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1、1 Unit5Look at me Period 1 一、教学目标一、教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 能听懂、会读、会说 T-shirt, skirt, cap。 2. 能听懂、 会读、 会说日常交际用语 Look at my Its nice! Its great. Look at me! Great! 3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。 (二)能力目标: 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论自己的衣物并相互作出适当的 评价。 二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: (一)教学重点 1、 能听懂、 会读、 会说日常交际用语 Look at my Its n

2、ice! Its great. Look at me! Great! 2、能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。 (二)教学难点 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论自己的衣物并相互作出适当的 评价。 三、教学准备三、教学准备: 1. 板书课题:Unit 5 Look at me! 2. 游戏用的盒子、小包、衣服,本课单词及板书的卡片,表演用的衣服和头饰。 3. PPT 课件。 四、教学过程四、教学过程: Step1 Warm up 1. Free talk T: Good morning/afternoon, S1: Good morning/afternoon,

3、 Miss/Mr T: Who wants to introduce yourself and your friend? You may say “ Hello, Im Look, hes/shes my friend” S: (Introduce). 2 Step2Presentation 1. Play a game and learn the new words T:You speak good English. Now, look. I have a box. Is it nice? S: Yes. T: Yes, a nice box. Whats in the box? Lets

4、open it. Oh, three bags. Are they nice,too? S: Yes. T:You may say “nice”.(做动作带读 nice) Look at this white bag. Whats in the bag? (拿出包里的 T 恤) AT-shirt (领读两遍后出示单词卡片,开火车读) T:Look at the T-shirt. S: (引导学生说)Its nice! T: Look at this blue bag.Whats in it? Look,a T-shirt?(用手把裙子抓成一团) No, a skirt. (领读两遍后出示单词卡

5、片,开火车读) Look at this skirt. S: Its nice!(带读 Its nice.) T:heres a yellow bag.Whats in it? (引导学生猜一猜) S:AT-shirt / skirt? T: Look,its a cap(领读两遍后出示单词卡片,开火车读) T: Look at the cap. S:Its nice! 3.Talk about Ssclothes T:The skirt,the T-shirt and the cap are all nice.Do you have nice clothes? S: Yes. T :Who

6、can show us?You can say “Look at my(出示并带读句型) S:Look at my T-shirt. T:Nice! S:Look at my skirt. T:Great!Do you know “great”? It means very nice.(出示句型卡片,带读 Great! Its great.) S: Look at my Ss: Its nice! Its great!(多请几位学生评价) 3 Step 3 Look, read and learn 1. Talk about the picture T: We have nice clothe

7、s.How about this girl? Whos she? S: Yang Ling. T: Whos the woman? S: Yang Lings mother. T: Yang Ling Looks happy. Shes going to a fashion show. So shes trying on nice clothes. What clothes is she trying on? Lets watch the cartoon and tick the right picture on the paper. 2. Watch the cartoon. T: What

8、 clothes is she trying on? S:Askirt,a T-shirt and a cap. T:Are they nice? S:Yes. T: Mum is praising her. How does Mum praise? Lets watch the cartoon again.Try to remember what Mum says. 3.Watch the cartoon again and get to know Mum praises. T: What does Mum say?Please tell your parther first. 1) Tal

9、k in pairs. 2) T: How does Mum praises her T-shirt? S: Its nice. T: How does she praise her skirt? S: How nice! T: (板书并带读) How nice!(引导学生做动作) T:What does she say about her cap? S:Its great. T : At last ,Yang Ling is very happy. She says this sentence.Can you read it? (出 示句型卡片,让学生试读 Look at me!) T: W

10、hat does Mum say at last? S:Great! T:Yes. Now ,do you know how to praise?(PPT 出示 Learning tip) T: When we want to praise,we can say (引导学生一起带动作说评价语) 4. Read the dialogue 1) Read after the tape 4 2)Open the books and read after the teacher (提醒学生用手指着书上的句子逐 句跟读) 3) Read by themselves. 4)Read in group(Ha

11、lf of the Ss Play Yang Ling, and other play Mum) 5)(T-Ss 示范表演) T:Now ,I”ll be Yang Ling. Can you act as Mum? 6)Act in pairs. 7)Act out (提前准备表演对话的服装道具,引导学生用上道具表演) 五、五、 Homework 1、跟读对话至熟练并背诵对话。 2、下节课带彩色报纸、水彩笔、剪刀和胶水。 六、六、 板书设计板书设计 Unit5Look at me! Period 2 一、教学目标一、教学目标 知识目标 1. 能听懂、会读、会说 jacket, 复习巩固、进一

