外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 3-Unit 1 Sam isn't tidying his room.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:c00c0).zip

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Module 3 Unit 1 Sam isn t tidying his room. playing writing reading coloring listening doing watchin g eating drawing opening going saying tidying singing drinking Chan t He is at . 可能 Maybe he is . Where is the bear? 猜一猜 Guess what is he doing? home sleeping She is . cookin g She is . angry 1.Is Sam doing his homework? No, he isnt. 2.Is Sam tidying his room? No, he isnt. 3.Is Sam making a card? Yes, he is. 4.Is Ms smart happy at last? Yes, she is. 2.Where are they? She is cooking. 1. Who are they? They are at home. 3.What is Ms smart doing? They are Sam, Amy and Ms smart. 4.Whose birthday is it today? Today is Ms smarts birthday. Read and act. Ms smart: Sam, please do your ! And tidying your room! Amy: Mum, Sam isnt his room. Ms smart: Is he his homework? Amy: No, he . Ms smart: Whats he ? Amy: Its a . Ms smart: A secret? Sam, ? Sam: This is for you, Mum. Happy birthday! Ms smart: A birthday ! Thank you, Sam! Are you your room now? Sam: Yes, I am. Ms smart: Good boy! homework tidying doing what are you doing isnt secret doing card tidying A: Is Daming doing his homework? B: Yes, he is. Pair work 这是我妈妈,她很棒。 我妈妈是个手艺高超的大厨。 也是个超赞的杂耍演员。 她不但是一个神奇的画家。 也是世界上最强的人。 我妈妈真的很棒。 我妈妈是会魔法的园丁。 她能让所有东西都长得很好。 她是好心的仙女。当我难过时 ,她总会让我开心起来。 她能像天使一样唱歌。 吼起来又像头狮子。 我妈妈真的、真的很棒。 我妈妈像蝴蝶一样美丽。 像沙发一样舒适。 她像猫咪一样温柔。 又像犀牛一样强悍。 我妈妈真的、真的、真的很棒。 不管我的妈妈是个舞蹈家, 还是个航天员。 也不管她是个电影明星, 还是个大老板,她都是我的妈妈。 我妈妈是个超人。 常常逗得我哈哈大笑。 我爱她,而且你知道吗? 她也爱我! (永远爱我。) Mom, ! I love you Homework 1. Read and recite M3U1A2, try to imitate the pronunciation and body langue.(模仿发音和动作) 2. Make a card and say “I love you “to your mom. 外研社新标准英语教案 授课教材:(供一年级起始用)二年级下册授课教材:(供一年级起始用)二年级下册 授课内容:授课内容:Module3Module3 Unit1Unit1 SamSam isntisnt tidyingtidying hishis room.room. 授课年级:授课年级:GradeGrade 2 2 New Standard English Module3Module3 Unit1Unit1 SamSam isntisnt tidyingtidying hishis room.room. Instructional Design 课时分析课时分析 本模块的话题是家庭生活活动,谈论正在发生的事情和正在进 行的动作。 Unit1 的课文情景是 Sam 放学回家后,Ms Smart 督促他做作 业、打扫房间。过了一会儿,Amy 偷偷告诉 Ms Smart, Sam 并没有 做作业,也没有打扫房间。 Sam 在做什么呢?Amy 不肯告诉 Ms Smart,于是 Ms Smart 要去看个究竟。原来今天是 Ms Smart 的生日, Sam 为他做了一张生日贺卡,Ms Smart 很感动。将贺卡送给妈妈 后,Sam 开始打扫房间。现在进行时态是小学阶段四大时态之一, 二年级学生接触英语时间不长,基础薄弱,初次接触现在进行时态 结构“be+doing”,容易漏掉 be 动词或 do 后的-ing 后缀,还需要教 师在教学中反复强调。 学情分析学情分析 对刚上二年级孩子来说,经过一年的英语学习,对英语有一定 的感知与认知,能够听懂并说出简单的单词与句子,并对英语学习 有着浓厚的兴趣,有了自己对事物的不同见解。但是词汇量小、口 语输出不是很多,还有一小部分学生容易紧张,怕犯错,信心不足, 不敢张嘴。那么整个教学设计要根据不同层次,不同类型学生,穿 插设计各种教学活动,吸引学生的目光、调动学生的积极性,让每 个学生通过参与课堂学习活动,多说多练,充分掌握基础知识、重 点知识、突破难点知识,能够将本课的词汇句型进行初步的综合运 用。 