外研版(一起)一年级下册Review Module-Unit 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:400f4).zip

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Lets sing Look and say Look and say 1. Words: animals, sports, long, short, big, small. 2. Sentences: The.is Lets Whats thisIts a What are these? Theyre Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 1 Lets go to the zoo. Lets go to the zoo. Look and say The snakes are long.The snakes are short. Look and say The _ is _.The _ is _. Look and say Look and say Listen and number Awesome! Task 2 Lets sing Lets watch B: OK! B: No. Im tired. Chain game A: Lets Lets talk : Hello, : My favourite sport is. Lets . : OK!/ No. Im tired. : Whats your favourite sport? : Hello, Perfect! Task 3 Game A:Whats this? B:Its a . A:What are these? B:They are. +2+2 -1-1+1+1 +5+5 -2-2 -1-1 +3+3 +1+1 Talk about our zoo. Talk about our zoo. :Lets go to the zoo. :This is.Theyre :Theis :Theare :We like animals! / We love animals! Animals are our friends. ( (动物是我们的朋友动物是我们的朋友) ) Love animals. (爱护动物)(爱护动物) Protect animals. (保护动物)(保护动物) Homework 1. Repeat in “Lets do homework”(一起作业)(一起作业). 2. Sing an animal song. 3. Draw and talk about your zoo. 外研社外研社新标准小学英语一起一年级下新标准小学英语一起一年级下 Review Module Unit2 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课是外研版新标准小学英语(一年级起点)一年级下复习模块第二单元, 本课的主要功能是能够用形容词描述人和动物的特征,用“Let.”提出活动建议, 以及用“What this? Its a ”和“What are these? These are”进行问答。通过本节 课的复习,学生能够用英语描述人和动物特征,提出活动建议,能对名词单复 数进行问答。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 一年级的学生好动、善模仿,对英语有好奇心,但注意力集中时间较短, 因此,在课堂上教师要设计多种多样的活动、游戏及平板操作,吸引学生的注 意力,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生在活动中感知不同的形容词、运动和 名词单复数。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标: 1.全体学生能理解:big, small, long, short, fat, thin, tall, short, strong, cute, snake, lion, elephant, panda, monkey, he, she, football, basketball, ping-pong, swimming, sing, dance, sit, down, stand, up; 2.全体学生能运用:The snake is long. Lets play football. Whats this? Its a. What are these? Theyre.; 3.部分学生能运用:We like animals. We love animals; (二)语言技能目标: 1.全体学生能听懂:The snake is long. Lets play football. Whats this? Its a. What are these? Theyre. 2.全体学生能说:The snake is long. Lets play football. Whats this? Its a. What are these? Theyre. 3.全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。 (三)情感态度:积极参与各种课堂学习活动,乐于在游戏中学习英语,逐 步把兴趣转化为稳定的学习动机。 (四)学习策略: 通过完成闯关游戏,获得动物设计自己的动物园为主线, 最后描述自己设计的动物园的多种游戏活动来复习英语知识,运用英语知识, 在学中玩,在玩中学。并且给他们尽可能多的机会接触电子白板和平板电脑。 这样做,除了更好的体现电子白板的交互功能以外,也让学生有更多的机会参 与到课堂中来。 (五)文化意识: 感知英语名词单复数,树立热爱集体活动,爱护动物和 保护动物的意识。 (六)功能:全体学生能运用已学语言描述人和动物特征。 能提出活动 建议,对名词单复数进行问答。并且能够将所学知识与生活实际相结合,能够在 情境活动中运用。 四、重点难点四、重点难点 1.用形容词描述人和动物的特征。 2.用“Lets .”提出活动建议。 3.