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- 北师英语必修第三册Unit 8 Green Living Lesson2.pptx--点击预览
Unit 8 Green LivingUnit 8 Green Living Greening the Desert (1)Greening the Desert (1) 【主题意义】 本课是以听力为主要输入的课,话题围绕人物 易解放的主要事迹展开,讲述了易解放为完成儿于的 遗愿而投身沙漠植树环保事业的感人故事。本课主 题意义在于通过易解放的故事让学生看到一位普通 的母亲如何将对儿子的爱转变为更宏大的对自然环 境的爱,看到个人如何通过创立组织而进发出巨大的 能量。本课包含两个听力语篇,分别是介绍易解放事 迹的主题演讲,以及随后的提问与回答环节,属于“人 与自然”主题。 【主要内容】 第一篇听力文本介绍了易解放创立“绿色生命” 这一非赢利组织的原因,以及该组织初创阶段遭遇的困难 和后期取得的成就。易解放在经历了丧子之痛后,为了完 成儿子的遗感,将全部精力和个人资产奉献给了植树造林 、抵御荒漠化的环保事业。演讲者表达了对易解放不计 个人得失投身于环保事业的敬佩,并高度赞扬了其强的意 志。 第二篇听力中,演讲者回答了三名学生关于易解放 的问题,突出了“普通人也能做出巨大贡献”这一主题。 【文体结构】 第一篇听力以主题演讲的形式呈现。演讲人按 照时间顺序,简要介绍了易解放经历的人生变故和“ 绿色生命”组织的成就。在过程中,运用了表示时间 和逻辑的词汇,如 the early days, although, now帮助听 众理清语篇的逻辑,掌握大意。 第二篇听力以一问一答的形式展开。对话者用 what a wonderful mother, I agree, as youve heard等词 汇凸显语轮的交替,强调了“互动”,并运用 my question Is, can you say something about, could you tell us more等表达方式引导间。 【作者意图】 作者希望学生通过这两篇听力材料,了解易 解放植树造林驱动力的转变。一开始,她为了实 现子遗愿而走进沙漠,后来为了全人类的福社继 续奋斗。在此过程中,她克服了个人得失,突破小 我、实现了大我。启发学生在本课的学习过程 中思考生命的意义,思考人与自然、人与自我的 和谐关系 Change in leaf area (% per decade)Change in leaf area (% per decade) Pre-listening Read and predict Yi Jiefangs early life was Dr. Chen Lan is going to give a talk on a tree -planting pioneer. Predict the content of the talk. How did China achieve this? a. showing or feeling happiness or satisfaction b. the act of being still alive for some time c. a plan or suggestion d. a stone at the head of a grave Pre-listening Match words with definitions headstone n. survival n. proposal n. contented adj. d d b b c c a a Listen for general ideas (8.3) Yi Jiefang went to Inner Mongolia to realize her sons unfulfilled dream planting trees. Part 1 1. What was the terrible event that changed Yi Jiefangs life? 2. How did Yi Jiefang feel after the accident? 3. What made her start NPO-Greenlife? Her 22-year-old son died in a road accident. She was sad and felt life seemed to lose all meanings. Her sons unfulfilled dreams made her start NPO-Greenlife. planting trees Listen and answer (8.3) Part 1 Listen for general ideas Yi went to IM and proposed to plant trees to the local gov., where she achieved success after failures thanks to her determination. Part 2 The early days of NPO-Greenlife _. Yi Jiefang went to _ Inner Mongolia and saw vast areas of _ with little agriculture. So Yi Jiefang proposed to _ in the region over _ and the government agreed. Although the first trees were _, her team continued planting more trees. Now the trees have _. were not easy the deserts of dry lands plant one million trees 10 years blown away a survival rate of 85% Part 2 abbreviationssymbols Diagrams, tables and bullet points yrs; mln IM; NY note-taking skills Notes: key words; very personal; help with understanding Skill Buildertaking notes Note-takingpractice Discourse markers can help us get the structure. Early days not easy YJF, IM, desert, gov., prop, 1 mil However not experienced, blow away, now, 85% the early days of, now however, although, and Part 2 “You are _. Alive or fallen, you served a purpose, _, you stood proud against winds and sandstorms; _, your brightness gave _to others.” “Let life prosper _;let greenness last forever _.” a tree Alive fallenlight and warmth in greenness in life 8.5 Listen to the quotesExplain the meaning in your own words. Discussion (group work) 1. What do you think of Yi Jiefang? 2. What else do you want to know about Yi Jiefang? Unit 8 Green LivingUnit 8 Green Living Greening the Desert (2)Greening the Desert (2) Previously on Greening the desert What have we learnt about Yi? Listen and answer the questions: 1.What help Yi Jiefang work through her sadness? 2.What changes has NPO Greenlife brought to the desert? 3.What new project did Yi start in 2013? Listening Q great determination support from other people brave, loving, determined The secret to her success: IV. Dig Deeperpair work IV. Dig Deepergroup work Watch the video: How has Yis motive (drive) changed? “In the beginning, I started this charity as a mother who wanted to realize her late sons wish. But later I realized that China has a really serious desertification problem . If the situation keeps getting worse, how can 1.3 billion Chinese people possibly survive?” IV. Dig Deepergroup work charity planting treesYis emotions hopeful desperate social responsibility in the beginning latercampaign to raise environmental awareness IV. Dig Deeperthe power of individuals NASA Says Earth Is Greener Today than 20 Years Ago, thanks to China, India IV. Dig Deeper-individuals V. Summary Every individual makes a difference. - Dr. Jane Goodall What would you do for the world?