外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 10-Unit 1 It's next to the park.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0350).docx

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外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 10-Unit 1 It's next to the park.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0350).docx_第1页
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1、外研社(一起)二下Its next to the park教案 教材分析: 本节课是一年级起点第四册英语 Module10Unit 1 的课文教学,课型为新授 课。本课的主要话题是问路与指路以及说明某建筑所在的地点。 学生分析: 在一年级已经学过用“where”来提问某物在哪里。本课是学习用“where” 来询问地点,已经有一定的基础,因此本课着重练习怎样说明位置。 教学目标: 1、Knowledge Aim(知识目标) 学生通过课文能够听说读单词 next to ,cousin ,supermarket ,wrong, way, turn back, front, inf ront of,

2、well, taxi 能拼写 2-3 个自选单词。 掌握目标句型 Excuse me. Wheres the supermarkert,please? Its next to the park. Wheres the zoo? Its in front of the school . 2、Ability Aim(能力目标) 能够运用功能句进行问路与指路以及说明某建筑所在的地点。 3、Moral Aim(情感目标) 积极参与各种课堂学习活动,乐于在游戏中学习英语,逐步把兴趣转化为稳 定的学习动机。 教学重点: Words:next to ,cousin ,supermarket ,wrong,

3、way, turn back, front, in front of, well, taxi Drills: Excuse me. Wheres the supermarkert, please? Its next to the park. Wheres the zoo? Its in front of the school . 教学难点 : 1.理解并准确区分 next to 和 in front of 的意思与用法。 2.对本课所学的句型进行拓展运用。 教学过程: Step Preparation Greeting to the students. Say a chant together

4、, and do the action . Left foot, right foot,Left foot, right. Marching all day,And marching all night. Go straight on,Now turn right. Left foot, right foot,Left foot, right. T: Today the white bear makes a new friend ,who is he ? Where does he live ? Lets watch the CD-ROM. (1.)Listen and answer . (2

5、.) Look and repeat ,teach “next to ” then practice the target language: (3.)Repeat again. (4.)Play in roles. 设计意图:通过小韵文营造轻松愉悦氛围,并且复习表示方向的词语,同时 为本课做铺垫。 Step Presentation 1.Dialogue leading-in T:上节课我们已经学会了如何介绍从学校到家的路线,今天我们要学习为学 校周边区域做地图说明。 我们先来学习课文吧,看看课文是中是怎么介绍路线 的。 2.Dialogue learning Lets listen and

6、 look the CD-ROM, then you tell me “Who is Dalin ?” and underline “next to ,in front of ” 。 (teach “ in front of” ) Answer the question (Teach “cousin” ) Read out the sentences with. “next to ,in front of ” , and practise reading. (1) Its next to the park. (2) Its in front of the school .(板书) (Show

7、the photo of the woman and the man) They are lost. They want to get help from Dalin. What do they ask Dalin? Lets listen and repeat ,then answer . teach “supermarket” , practise the two questions: Excuse me. Wheres the supermarket, please? Excuse me. Wheres the zoo, please?(板书) T: Do you know why th

8、e old woman is lost? ( Maybe someone knows ) Because she s going the wrong way.( teach: wrong way)And she has to turn back. ( teach: turn back) Play a game“ I say, you do”to practise“turn back”and consolidate“ turn left, turn right, go straight on” Read the text after the teacher Practise reading in

9、 roles. And choose two groups to act. Step Practice 完成 SBUnit1 practice 3.请学生看图,听录音并跟读。Read in pairs. SBUnit1 practice 4. 请学生看图,了解活动要求。小组合作问答 Text paper Step Production 出示学校周边地图 1. Practise asking and anwering in their groups. 2. Discuss in class together. 设计意图:在恰当的语境中运用语言,提高语言综合运用能力。 Step Summary and Homework 1. What have we learned today? 2.Homework: 听本单元录音, 注意模仿语音语调。 拼写 “cousin, way, well” 设计意图:总结本课所学习的功能句,加深学生的印象,为学生课后运用和 自主复习指明方向。


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