沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-10 Great inventions-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:f05ef).zip

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Period 2 10 GreatGreat inventionsinventions Oxford English Module 4 Things we enjoy Many inventions change our life . Great inventions I I thinkthink _is_is a a greatgreat invention.invention. . These inventions make our life _(worse/better). PeoplePeople cancan _._. It It cancan helphelp us_easilyus_easily . . DoDo youyou knowknow anyany greatgreat inventionsinventions in in thethe world?world? better Think and say Culture corner TheseThese areare thethe FourFour GreatGreat InventionsInventions ofof ancientancient China.China. The compassPrinting PapermakingGunpowder bamboo bone silk stone 纸 paper a a greatgreat inventioninvention Look and say the planeA flying machine Who invented a flying machine? While-reading Read the story .(读故事)读故事) _ invented a flying machine . Read and answer Why do they want to invent a flying machine? Read aloud and underline.(大声阅读,划出答案)(大声阅读,划出答案) How do they invent a flying machine? Scanning and circle.(精读第四段,圈出关键词)(精读第四段,圈出关键词) How do they invent a flying machine? Scanning and circle.(精读第四段,圈出关键词)(精读第四段,圈出关键词) How to invent: First Think about what you want to invent and watch(观察) Next Design(设计) Then Do(实施) Finally Get what you want Steps: Could they fly? Know more: A flying machine . 12 seconds 49 seconds 40 minutes How many times(次数) did they try? More reading: More than one thousand times. We can learn from them: watch more think more try more invention Fill and retell the story. The Wright brothers like to _ things. They see some_ flying. They want to invent a _. First, they _ how the birds fly. Next, they_ a picture of their flying machine. Then they_ the machine. Finally, they can _like birds. New four great inventions changing China 中国新四大发明“出炉” In 2017, some foreign students in Beijing voted(投票) for their favorite modern inventions in todays China. What are they? New inventions high-speed railway online shopping bike sharing Alipay People invented_. Bike sharing共享单车 Riding shared bikes saves(节省)time and money.Riding bikes is also good for the environment( 环境).Biking is good exercise, too. High-speed railway高铁 They run as fast as 350 km/h.They connnect north and south,east and west.They are fast, safe and easy. Alipay支付宝 You can use it to pay for(付钱)things.You dont need to carry cash.It is simple(简单的) to use. Online shopping网购 Many people like shopping online.It is cheaper.It is easy, too. Word bank 词汇 1、connect knkt连接动词 2、cash k现金名词 3、online :nlan在线的 形容词 Skimming and answer.(快速阅读,找出答案)(快速阅读,找出答案) 1.What are the New Four inventions? They are Bike sharing, High -speed railway, Alipay, Online shopping. 2.How can New inventions help us? Skanning and underline(精精读,划出答案读,划出答案 ) Group work Bike sharing共享单车 Riding shared bikes saves(节省)time and money.Riding bikes is also good for the environment( 环境).Biking is good exercise, too. High-speed railway高铁 They run as fast as 350 km/h.They connnect north and south,east and west.They are fast, safe and easy. Alipay支付宝 You can use it to pay for(付钱)things.You dont need to carry cash.It is simple(简单的) to use. Online shopping网购 Many people like shopping online.It is cheaper.It is easy, too. Word bank 词汇 1、connect knkt连接动词 2、cash k现金名词 3、online :nlan在线的 形容词 科技是国之利器 Technology is a powerful tool in our country. Inventions change our life. Inventions make our life easily. Enjoy the inventions, make more inventions! Do you want to be a little inventor? Think and say What are you going to invent? Think and say Im going to invent Why? Think and say Because it can Our group want to invent a_(what),it can_. First,_ Next,_ Then,_ Finally,_. Talk and write My email address:15624 20712qq.co m Talk in group First Think about what you want to invent and watch(观察) Next Design(设计) Then Do(实施) Finally Get what you want Steps: 1. Listen to and read Students Book pages70 and 71. 