学习,帮助学生巩固本单元关于疾病、就医用语和提出建议 的语言知识,在图片辅助下,听懂、读懂故事内容,体会故事 寓意;用 You should / shouldnt表达建议,给老虎提出 建议;正确书写本单元核心词汇与句型;在故事阅读与问题解 决的过程中,发展学生的逻辑思维能力;通过对老虎和狐狸的 角色评论,发展批判性思维能力;通过图片观察,情节推断与 想象,发展开放性与创新思维能力;通过故事学生,使进一步 获取关于健康生活的知识,知道健康生活习惯的重要性,同时 领悟遇事不放弃、用智慧与勇敢迎难而上的精神。 学情分析 本节课是 9 单元 Seeing the doctor 单元统整下的第二课 时,学生在第一课时已经有了各种疾病名称与医生建议的感知 学习,能初步用 You should/ shouldnt针对各种疾病提出 建议;所在预测故事、解决问题方面,有了逻辑思考与表达的 基础;学生用“You should / shouldnt 给老虎提建议时, 语言可能会比较局限;对狐狸给糖老虎牙疼动物拔牙 老虎掉牙这一逻辑细节的突破,以及狐狸的聪明勇敢品质 的凸显,是一个难点。 教学目标 全体学生在“A toothless tiger”故事学习的情境中,复 习本单元关于各种疾病的核心词汇,在图片与视频辅助下,感 知理解词汇 have a meeting, pull out;在故事问题解决 的过程中,能用“You should / shouldnt ”针对对方的 疾病给出合适的建议;全体同学在问题引导下,理清故事脉络, 分析老虎之所以掉牙的原委以及分析狐狸达成计策的问题解决 方法,发展思维能力;通过故事寓意的理解,大部分学生能知 道健康生活习惯的重要性,进一步获取关于健康生活的知识, 同时领悟遇事不放弃、用智慧与勇敢迎难而上的精神;在主题 意义与语篇情境中,学生理解、感悟、思考、表达,继续养成 良好的阅读习惯,感受积极的阅读体验,进一步提升阅读素养。 教学重难点 重点:关于牙疼与就医的核心词汇 ill, wrong, should, medicine, rest, toothache, have a toothache, 本故事中涉 及词汇 present, world, have a meeting, pull out;句型 “You should / shouldnt ” 难点:1. 正确使用“You should / shouldnt ” 建议别人做或不做某事;2. 对故事寓意的理解。 课课 时时 教教 学学 过过 程程 学 生 活 动教 师 导 学 I.I.Pre-readingPre-reading 1. Greetings Give the teacher a positive response. Show their clean teeth and say “hello” with a big smile. Compare the pictures and find the difference. 2. Brain-storm Say more things that teeth can help us do. Teeth are important to us. They help us 3. Watch and say Look at the picture and feel the importance of teeth to animals. Watch a short video about a tiger eating a deer. 4. Think and say Think over and tell the reason to the oral question: How can the tiger eat the deer so easily? Volunteers look at the picture. Try to give a self-introduction as a tiger. I m a tiger. I am I have I can Im the king of the forest. 5. Look and think Look and find the difference. Learn the word “toothless” Try to raise “who/what/how/ why”questions. II.II. While-readingWhile-reading 1. Watch and say Watch the video Try to answer the question Look, listen and check 2. Think and say Think over what the animals should do according to the key character of Greet students with a big smile。Get them to feel the importance of teeth. Present two pictures of a boy with teeth and without teeth. Conclusion: With healthy teeth, we can have a clean and beautiful smile. Sentence structure assistance: Teeth are important to us. They help us Present pictures of animals eating food Play the video Raise a question. Present the picture and the self- introduction structure. Present the picture of the toothless tiger Present the question-raising mind- map. Raise two questions WhoWho makes the tiger toothless? WhyWhy do they do that? Play the video the tiger. Group work Make a dialogue Answer the question 3. Look, listen and mime Look at picture 2. Listen to the record. Try to act the tiger and the fox vividly. 4. Look and say Look at the tiger and review the phrase“have a toothache” Make a dialogue between the tiger and the fox. 5. Look, listen and think Look at the picture and listen to the record. Learn the phrase“pull out” Think over “help”?Why not? 6. Look and say Review the development of the story with the mind-map leading Answer the question“How do they make the tiger toothless?” Look and check the answer. Role evaluation III.III.Post-readingPost-reading 1. Think and say Make a title for the story 2. Say and act Work in groups. Try to act out the story. Group show 3. Think and say Think about the things they learn from the story. Try to say. 4. Choose, write and say Finish the tasks about “teeth care”. Volunteer show 5. Conclusion Stress “have big sharp teeth”, “can eat animals easily” Give the structure assistance. Question: What do they do to make the tiger toothless? Present the picture and the sentences. Express some key words Present picture 3. Present talk structure. Present the picture and play the record for picture 4. Question “help”?Why not? Present each developing step of the story. question“How do they make the tiger toothless?” Go on to complete the mind-map. Oral question: “How do you think of the fox/ tiger” Ask for different titles Ask pupils to act in groups. Stress the emotion, pronunciation and the intonation. Question: What do you learn from the story? Tell the instructions for the task. Ask volunteers to show. 当堂检测 小店区教育局教研室研制 课课 时时 教教 学学 设设 计计 尾尾 页页 板 书 设 计 Module3 Unit9 Seeing the doctor Period 3 A toothless tiger 作 业 设 计 必做 1.1. 听录音,跟读故事,直到能熟练朗读(注意模仿语音语调) ;尝试背诵或复述 故事; 2.2. Unit9 词汇跟读,抄写三次,背诵,尝试听写。 选做 1. 小组充实或续编故事,尝试排练表演,下一节展示; 2. 设计宣传单,在校园内进行“关爱牙齿”公益宣传。 教 学 反 思 小店区教育局教研室研制 上教版牛津英语 5B Module3 Unit9 Seeing the doctor “A toothless tiger” 教学设计
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