沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-12 The giant’s garden-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:503dc).zip

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5BM4U12 The giants garden What can you see ? Whose garden is it? Its the giants garden. the giant 5BM4U12 The giants garden 建设北路小学 张璐 Read and number 12 3 45 67 8 9 A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. Children like to play in the garden. They have a lot of fun there. Read emotively.(有感情地朗读) Get out! Get out! The giant finds the children in his garden. He is very angry. How does he feel? Why? What does he do? The giant builds a tall wall around his garden, and puts up a sign. It says “No entry!” Now the children cannot play in his garden. And the giant doesnt want to go outside. He insulates(隔离) himself from others. Read Picture1-3 emotively.(有感情地朗读) What does she bring? She brings beautiful flowers and birds. but she does not bring any to the giants garden. Soon Miss Spring comes. She brings beautiful flowers and birds, but she does not bring any to the giants garden. Read emotively.(有感情地朗读) Its spring now, but look at my garden. There is no . here. I feel . Where is Miss Spring? Its spring now, but look at my garden. There is no flowers, no trees or no birds here. I feel so cold and sad. Where is Miss Spring? Read emotively.(有感情地朗读) 秋天 Im Miss Summer. I bring . Its so cold here. Im Miss Autumn. I bring . Its so cold here. Miss Summer and Miss Autumn dont visit his garden ,either. Miss Spring, Miss Summer and Miss Autumn are outside his garden. Hello, Miss Spring. Look at the giants garden. _ Why dont you visit it? _._. _! He insulates(隔离) himself from others. _. Lets go. Read and fill in the blanks The snow is everywhere. Its so cold. I dont like the giant Look at the sign “No entry” He doesnt need us Hes not kind to children Read Picture4-6 emotively.(有感情地朗读) Day after day. The giant looks at his garden and feels sad. Miss Spring, Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giant. It is always winter in the giants garden. Lets read I dont like the giant. Hes not kind to children. One morning, the giant hears some lovely sounds. The giant finds some children in his garden. They are coming through a hole. They bring Miss Spring to his garden! How do the children come into the garden? Hooray! Miss Spring is here! No children, no spring. What does the giant know? When the children in the garden, it is spring. When the children out of the garden, it is always winter. When the children come back, spring comes again. The giant knocks down the wall around his garden. Read and thinkWhat does the giant do then? Look! The giants garden is open. Read and think Children, you can play in my garden any time. Miss Spring never comes late again. The giant knocks down the wall around his garden. Children, you can play in my garden any time. Miss Spring never comes late again. Read emotively.(有感情地朗读) Read Picture7-9 emotively.(有感情地朗读) Read and enjoy is a garden. 心是一个花园 If you build the tall wall, 倘若筑起围墙 it will be filled with the ice and snow. 花园将冰雪覆盖 Youll be cold and lonely. 孤独寒冷将会与你相伴 Heart Heartis a garden. 心是一个花园 If you knock down the tall wall, 倘若拆掉围墙 it will be filled with the sunshine and flowers. 花园将鲜花盛开 Youll be warm and happy. 温暖幸福便会向你招手 Open your hearts, and be kind to others! 敞开心扉,善待他人。 Read emotively.(有感情地朗读) Open your hearts, and be kind to others! 敞开心扉,善待他人。 Homework: Read the story emotively and feel the changes of giant. Unit 12 The giants garden 单元教学设计 单元单元 整体整体 分析分析 本单元以故事话题,它选自英国作家奥斯卡.王尔德的童话故事。故事了讲述巨人和孩子们之间发 生的事情,学生通过阅读,感悟、理解并体会到能和大家分享的快乐才是真正的快乐。 2.全套教材中与本单元相关的教学内容分析:本单元为阅读课,复习一般现在时(重点是第三人称 单数)的使用,同时关注情感词在文中的使用。本课的学习,学生还要注意一些词块的搭配。如: a big house with a beautiful garden, have a lot of fun, build a tall wall around his garden, be kind to sb. come through a hole。 