2. Talk in group: What are you going to invent? 3. Finish Workbook pages 57 and 59. Thank you! Unit 10Great inventions 单元教学设计 单元单元 整体整体 分析分析 1.单元内容总体描述:本单元是以发明为话题,第一课时以学生自己谈论所知 道的 great inventions,十分贴近学生的现实生活,为学生创设了一个良好的语 境。第二课时讲述飞机的创始人 Wright 兄弟发明飞机的故事。通过对故事的阅 读理解,帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯和有效的阅读方法,培养学生从文章当 中按照时间顺序快速寻找有效信息的能力。在教学过程中,教师应结合学生生 活实际情况,灵活掌握教学过程,组织教学内容,丰富学生知识,拓展学生视 野,培养学生用英语独立思考的能力。 2.全套教材中与本单元相关的教学内容分析:本单元为阅读课,它的知识点贯 穿在全套教材中。 功能:阅读 话题:inventions 。 语言知识: 1. 句型: I think People can 2. 时态:表示将来 be going to . will 情态动词: can should 学学 情情 分分 析析 五年级的学生已掌握日常生活中一定的词汇量。 能用带有 can 的句子描述人,物的能力。 能在表示将来的情景中运用 be going to, will 的句型。 难点预测: 学生可能不好理解以下内容 1.词汇,invent-invention anywhere myself travel watch camera 这几 个单词都比较长,我将运用自然拼读法教授,基本上是会读即会拼。而且我会 把词汇放到句中学习,让学生整体理解和记忆。 2. 有 can 和 should 的句中动词在小学阶段用原型。 3如何用一句或几句话描述一项事物。 单元单元 总目总目 标标 语言知识与技能语言知识与技能: 1. 能听、说、读、写核心词汇 invent-invention anywhere myself travel watch camera。 2. 在语境中熟练运用 I think People can ,能正确运用将来时描述 即将发生的事情。 过程与方法过程与方法: 1.本单元主要任务是阅读,理解文章段落大意,在教学过程中,教师可以先从 整体上引导学生领会课文的大概结构和总体意思,然后分小组讨论每一段的大 意,让学生按小组给出每一段的主要意思,然后进行纠正,让学生在自己解决 问题的过程中发现问题,提出问题,最后解决问题。 2.以阅读教学为主线,在所创设的日常活动情境中运用本单元目标语,多采取课 课时划分与分课时目标课时划分与分课时目标 板块单元知识整合与拓展的知识教学目标主题语境 单 词 invent invention anywhere myself travel watch camera I think People can I think paper is a great invention. People can write on it. 第 一 课 时 Listen and say Ask and answer Look and learn 句 型 Im going to What are you going to invent? Im going to invent something myself. 初步感知和运 用目标词汇和 目标语。 Great inventions 单 词 finally 第 二 课 时 Read a story Listen and enjoy 句 型 We should Well We should invent a flying machine. Well fly like birds. 培养话题和词 汇的语言域意 识,形成快速 阅读的习惯。 Invent a flying machine. 第 第一课 时 Copy the words and sentences. Read the material. Make sentences with “People can , Im going to” 作业 设计 第二课 时 Read the material. Make sentences with I will Repeat the material 堂讨论的形式来让学生大胆地表达他们关于 invention 的观点。教师适当的引 导,培养学生的英语表达能力和英语思维。 3. 情感态度价值观情感态度价值观: 通过讨论人类伟大的发明,了解历史,激发学生热爱科学,研究科学。 鼓励学生运用自己的创造力,去发明有益世界的创造。 教教 学学 方方 法法 与与 手手 段段 1.采用听说法,通过听录音,回答问题的方法感知和理解 Listen and say 这一 核心板块。 2.利用多媒体课件,通过阅读、看图、听音等方式,理解 read a story 这一核 心板块。培养话题和词汇的语言域意识,形成快速阅读的习惯。 3.采用交际教学法,通过师生、生生的交流讨论,从 group project 中得到提 升,有效提高学生的口语表达能力。 教学设计续页 课题 Unit 10 Great inventions 课型新授课时 第 2 课时 授课 时间 2019 年 5 月 15 日 项目内容 教学 重点 难点 Teaching important aims 1 .To learn a reading skill - Scanning.skimming To get information about the history of flying machine inventing from the conversation. 2.Use the drill“ Well We should” Difficult points 1. The Four Great Inventions of ancient China:The compass,Printing,Papermaking,Gunpowder. 2. They are watching some birds flying in the sky. 板书 设计 Unit 10 Great inventions What A flying machine Who the Wright brothers How First _ Next _ Then _ Finally_ Think more watch more try more Why It can help people _easily. Enjoy the inventions,make more inventions! 教学设计续页 教学流程 个性化 调控 Pre-reading Greetings T: Hello! Boys and girls, I am so happy ,because we can have an English class together.(Wow,so many teachers,lets say good morning to teachers.) Are you ready for our class? Ok,wonderful. Free talk T:Do you know the Four Great Inventions?(If you cant speak English,you can speak Chinese) S: T:Look.These are the Four Great Inventions of ancient China.Lets read together.The compass ,printing ,Papermaking,Gunpowder. S: T:They show Chinas advanced science and technology.They changed the world ,changed our life .How can they help us ?(预设指南针较难,老 师示范)The compass can tell us the way easily.Printing can help us copy books easily.Gunpowder can help people make firecrackers easily. T:How about Papermaking? At first,people wrote on the the bones and stone,it is too difficult.and the stone is heavy. S: T:Yes,it can help people write easily.Do you know any great inventions? (贴标题板书)I think the car is a great invention.It can help us go somewhere easily. S: T:Boys and girls,These inventions make our life better or worse? S:Better. T:I think the plane is a great invention. It can help us go to the far places easily.Did you travel by plane? S: T:What is a plane? Its a flying machine(贴板书). While-reading T:What does it look like? Who invented a flying machine? Open your book ,turn to page 70 and read it silently.Have you finished?Who can tell me the answer?