用“Whats this? Its a.” “What are these? Theyre.”进行问答。 五、教学环境与五、教学环境与设备设备 采用交互式电子白板教学设备和平板电脑,开展多种形式的实践活动,提 高学生学习英语的兴趣和能力。 多媒体课件,白版课件,挂图,骰子 六、教学工具及资源六、教学工具及资源 1.自制板书 2.PPT 教学课件 3.Flash 教学资源 4.运用鸿合交互式电子白板及相应资源 5.学生平板电脑 6.微课 七、教学过程七、教学过程 I. Warm up: 1.Greetings: T:Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Ms Zhang! T: How are you? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Thank you! Now, lets chant, OK? Ss: OK! 师生互相问好! 2.Lets chant: 师生齐唱韵句:Zoo,提高学生的学习热情,营造英语氛围。 T: Wonderful! Sit down, please. Wow, Look at the chant, there are many adjectives, lets read. Ss: big, little, tall, short, fat, thin, long, short. 3.Look and say: T: Well done! You can read many adjectives. Now, Lets play a game, I do actions you say. Ss: Tall, short, big, little, long, short, fat, thin, strong, cute. 【设计意图】通过齐唱韵句,营造英语氛围。读韵句中的形容词,加强认 读。看动作猜形容词,进一步复习形容词,为之后的课堂活动做充分的准备。 II. Presentation: 1. Task: T: Today, lets review module unit2. Well review some words and sentences.复 习形容词来描述人和动物的特征,用 Lets.句式提出活动建议,用 Whats this? Its a.和 What are these? Theyre.来进行问答。通过本节课复习,能过用以上句 式来描述我们设计的动物园。We have 3 tasks, and we can get some animals in every task. (教师在黑板贴上动物园大门) 资源:动物园大门板贴,小动物磁贴。 【设计意图】通过闯关得小动物,设计自己的动物园的方式,激发学生的 学习兴趣。 2.Look and say. T: Task 1, Lets go to the zoo, Are you ready? Ss: Yes! T: Lets describe some animals.Look at the snakes. The snakes are long. The snakes are short. The monkeys? (教师贴板书) Sa: The monkeys are thin. Sc: The monkeys are small. T: Good! The pandas? Sb: The pandas are fat. Se: The pandas are big. T: Well done! Next. Sc: The lions are strong. Sf: The lions are big. T: Good job! Next? Sd: The cats are cute. Sc: The cats are small. T: Great! Next? Sp: The monkeys are small. Sd: The monkeys are thin. T: Perfect! Next? Sg: The elephants are big. Sa: The elephants are strong. 资源:PPT 插入 4 组有不同特征的动物图片。 【设计意图】通过一看一说,让学生运用刚复习的形容词,来描述动物的 特征。 3.Listen and number T: Wonderful! You can describe animals very well! Now, lets listen and number pictures. Please open your book to page 64. 资源:PPT 自定义动画,插入听力音频。 【设计意图】通过听音标号,让学生运用刚复习的语言知识,进一步加深 对形容词描述人和事物的理解。提高听力水平。出示白板课件让一名学生使用 白板课件工具栏里的书写窗口完成题目,其他学生在书上完成题目。 S:订正答案。 3.Choose and say T: Look, these are sentences we just listened. Now, Lets choose and say. Look at me. Hes thin, hes fat. Please choose and say on your pad. 资源:学生自己使用平板电脑,根据图片拖拽相应的句子到图片下方。 【设计意图】利用白板课件,让学生自己操作平板电脑进行练习,根据图 片选择句子,让学生认读刚刚听到的内容。加强认读习惯的培养。巩固用形容 词描述人和事物的知识。教师和学生在白板课件上订正答案。加深印象,突破 重难点。 (第一关成功,奖励小动物,奖励机制贯穿始终。为后续活动铺垫。) III. Task 2 1.Lets sing 师生齐唱歌曲:师生齐唱歌曲:We like swimming,提高学生的学习兴趣,为之后的,提高学生的学习兴趣,为之后的 活动内容做导入。活动内容做导入。 2.Look and say T: Wonderful! Sit down, please.I really like play with you! What can you say, if you want to play with your friends? Lets watch a video. 