新人教版七年级下Unit 8 Is there a post office near here.(Section A 1a-2b)PPT课件(精品省优).ppt

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通过本课的学习,同学们将能:,UNIT 8 学习目标,1.初步掌握和运用有关地点的名词, 如:post office, bank restaurant… 2.通过对学校周围地点相对位置的描述能理解和掌握 有关方位的介词和介词短语, 如,across from, in front of… 3.理解并能用Is there …句型询问某一地点周围是否有什么; 4.根据不同的听力任务,能在听的过程中关注不同的 关键词,如表地点的名词和表方位的介词。 5.根据实际情况或地图提示能用不同的方位词 说出某个地点的相对位置。 6.通过学习加深对周边环境了解,并形成乐于助人 的良好品质。,,Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,www.163wenku.com,,,How many places can you find?,1,,,How many places can you find?,post office,library,supermarket,police station,hospital,bank,hotel,restaurant,pay phone,road,street,park,,1. post office ___ 2. police station ____ 3. hotel ____ 4. restaurant ___ 5. bank ____ 6. hospital ___ 7. street ____ 8. pay phone ___ 9. park ___,f,a,e,i,c,b,h,g,d,1a. Match the words with the places in the picture.,,,Who is the first one to find the word?,2,1.My mother likes to save money in the _____.,2.When you are not feeling well,you can go to the ________.,3. If you want to ask the police for help,you can go to the _____________.,4 I always go to the ___________ to send a letter to my grandmother.,5. Please be quiet in the _________.,post office,bank,hospital,police station,library,--Is there a library in our school now? --No, there isn’t. --Is there a bank near/next to your home? --Yes, there is. --Is there a bank on Zhongshan Road? --Yes, there is.,,,post office,Bridge Street,--Is there a library ...now? --...,Pair work,,,3,Is there a ... in the picture? Yes, there is. No, there isn't.,,,New Street,Long Street,restaurant,supermarket,hotel,hospital,post office,bank,book store,library,pay phone,,,New Street,Long Street,restaurant,supermarket,police station,hospital,post office,bank,book store,library,pay phone,,,New Street,Long Street,restaurant,supermarket,police station,hotel,bank,book store,library,pay phone,,,New Street,Long Street,restaurant,police station,hotel,hospital,bank,book store,library,,,New Street,Long Street,restaurant,police station,hotel,hospital,book store,library,pay phone,,,New Street,Long Street,restaurant,police station,hotel,hospital,bank,book store,library,,,New Street,Long Street,restaurant,police station,hotel,hospital,bank,book store,library,pay phone,--Where is the pay phone? --It’s next to the library.,A: Where is the pay phone?,B: It’s on Green Street.,A: Where is the pay phone?,B: It’s next to the library.,A: Where is the pay phone?,B: It’s behind the library.,A: Where is the pay phone?,B: It’s in front of the library.,library,A: Where is the pay phone?,B: It’s across from the library.,A: Where is the pay phone?,B: It’s between the library and the post office.,between…and…,A: Where is the pay phone?,next to,B: It’s … the library.,Pair work,across from,On…,in front of,behind,1. The police station is ________ the restaurant and the hospital. 2. The park is ____________ the bank. 3. The hospital is ____ Bridge Street. 4. The pay phone is _______ the post office. 5. The restaurant is ___________ the post office. 6. The hotel is _______ the police station.,2b. Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,next to in front of between behind across from on,between,across from,on,in front of,next to,behind,,,4,If you can ,stand up!,,There’s a school in the picture. It’s______ School Street. There is a book store _______ the school. The bank is ______ _____ the school. The pay phone is _________ the school ____the hospital. The post office is ______ ______ the school. There is a supermarket _____ ____ ____ the park.,on,behind,next to,between,across from,in front of,Exercise,and,,Exercise,,,Exercise,,,go along,,,turn left,turn right,Do you know the signs now?,on the left,on the right,on your left,on your right,,,,,,,,,,Pay phone,New Street,Where is the pay phone?,,,,,,,,,,,New Street,hotel,Where is the hotel?,,,,,,,,,,,New Street,bank,Where is the hotel?,,,,,,,,,,,library,New Street,Where is the pay phone?,,,,5,who can help me?,,,,,,,,,,,Long Street,Hospital,School,Book Store,Library,Pay Phone,,,,START,Task(任务):Find the way to the book store.,,,,,,,Hotel,Book store,zoo,Restaurant,Bridge Street,New Street,Red Street,Bus Stop,Post office,,Task(任务):Find the way to the post office.,,,,,,,,Green Street,Post office,Hotel,Hospital,supermarket,Bus Stop,,,Bread Talk,Task(任务):Find the way to the supermarket.,,,,,,Sun Street,Supermarket,Hotel,Hospital,Bus Stop,,,Park,,Restaurant,Park Street,Bank,终点,,DESTINATION,Task(任务):Find the way to the park.,Police Station,,,,,,,,,,,,,Green Street,White Street,New Street,Park Street,police station,book store,restaurant,pay phone,post office,supermarket,hotel,bank,library,,,,,,,6,Who is the good helper?,,,,,,,,,,,,,Green Street,White Street,New Street,Park Street,police station,book store,restaurant,pay phone,post office,supermarket,hotel,bank,library,,,,,,,,,,,,,Green Street,White Street,--Excuse me, is there …near here? --Yes, go … then turn…, the …is on your…and...,Park Street,police station,book store,restaurant,pay phone,post office,supermarket,hotel,bank,library,New Street,group work,Homework,,,1. 画一幅你家周围的街区图 用今天所学的各种方位介词next to , across from, behind, in front of… 说一说你们家周围地点的位置。 2.分角色读一读2d的对话。,教学设计 共1课时 Section A 初中英语 人教2011课标版评论(0)1教学目标 1.初步掌握和运用有关地点的名词, 如:post office, bank restaurant… 2.通过对学校周围地点相对位置的描述能理解和掌握 有关方位的介词和介词短语, 如,across from, in front of… 3.理解并能用Is there …句型询问某一地点周围是否有什么; 4.根据不同的听力任务,能在听的过程中关注不同的 关键词,如表地点的名词和表方位的介词。 5.根据实际情况或地图提示能用不同的方位词 说出某个地点的相对位置。 6.通过学习加深对周边环境了解,并形成乐于助人 的良好品质。评论(0)2学情分析 参加录制课的班级共47人,其中男生24人,女生23人,英语基础都比较好。 其中有22个同学在学校奥英班学习。平常参加学校的统考平均分每次都是 全校第一且超过第二名有4--5分。全部学习英语的兴趣浓厚,对老师的指令 和不同课型中的活动流程都非常清楚。评论(0)3重点难点 1、学会Is there …句型询问某一地点周围是否有什么? 2、根据实际情况或地图提示能用不同的方位词说出某个地点的相对位置。 4教学过程4.1 第一学时教学活动,U盘、电脑坏了?教学资料不见了? 以前的资料没保存?每一届重复劳动? 找不到精品课件、试题、教案反思? 各大文库价格昂贵? 来【163文库】吧,你可以: 上传分享资料赚取零用钱; 创建教学空间,分类收藏存储资料;方便下届使用; 百万教学资源供你下载; 【平台地址:www.163wenku.com】,
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