沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-12 The giant’s garden-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)--(编号:f0e72).zip

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Oxford English Module 4 Things we enjoy 12 TheThe giantsgiants gardengarden Do you know these storybooks? Can you say anything about them? Today we will learn a new story. Do you know anything about the story? Listen and enjoy 教师自行搜寻并插入与四季有关的歌曲或视频。 Think and number 给图片编号(小组讨论) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Picture 1:A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. Children like to play in the garden. They have a lot of fun there. Picture 2: The giant finds the children in his garden. He is very angry. Picture 3: The giant builds a tall wall around the garden. Now the children cannot play in his garden. Picture 4: Soon Miss Spring comes. She brings beautiful flowers and birds, but she does not bring any to the giants garden. Picture 5: “Its cold here. Wheres Miss Spring? ”The giant looks at his garden and feels sad. Picture 6: Miss Spring , Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giants . It is always winter in the giants garden. Picture 7: One morning, the giant hears some lovely sounds .He sees some beautuifl flowers too. The giant is very happy . Picture 8: The giant finds some children in his garden. They are coming through a hole. They bring Miss Spring to his garden! Picture 9: The giant knocks down the wall around his garden . Miss Spring never comes late again. 读课文,找出生词及短语读课文,找出生词及短语。 giant 巨人巨人 dant A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden . wall w:l 墙;围墙墙;围墙 The giant builds a tall wall around his garden . kind kaind 友好的;体贴的友好的;体贴的 I dont like the giant . Hes not kind to the children. through ru: 穿过穿过 They are coming through a hole. no entry 禁止进入禁止进入 entri (be) kind to 对对友好友好 The giant is not kind to the children. knock down 推到;拆掉推到;拆掉 The giant knocks down the wall around his garden. giant kind through wall No entry be kind to knock down The giant finds the children in his garden . He is very angry . The giant builds a tall wall around his garden . Now the children cannot play in his garden . A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden . Children like to play in the garden . They have a lot of fun there . Imagine, what will happen next to the giant and his garden? 想象巨人和他的花园接下来会发生想象巨人和他的花园接下来会发生 什么?什么? Soon Miss Spring comes . She brings beautiful flowers and birds , but she does not bring any to the giants garden . “ its cold here . Wheres Miss Spring?” The giant looks at his garden and feels sad . Miss Spring , Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giant . It is always winter in the giants garden . The giant finds some children in his garden. They are coming through a hole. They bring Miss Spring to his garden. The giant knocks down the wall around his garden. Miss Spring never comes late again. One morning , the giant hears some lovely sounds. He sees some beautiful flower too . The giant is very happy . 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. What are the boy and the two girls doing? 3. How do the children feel? 4. Is it winter? 以同样的方式对其他幅图进行问答。(两人一组以同样的方式对其他幅图进行问答。(两人一组) Picture 1:A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. Children like to play in the garden. They have a lot of fun there. Picture 2: The giant finds the children in his garden. He is very angry. Picture 3: The giant builds a tall wall around the garden. Now the children cannot play in his garden. Picture 4: Soon Miss Spring comes. She brings beautiful flowers and birds, but she does not bring any to the giants garden. Picture 5: “Its cold here. Wheres Miss Spring? ”The giant looks at his garden and feels sad. Picture 6: Miss Spring , Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giants . It is always winter in the giants garden. Picture 7: One morning, the giant hears some lovely sounds .He sees some beautiful flowers too. The giant is very happy . Picture 8: The giant finds some children in his garden. They are coming through a hole. They bring Miss Spring to his garden! Picture 9: The giant knocks down the wall around his garden . Miss Spring never comes late again. Read the story 读故事读故事 Complete the story A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful _.Children like to play in the garden. One day, the giant finds the children in his garden. He is very _. He builds a tall _ around the garden. Now the children _play there any more. Soon Miss Spring comes with beautiful flowers and birds, She see the sign on the wall,so she does not go to the giants garden . Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not _ the giants garden either . It is _ winter in the giants garden. One morning, some children come into the garden _ a hole. They _Miss Spring to the garden! The giant sees the children .He sees some beautiful flowers too. He is very _. Module 4 Unit 12 The giants garden 教学设计教学设计 年 级 Five学科English课型New 授课 教师 设计时间 06.21 总课 时 1 授课 时间 06.27 学习内容 Module 4 Unit 12 The giants garden 学习目标 1.能在语境中运用本单元的核心词汇:wall, kind, through, no entry, (be )kind to, knock down 2.能运用所学句型复述故事。 3.通过故事阅读,理解故事寓意,懂得“快乐要与人分享“的道 理。 学习重点 难点 1词汇:wall, kind, through, no entry, (be )kind to, knock down 2.句型: A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. Children like to play in the garden. She brings beautiful flowers and birds, but she does not bring any to the giants garden. It is always winter in the giants garden. 学习准备Computer, pictures, word cards, 导 学 过 程 一 、 Pre-task preparations. 1利用多媒体出示一些学生熟悉的儿童故事书的封面,如 丑小鸭 、 三只小猪 、 小红帽等,与学生对话。 T: Do you know these storybooks? Can you say anything about them? S1: Yes. I know three little pigs. It is about the three little pigs and the big bad wolf. 2接着学生的问题,引入本单元的故事教学。 T: Today we will learn a new story. Do you know anything about the story? S1: It is about the giant and his garden. 二、While task procedures 1Introduce the giant and 1.1播放故事录音。 1.2利用多媒体出示打乱顺序的、没有文字的故事巨人的 花园的图片,让学生根据听到的录音顺序给这些图片编号。 1.3.将学生分为四人或六人一组,要求每组学生小组讨论, 用已学的语句描述图片(每组两幅)。 1.4要求各小组根据讨论结果向全班作介绍,教师进行指 导和总结。 2.Learn the words and phrases 2.1学生默读课文并划出课文中的生词,教师板书或利用多 媒体展示学生找出的生词,wall, kind, through, no entry, (be ) kind to, knock down,教师帮助理解生词含义并带领学生朗读, 如 giant a big man。 2.2学生阅读故事,并把有疑问的地方划出来或写在小纸条 上。 2.3教师帮助理解并运用学生有疑问的单词、词组或句子, 然后就这些问题展开师生、生生问答,最后带领学生朗读这些疑 难的单词、词组或句子。 3. To understand the story and its implication 3.1朗读故事。每一幅图请一名学生朗读、一个小组、全班 学生齐读。 3.2根据故事内容(或图片)提问,与一名学生进行示范对 话,然后要求全班学生模仿,学生两人一组互相问答。 3.3带领学生再次朗读故事,并出示以下选择题, (学案上) 让学生读故事选择正确答案,帮助学生进一步理解课文。 3.4总结故事大意,让学生思考并说说他们从这个故事中学 到了什么。总结说出故事的寓意:Happiness is to share with others and you can be happy. 三、Post-task activities 学生六人一组,讨论并将故事改编成课本剧,然后分角色表 演故事。 板书设计 UnitUnit 1212 TheThe giantsgiants gardengarden wall kind through no entry (be)kind to knock down A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. Children like to play in the garden. It is always winter in the giants garden。
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