12、步熟练掌握本课词汇 T-shirt, it, its, skirt, cap 以及日常交际用语 Look at my Its nice! How nice! Its great. Look at me! Great! 2. 能熟练地诵读歌谣“Nice clothes” 。 能力目标 运用多种工具完成“设计服装”的任务,在完成的过程中,自然熟练地运用本 Yang Ling 图片 Yang Lings Mum 图片 Lookatmy Lookatme. Its nice How nice! Its great. Great! 5 课所学的语句谈论衣物,给予评价。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 重点

13、: 1. 熟练掌握本课词句并自然熟练地运用。 2. 能熟练地诵读歌谣“Nice clothes” 。 难点: 1.jacket 的正确读音。 2. 有序有效地参与活动“Make and say” ,在活动中使动手能力、小组合作能力 以及综合运用语言能力得到提高。 三、教学准备三、教学准备 1. 板书课题:Unit 5 Look at me! 2. 头饰,学生自带剪刀、硬卡纸、水彩笔、胶棒、彩色报纸。 3 课前每个学生发一张关于服装的单词卡片或图片, 每对同桌发男孩女孩图各 一张。 4.PPT 课件。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step1 Warm up 1. Free talk T: Good

14、 morning/afternoon, S: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/Mr T: Look at my new T-shirt/skirt. S: Its nice!/ How nice! /Its great. T: Thank you. 2. Revision T:We know Yang Ling is trying on nice clothes in the story time. Do you remember what clothes she tries on? S:Askirt, a T-shirt and a cap. T:(手拿实物)Yes

15、, a skirt, a T-shirt and a cap. T:What does she say? S:Look at my(师板书) T:Mum likes her clothes. How does she praise? 6 S: Its nice./ How nice! /Its great./Great. (师板书) T:Now who wants to act Yang Ling? And who wants to act Mum? 1S1-Yang Ling, Ss-Mum; S1-Yang Ling, S2-Mum; Girls-Yang Ling, Boys-Mum.

16、Step2Presentation and practise 1. Learn the new word T: Yang Ling has many nice clothes.Guess, What else is in the wardrobe? (PPT 显示 图 2 的衣橱) S (显示图片的阴影效果进行提示): Ajacket. T 出示单词卡片并带读“jacket”. 2. T: Look at Yang Lings clothes. Can you read these words? Read the new words in pairs. Read together. 3. Pl

17、ay games: (1) Look and guess Look at the picture(显示局部) and guess what it is. (2) Finding friends a.Read or say the word on the card(课前所发)quickly in groups of four. b. Now, listen to the teachers orders and find your friends quickly. 如:教师报 skirt,发到该单词卡片或图片的学生迅速把手拉到一起,并重 复说一遍 skirt。 c.Play the game. d

18、. 教师报单词, 全班持有该单词卡片或图片的学生迅速把卡片举起, 并重复说 一遍。 Step3Rhyme time T: Here is a nice skirt, a cap, a T-shirt and a jacket. Are they nice? S: Yes. T: Heres a rhyme about these nice clothes. 1) Watch the cartoon 2) Try to read by themselves 3) Learn to read “Nice clothes” and “They all look great”(让学生翻译这 7 句话的

19、意思) 4) Say the rhyme after the tape 5) Say after the teacher(教师示范动作) 6) Say in groups(四个组分四个角色朗读儿歌) 7) Say the rhyme in groups of four(利用手中的卡片分角色朗读儿歌) 8) Act the rhyme(全班,小组,指名) Step4Make and say T:Look at this girl. Her name is Lily. Shes not happy. Because she wants to go to the fashion show, too.

20、 But she doesnt have nice clothes . Lets make clothes for her. OK? 1.Demonstration T: First , let me cut down a skirt .(用剪刀剪一条裙子) Now , draw some flowers. Stick the skirt on the picture . Now , Lily is happy. What does she say? S: Look at my skirt. T: How about her skirt? S: Its nice. T: I also can

21、make a skirt like this. Look(教师示范用纸折一条短裙) Look at my skirt. S: How nice!/Its nice. T:And lets make a T-shirt for her. OK?(示范剪 T-shirt) 2. Make clothes in pairs T:Now , please make clothes for Lily and her brother Tom. 3.Talk about the clothes in pairs 4.Production Show time (请 4-5 组学生上台展示,其他学生评价,可以评

22、选出最佳设计师) 五、五、Homework 1.跟读儿歌并尝试背诵表演。 2.跟读单词至少五遍至熟练。 3.用彩纸或报纸给自己做一件衣服,并用所学语句向家人展示。 8 六、板书设计六、板书设计 Unit 5Look at me! Lookatmy Itsnice. Hownice ! Itsgreat. Great. Period 3 一、一、教学目标教学目标 知识目标 1、 进一步巩固 Story time 部分: Look at my T-shirt/skirt/cap Its nice. How nice! Its great. Great! Look at me!等日常交际用语。 2、