功能:阅读 话题:The giants garden 3B Unit1 I cant find my ball. 3B Unit7I like singing. 4A Unit3 Im happy. 4A Unit10I live near Wangfujing Street. 4B Unit3The sun rises in the morning. 4BUnit9I live in China. 5B Unit 2Our new home In winter, they cannot find enough food in the north. 与此相关的语言知识: 与本册相关的知识 Unit 1 Tidy up! “ Is it yours?” asks Jimmy. Unit 2Our new home In winter, they cannot find enough food in the north. Unit 9Seeing the doctor The fox gives the tiger a lot of candy. 学学 情情 分分 析析 五年级的学生已掌握日常生活中一定的词汇量。 能用第三人称单数形式的句子描述他人的行为。 能根据个人情感使用合适的情感词。如: happy, sad 等。 难点预测: 学生在学习中可能不好理解以下内容: 1.A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. 这句话中的词组是做定语,我将给出名词+介词短语这样的词块,帮助学生更好的理解。 2. cannot 的用法。cannot=cant 单元单元 总目总目 标标 语言知识与技能语言知识与技能: 1. 能听、说、读、写核心词汇和词组 giant, wall, kind, through, no entry, be kind to, knock down。 2. 在语境中熟练运用第三人称单数形式讲述发生的故事。 过程与方法过程与方法: 1.本单元主要任务是阅读理解,在教学过程中,学生整体阅读,回答问题,理解故事的寓意,体会 快乐的真谛。 2.以阅读教学为主线,在所创设的日常活动情境中运用本单元目标语,思考巨人为什么 angry, sad, happy。培养学生的英语表达能力和英语思维。 3. 情感态度价值观情感态度价值观: 通过讨论巨人由禁止孩子们在它的花园里玩到欢迎孩子们来花园里玩的心里历程,启发学生要打开 心胸,善待他人。 教教 学学 方方 法法 与与 手手 段段 1.采用听说法,通过听录音,回答问题的方法感知和理解故事的意义。 2.利用多媒体课件,通过阅读、看图、听音等方式,培养快速阅读的习惯。 3.采用交际教学法,通过师生、生生的交流讨论,从 retell story 中得到提升,有效提高学生的口语 表达能力。 教学设计续页 课题 Unit 12 The giants garden 课型新授课时 第 1 课 时 授课 时间 年 月 日 项目内容 教学 重点 难点 Teaching important aims 1. Perceive and understand the words: giant, wall, kind, through, no entry, be kind to, knock down。 2. Use the drill “ Children like to play in the garden.” to say something you like to do. Difficult points 1.Know the meaning of “A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden.” 板书 设计 Unit 12 The giant garden garden children giant why what to do beautiful have a lot of fun angry doesnt like the children builds a tall wall No entry insulates himself cold cannot play sad beautiful come through a hole happy Spring comes knocks down the wall 教学设计续页 教学流程个性化调控 Step1 Good morning, boys and girls. 1.What can you see in the garden? 2.What are the children doing? 3.Are they happy? So they have a lot of fun in the garden. 4.Is the garden beautiful? 5.Whose garden is it? Its the giants garden. Look at this giant. He is tall and strong. The giant means a man is much taller and stronger. Today lets talk about the giants garden. Step2 1. Please read the story and number the pictures. 2. Read picture1 3. When the giant finds the children in the garden. How does he feel? Hes angry. He says “Get out, get out!” 4. Why he is so angry? 5. What does he do? He builds a tall wall and puts up a sign, it says “No entry!” 6. Now the children cannot play in the garden. And the giant doesnt want to go outside. So he insulates himself from others. 7. Read picture1-3. Step3 Soon Miss spring comes. 1. What does she bring? 2. Can she come into the garden? Does she bring these to the garden? 3. Guess: How is the giants garden? 4. Look! Hows his garden? How does he feel? What does he say? (read together) 5. Fill in the blanks. What does Miss spring/summer/autumn say? Role - play 6. Read picture4-6 Step4. Day after day, the giant looks at his garden and feels cold and sad. But one morning, he hears some lovely sounds. 1. What can he hear? 2. He opens the window and what does he find? 3. How do the children come into the garden? The children bring spring. The giant says “Hooray! Miss spring is here!” 4. Is he happy? 5. When the children in the garden, it is spring. When the children out of the garden, it is always winter. When children come back, spring comes again. What does the giant know? No children, no spring. 6. What does he do? He knocks down the wall. He opens the garden. 7. Read7-9 8. Watch the video of the story. 9. Read the poem. 10. Read the story.
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