教学目标:教学目标: 1 1、语言知识目标:、语言知识目标: 1) 功能:描述家庭生活活动,谈论正在发生的事情和正在进行的 动作。 2) 语法:全体学生能运用:Sam isnt tidying his room. 3) 词汇:全体学生能理解 room, do ,homework, sleep, secret, card 4) 语音:学习 isnt 的发音特点。 2 2、语言技能目标:、语言技能目标: 1) 听:全体学生能听懂:Sam isnt tidying his room. 2) 说:全体学生能说:Sam isnt tidying his room. 3) 读:全体学生能认读:room, do ,homework ,sleep, secret, card, today. 4) 全体学生能书写单词 2-3 自选单词 3 3、学习策略:、学习策略:用所学单词和句型说明自己正在做的事情。 4 4、文化意识:、文化意识:初步了解中外国表达方式和生活方式的异同。 5 5、情感目标:、情感目标: 通过学习本课使学生热爱生活,学习之余,全体学生能帮父母 做力所能及的家务活。 教学重点:教学重点: 重点单词:room, do ,homework, sleep, secret, card 重点句型:Sam isnt tidying his room. 教学难点:教学难点: 灵活运用所学知识谈论正在发生的事情和正在进行的动作。 教学准备教学准备:PPT 课件、教学录音、教学光碟、单词卡片、头饰. 教学过程教学过程: 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step1. Warm-up& Lead-in a. Greeting. b. Sing the song together. Im listening to music. c. Lets chant together. a. Greeting. b. Sing the song together. c. Lets chant together. 调动学生的 积极性,复 习上节课内 容。 复习旧知, 导入新知 Step2. Presentation 1.Look ask and answer: Show a picture of a baby bear. Where is he? Guess what is he doing?(开放性问题) Show a picture of Sam. What is he doing? 2. Teacher plays the voice and ask questions. 3.Teacher plays the CD-ROM. Let Ss watch and enjoy.(first 1.look and answer. He is at home. He ising.(学生 发散思维回答) Sam is ing. Students watch and enjoy. 2. Some students listen and answer the questions: 3. Students enjoy the cartoon and 看图并回答 问题,培养 学生的观察 能力,同时 拓展学生思 维。 带着问题听 对话,培养 学生集中注 意力,寻找 答案的能力。 看完动画后, 通过更细节 time) 4. Lets listen and imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 5.Role play and act the story. answer the questions. (Think and try their best to say something.) 4. Students listen and imitate. 5. Role play and pairs act the story out. 的问题进一 步挖掘对话 内容,增加 学生对对话 的理解。 跟读时强调 模仿语音语 调和动作, 增加趣味性。 板书这节课 的重点句子, 便于学生总 结发现。 Step3. Practice 1. Fill in blacks: spell and say. 2.Pair work: practice the sentences. Is Daming doing his homework? No, he isnt. 1. Fill in blacks and spell the important words. 2. Pairs act the dialogue out. 填词复习单 词,回顾对 话内容。 句型练习, 巩固训练, 学以致用。 Step5 Production 1. Show and read the story: My mom. 2. Ask and answer. Does Ms smart love Sam? Does Sam love Ms smart? 3. Fill in blanks: I love you, Mom. 1. Enjoy the story. 2. answer the questions. Yes, she does. Yes, he does. 3.Say” I love you “to mom. 通过一个绘 本小故事, 向学生传达 母亲的伟大, 引导学生感 受母爱。 Step6 Homework 1. Make a card for your Mom. 2. Read and act P14A2. Design on the blackboard Module3 Sam isnt tidying his room. Sam isnt tidying his room. Is he doing his homework? Yes,he is. No, he isnt.
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