23、能听懂、会读、会说、会写字母 Oo, Pp, Qq。 能力目标 1、能够熟练正确使用 Look at Its nice. How nice! Its great. Great!等日常交际 用语。 2、会利用所学的句型谈论自己的衣物并相互作出适当的评价。 3、能准确认读并正确的书写字母 Oo, Pp, Qq。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 (一)重点: 1. Look at等交际用语的再次巩固。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写字母 Oo, Pp, Qq。 (二)难点: 字母 Oo, Qq 的读音和 Pp, Qq 的正确辨认。 三、教学准备三、教学准备 1. Oo, Pp,Qq 字母及字母组合卡片

24、。 2. PPT 课件。 3. 板书课题 Unit5Look at me! 4. 抄写本 5. 自制的纸衣服 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Lily 图片 Tom 图片 9 Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talk (T-Ss) T:(指着自己的衣服)Hello, Look at my skirt. S: Itsnice. T: Hi ,Look at my T-shirt. S: How nice. T:(拿出用纸做的衣服)Look at my jacket. S: Great 2 .Revision T: Its time for you to show your paper c

25、lothes. When you want to show, what can you say ? S:Look at my / Look at me. T:And how we praise? S: Its nice ./How nice/Great/Its great. T: Who wants to show your paper clothes? S: Look at my 3. Say the rhyme: T:You have many nice clothes . Do you remember the rhyme “Nice clothes”? Lets say it toge

26、ther with our paper clothes. Ss: Say the rhyme together/ in groups Step 2 Presentation Letter time 1. Revision (1)T: Now , its letter time . What letters can you say now ? S: (2)Game:“Magic eyes”. T:(PPT 播放动画效果) What letters are they? Talk in pairs. Ss: (3)Enjoy “The alphabet song” (允许学生跟着唱) 2. Lear

27、n the new letters (1)T: Look at this picture(P36 的图). There are some letters in it . Can you find them? S: (学生上来指出图中的新字母) 10 T: 带读 Oo, Pp, Qq S: 升降调跟读。多种方式练读。 (2)Say the letters fromAa to Qq a. Say together b. Say one by one in groups of four (3)再次播放 “The alphabet song”,轻声跟着唱 (4)Game:找邻居 Pp,Jj,Dd, M

28、m,Gg,Oo S 说出前后字母, 然后齐读这些字母。 3. Writing time T: Now ,lets learn how to write Oo,Pp,Qq. a. 教师在黑板上逐一示范板书,并解说注意点:Oo 要注意宽度适中,线 条圆润;P 两笔,占上面两格,但 p 是一笔写成,占下面两格;Q 比 O 多条小 尾巴,q 和 p 正好面对面。 b. 再次板演, 引导学生书空并跟说 Big1、2,Small1、2。 c. 学生在书上描红 d. 学生在本子上写字母,教师巡视。 e. 展示优秀作业,并就巡视发现的问题再次解说注意点。 五五 Homework 1、抄写字母 Oo, Pp,Q

29、q 2、认读字母,熟读已学版块。 3、自己创作一张含有 O , P , Q 的彩色图片。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 Unit 5Look at me! Itsnice . Look at myHow nice ! Look at me.Its great . Great ! Period 4 11 一、一、教学目标教学目标 知识目标: 1能认读故事中的词汇:new, what colour, red. 2能听说会认读新语言:What colour is my ? Its red. 3能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,并模仿 角色进行表演。 4巩固字母

30、Oo, Pp,Qq, 初步渗透音素表的概念。 能力目标: 1. 在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。 2. 能熟练认读已学字母及字母组合。 二、二、教学重难点教学重难点 1. 引导学生看图理解卡通故事图意,并模仿角色进行表演。 2. 字母的巩固。 3. 培养学生养成良好的阅读习惯,提高学生灵活运用的能力。 三、三、教学准备教学准备 1. 表演用的头饰、报纸、裙子、T 恤。 2. 字母卡片 3. PPT 课件 4. 学生回家创作的彩色字母图片。 四、四、教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm up and revision 1. Enjoy “The alphabet song” (允许

31、学生跟着唱) 2. Review the letters (1) Say the letters from Aa to Qq. (2) Read the letters(大小写分开,打乱顺序) on the card.(Together/One by one) (3) 出示字母组合卡片,多种形式朗读 (4) 出示学生回家创作的彩色字母图片, 引导 S1:Look at my Oo. Ss: Its nice./How nice!/. (5)Say the rhyme: Look at my Cc. Look at my Ee. 12 Look at my Gg and my Pp. They