(整体感知文本,) S: the Wright brothers. T:They are Wilbur and Orville.Lets read it .Why do they want to invent a flying machine?Read and underline the answer.(快速浏览,找到信息) S:check the answer. T: How do they invent a flying machine?Read the fourth parts carefully and circle the key words.(精读) S:first . next .then .finally. T:Could they fly like a birds?Can the dream come true .Lets watch the video. S:watch T:wow, they can fly like a bird,so exciting.Please remember the day .Its 17th Dec,1903. Look at the numbers,at the first time it just flew for 12seconds in the sky,but at the fourth time it could fly for 59 seconds,after that they still try more times, three years later,the third flying machine could fly for 40 minutes. Lets guess how many times did they try? S: T:One thousand times.what can we learn from them? S: T:When we invent sth ,we should think more,watch more,try more. Now lets read story again and fill in the blanks ,then retell the story. S: After-reading T:Great,you did a good job.we know New four great inventions is changing China.In 2017, some foreign students in Beijing voted(投票) for their favorite modern inventions in todays China.What are they? Take out the paper , read it quickly and find the answer. S:read them and write. T:How can they help us?Read it carefully for 2mins and underline the answer,for example:Bike sharing .it saves time and money,good for environment,it is good exercise too.(做示范,让学生明白指令) S:Read and do (教师巡视,指导学生阅读) T:Time is up.Have you finished?Lets check your answer.Well ,we know Inventions change our lives.Inventions make our lives easily. Enjoy the inventions, make more inventions!(贴板书) S:Read sentences loudly. T:Our President Xi said:scientific and technological innovation. Inventions make our country stronger and stronger.look at our amazing China. S: T:Wow,Im so excited.Do you want to be a little inventor?This is a student of Great five.What did he invent ?Lets have a look.I think you can invent sth too,now work in groups and do a survey. S: T:Who can show us your survey?After class you can talk in group,write your invention plan.then send email to me,here is my email address. T: Boys and girls,Run for your dream. Lets run on the invention road! Homework: T:Todays homework: 1. Listen to and read Students Book pages70 and 71. 2. Read, copy and spell the words: invention, travel, invent, myself, 3. Think about: What are you going to invent? And why? 3. Finish Workbook pages 57 and 59. Class is over,thank you,goodbye everyone. 当堂 达标 设计 MoreMore readingreading Bike sharing 共享单车共享单车 Riding shared bikes saves(节省)time and money.People can unlock(开锁) them with mobile apps(手机应用程序).Riding bikes is also good for the environment(环境) .Biking is good exercise, too. High-speed rail 高铁高铁 They run as fast as 350 km/h.They connnect north and south,east and west.They are fast, safe and convenient(方便的).Chinas high-speed rail technology(技术)is also used in other countries,like Russia and Turkey(土耳其). Alipay 支付宝支付宝 It is on your mobile phone.You can use it to pay for(付钱)things.You dont need to carry cash.It is simple(简单的) to use. Online shopping 网购网购 Many people like shopping online.It is cheaper.It is convenient(便捷), too.There are even many new online shopping festivals in China,for example, the Double Eleven. Word bank 词汇 1)、connect knkt连接,动词 2)、cash k现金,名词 3)、online :nlan在线的,形容词 1.What are the new four inventions?(快速浏览,找出答案) _ 2.How can the inventions help people?(细读,画出关键词) 现象与 归因分 析 请描述课堂问题 教学 反思 改进措 施 请给出具体明确的改进措施 杏花岭区小学第十届“金钥匙”教学能手大赛 Module4 Things we enjoy Unit10 Great inventions
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