资源:资源:PPT 插入微课内容。插入微课内容。 【设计意图设计意图】给学生们播放了给学生们播放了如何用如何用 Lets 提出建议及问答提出建议及问答的微课,的微课, 在此环节讲解在此环节讲解 Lets 的用法,尤其是学生比较陌生的的用法,尤其是学生比较陌生的 Lets sit down.和和 Lets stand up. 突破对于突破对于 Lets.的答语的答语 OK.和和 No, Im tired.让学生配合微课的内容让学生配合微课的内容 练习问答,为之后的接龙游戏做了铺垫。练习问答,为之后的接龙游戏做了铺垫。 3.Game T: You did a good job! All of you can ask “lets” and answer OK or No, Im tired. Now, lets play a chain game about “Lets”. OK? (教师贴板书) T: lets play football. Sa: OK. Sa:Lets go swimming. Sb: No, Im tired. Sb:Lets play football. Sc: OK. Lets go swimming. Se: OK! 资源:资源:PPT 插入对话提示单。插入对话提示单。 【设计意图设计意图】通过通过 Lets.接龙游戏,让每个学生在游戏中用接龙游戏,让每个学生在游戏中用 Lets 问答,问答, 达到讲练结合的目的。既巩固了语言知识又为接下来的达到讲练结合的目的。既巩固了语言知识又为接下来的 Free talk 环节提供基础。环节提供基础。 4. Lets talk T:Just now, we talk about many sports. Can you talk about your favourite sport? T: Hello, yitong. Sa: Hello, Ms.Zhang. T:Whats your favourite sport? Sa: My favourite sport is swimming. Lets go swimming. T:Ok, lets go. Next! Please talk with your partner. T: Finished? Ss: Yes! T:OK! Who can ? Ss: I can! T:You, please. Come here. Sb: Hello, Sc. Sc: Hello, Sb. Sb: Whats your favourite sport? Sc: I like basketball. Lets play basketball. Sb: OK!Lets play! 资源:资源:PPT 插入对话提示单。插入对话提示单。 【设计意图设计意图】先教师和学生示范,再让同学们对话练习,辅助于接下来更先教师和学生示范,再让同学们对话练习,辅助于接下来更 高层次的输出展示。高层次的输出展示。 IV.Task 3 1. Game T:OK, lets go to task 3. Look, A map! Lets play the game! There are many things on the map. You ask “Whats this? ”and answer “Its a .” or ask “what are these?” and answer “Theyre.”.(教师挂图,贴板书。)(教师挂图,贴板书。) T: You throw the dice. Show the number. Go some steps. Ask and choose a pupil answer. (教师拿出骰子。)(教师拿出骰子。) T:Look, (throw the dice, show the number ) Ss: One! T: (走一步)(走一步)What are these? Sd: Theyre chickens. T: Good. Come here, please. Throw and ask. 资源:地图,骰子,资源:地图,骰子,PPT 插入地图和对话提示单。插入地图和对话提示单。 【设计意图】通过掷骰子走地图的游戏,让学生一问一答在乐趣中复习名 词单复数问答,很大程度上提高了学生们的学习积极性,让课堂气氛达到一个 高潮。 V.Talk about our zoo 1. Talk about our zoo T: Terrific! We are the winners! Yeah So many animals in our zoo.Now, you play an animal, and talk about our zoo in groups. OK? Ss:OK! 资源:头饰,资源:头饰,PPT 插入对话提示单。插入对话提示单。 【设计意图】通过各种课堂活动,得到的小动物磁贴已装点好动物园。让 学生以小组为单位谈论自己设计的动物园,在展示时可以佩戴头饰出示你所介 绍的动物。利用 PPT 提示单,让学生运用本节课所学的重点句式完成最后的输 出。 T:Thank you Animals are our friends. We all love animals, and protect animals. Im so proud of you. 【设计意图】通过总结和鼓励,进行德育渗透。 VI.Summary T: Now, lets see what have we learned today? Who can? 【设计意图】邀请学生根据板书,总结本课主要内容,培养总结习惯。 VII.Homework 1. Repeat in “lets do homework”. 2. Sing an animal song. 3. Draw and talk about your zoo. 板书设计: Review Module Unit2 The.is/are. Lets. Whats this? Its a. What are these? Theyre. 【设计意图】板书的设计是在上课过程中,教师根据活动内容提出的句式, 最后让学生根据板书的提示总结本课重点,达到精炼的目的。
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