32、all look great!. 尝试改编,引导学生注意所用字母含有相同音素,初步渗透音素表概念。 可用到的字母有 Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Gg, Pp;Aa, Hh, Jj, Kk;Ff, Ll, Mm, Nn. Step 2 Presentation Cartoon time 1. Talk about the picture T: We are very happy, right? Now , lookShe s happy, too. Who is she ? S: Mum . T: Who is he ? S: Dad . T: Why is Mum happy? Lets

33、watch the cartoon . 2. Watch the cartoon 3. Learn the new words T: Why does Mum look happy? What does she have ? S:Anew skirt and a new T-shirt . T:Yes, she likes the new clothes .( 出示单词卡片,带读 new) Read the sentences of Picture1-2. 引导学生读出 happy 的语气。 4. T: Is she still happy at last? Read the story by

34、 yourselves . T: Shes angry . Look , shes asking “What colour is my T-shirt?”. Do you know the colour ofthe T-shirt ? S: 黄色。 T: Does Dad know the colour ? S: No . T: Look. He says “Its red”.(出示卡片并带读) T: He didnt look at Mums T-shirt. So hes wrong. Read the sentences of Picture3-5. 引导学生读出 Mum 生气的语气。

35、5. Read the story loudly after the tape Read after the teacher. 6. T and Ss act as Mum and Dad. 7. Practice in pairs 8. Act the story. 13 五、五、Homework 1. 把 Cartoon time 的故事读给爸爸妈妈听。 2. 按顺序默写 Aa-Qq。 3. 朗诵改编过的儿歌。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 Unit 5 Look at me Look at my new Its nice. Its great. What colour is my ?Its

36、red. Period 5 一、教学目标一、教学目标 知识目标: 1、能熟练运用本单元所学日常交际用语。 2、能熟练掌握 Oo, Pp,Qq 的读音和书写。 3、能听、说、读并正确书写词汇:good, I, he, am, cap。 能力目标: 1. 能综合运用所学语言,学会谈论自己的衣物,并知道如何夸奖赞扬美好的人 或事物。 2. 熟练掌握已学字母的读音和书写。 3. 在教师的指导下,开展自我评价和相互评价。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 1. 能熟练运用本单元所学日常交际用语。 2. 熟练掌握已学字母的读音和书写,并能正确书写单词。 三、教学准备三、教学准备 1. 板书课题:Unit 5

37、Look at me! 2. 抄写本 3. 多媒体课件 四、教学过程四、教学过程 14 Step1Warming up Free talk T: Good morning/afternoon, Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/Mr T: Hello, Look at my Ss: Itsnice. /How nice./ S1: Hello, Look at my Ss: Itsnice. /How nice./ Step 2Presentation 1. T: Great! You did good job. I hope you can get three

38、 stars in this unit. T 出示 Ticking time 的三条要求,加以解说。 T:Lets tick after we finish this lesson.(以下活动均以竞赛方式进行,结合 Ticking time 打星) 2. Revision Read and act the dialogue: Cartoon time Act the dialogue: Story time 3. Checkout time T: Yang Ling was prepareing for the fashion show at home. Now shes ready. Loo

39、k, shes coming. (PPT 出示 Checkout time 的图片) The children are at the fashion show . What will they say? Try to act them in pairs S: (Talk about the pictures in pairs) T: Now , lets show the dialogue. (请若干组学生反馈) 4.Say the rhyme “Nice clothes”. 5. Letter time Say the rhyme: Look at my Cc. Look at my Ee.

40、 Look at my Gg and my Pp. They all look great!. Say the letters fromAa to Qq.(先完整地背,然后接龙) Game: Smart eyes PPT 出现 AaQq 字母或字母组合,一闪而过,学生迅速说出,小组比赛。 Game:比比谁读得又快又对 PPT 出示若干字母组合,设计一只绕屏幕四周移动的小动物,从它出发开始 15 读,它到达终点时必须读完。 Game:What is the next one? T 报一个字母,S 要立刻说出后一个字母。 6.Writing time Show the words: good, I

41、, he, am, cap(在四线格中). Read them. 教师讲解单词书写要求并在黑板上示范书写:单词本身要紧凑,字母间距 离不能超过一个 a 那么宽。 学生在本子上按要求书写,每个三遍加一遍中文。教师巡视。 展示优秀作业,并就巡视发现的问题再次解说注意点。 Step 3Ticking time T:How many stars can you get? 教师引导学生根据自己的表现打钩。 五、五、 Homework 1. 背诵 Story time, cartoon time. 2. 向父母指读过关字母,并打乱顺序听写已学字母。 3. 抄写单词 good, I, he, am, cap 各一行。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 Unit 5 Look at me ABCD


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