外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 6-Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:207b6).zip

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Module 6 Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks. do homework draw pictures watch TV play footballdance swim jump read books We Do You Say What do you usually do on Sundays? I usually GUESS What does Ms.Yang usually do on Sundays? She usually cooks. And she usually goes shopping. O og n s h me n se r se O go no so home nose rose /u/ O n t o h t d g h p m p sh p O not hot dog hop mop shop / / Is Mother Bear cooking today? Who is cooking today? usually cooks. usually goes shopping. is going shopping. is cooking. Read and match. WhyisntGrandma doingthese thingstoday? Today is Grandmas birthday. He / She usually s on Sundays. He usually on Sundays. read books He usually on Sundays. cook She usually on Sundays. do her homework usuallynow She usually goes shopping. But now shes listening to music. She usually But now SURVEY NameUsuallyNow Ms. Wangreads booksteaching English Homework 必做必做 1.Read1.Read andand retellretell thethe texttext 选做选做 TalkTalk aboutabout whawhat t youryour friendsfriends usuallyusually dodo onon Sundays.Sundays. Thank you ! 英语课堂教学备课模板英语课堂教学备课模板 新标准英语新标准英语一起二下教学设计一起二下教学设计 Module 6 Unit2 My grandma usually cooks. 执教者:执教者: 课题课题Module 6Unit2 My grandma usually cooks.课型课型NT 教材分析教材分析 本课是外研版一起二下Module 6Unit2 My grandma usually cooks.本单元承接了 Unit1 的话题,继续学习一般现在时。课文的主要内容是一个小女孩在日记中描述:平时 都是奶奶做饭、购物。但是今天奶奶没有做这些事情。今天是她自己在做饭,爸爸在购物。 因为今天是奶奶的生日。 学情分析学情分析 二年级下学期,学生已经养成了一定学习习惯,学习方法内容进入新的阶段,所接触 的语法项目较二年级上学期更加多元,尤其是本模块中的两个单元,孩子们区分一般现在 时与现在进行时存在一定的难度,因此,在教学中,教师要通过不断的纠错,在机械操练、 任务型教学等环节,给学生充分时间动嘴动脑,让学生初步形成区分这两种时态的能力。 设计思路设计思路 以区域“课堂转型”为指导思想,依据区域“导学模式”的课堂教学流程,计划采用 “任务型”教学途径,从学生“学”的角度来设计教学活动,通过活动的设计,让学生在参 与、体验中不仅获得语言知识,还获得运用语言能力。 教学目标教学目标 功能谈论日常活动以及当前行为不同以往的变化 语法 通过标题句及课文 2 的学习,100%学生能理解用:He/She usually 来描述第三人称单数主 语通常做的事情; 词汇通过课文学习、任务完成环节,90%的学生能四会掌握:cook go shopping kitchen 语言语言 知识知识 目标目标 语音通过 chant 的学习,初步感知字母 o 在不同音节当中的不同发音。 听通过标题句和大课文的学习,100%学生能完全听懂My grandma usually cooks.语言语言 技能技能 目标目标 说 读 通过课文学习,100%学生能熟练认读:cook go shopping kitchen 通过大课文学习,100%的学生能熟练朗读标题句:My grandma usually cooks. 通过大课文和 Practice 环节,95%学生能够熟读课文。 写 通过后测,90%学习能够拼写:cook go shopping kitchen 通过大课文、practice 环节,90%能够拼写句子:My grandma usually cooks. 运用 通过本单元的学习,90%的学生能够使用一般现在时和现在进行时谈论日常活动以及当前 行为不同以往的变化。 习惯 通过本单元学习,培养学生模块整体意识,将单元 1, 2 综合分析,建立知识系统。初步了 解一般现在时和现在进行时的区别。并在一定语境中进行使用。 学习学习 策略策略 目标目标 交际 通过本单元课程任务型教学,为学生创设真实的语境,提供真实的交流平台,培养用英语 做事的能力。 文化意识文化意识 目标目标 通过本单元学习,了解不同国家过生日的习俗。 情感态度情感态度 目标目标 通过本单元的学习,教育学生要关爱家人,热爱劳动。 教学重点教学重点一般现在时的单数第三人称做主语 教学难点教学难点 动词的单三形式 教学准备教学准备点读机,白板,PPT,及其他常规工具 教学流程教学流程 教学环节及教学环节及 时间时间 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 I5 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.A match: We do you say 3.Free talk . What do you usually do on Sundays ? 1Greetings. 2Do the actions and guess. 3Answer the question: I usually on Sundays. 4She usually 5 Learn the new words: cook kitchen go shopping 语。 。 2. 在比赛中创设愉快 的学习氛围。 3. 通过复习上节课的 内容,自然的引入本节 课。 II13 Lead-in& Text- learning Lead-in: 1 . G u e s s w h a t d o e s M s Y a n 1 观看小课文动画,并 出示思考题,引导学生 2 带着问题观看、倾听。 3. 点读笔领读课文, 让学生模仿语音语调, 感受语境。 Text-learning: 1 默读大课文。对课文 整体感知。并在默读课 文过程中检索信息。 2. 讨论练习题答案, 检验学生是否理解了课 文内容。 3.模仿录音跟读,养成 正确的语音语调。 4. 利用回答课文内容 的图片,构建动态板书。 5 观看课文动画,并在 小组内表演课文。 6.利用移动板书,让学 生转换人称复述课文。 e n e w w o r d s : c o o k g o s h o p p i n g 3. Play the flash of Ac.tivity 1 4 . p h r a s e . 3. Watch the flash. 4. Answer the question. Is Mother Bear cooking today ? No, she isnt. Who is cooking today ? Baby Bear is cooking. 3. Read the text of Ac. 1 by the epen. Text-learning: 1.Read the text of Activity 2. 2 . D o t h e e f l a s h : Is Mother Bear cooking today ? Who is cooking today ? 4. Use the epen to lead the students to read the text of Activity 1. Text-learning: 1.Read the text of Activity 2. 2.Try to finish the exercise on the paper . 3. Talk about the anwers 4.Use the epen to lead the students to read the text of Activity 2. 5.Read the text one by one and together. w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s . Grandma usually cooks and she usually goes shopping. The girl is cooking. Her father is going shopping. 4. Read the text by the epen. 5.Stand up and read the text one by one and then together. 6.Watch the flash of Activity 6.Watch the flash of Activity 2, arouse the students to act the text out 7 R e t e l l t h e t e x t a c c o r d i n g t 2, then act it out. . 7 R e t e l l t h e t e x t a c c o r d i n g t o t III6 Practice 1 Show the photos of the students,talk about : He/ She usually s 2 Do Activity 3 Compare the pictures and the actions they are doing in front. He / She usually But now hes / shes 1. Say the photos of their classmates He / She usually 2 Do Activity 3 Say two sentences in different tenses He / She usually But now 1 展示学生的照片,练 习本节课的重点句型。 2 利用学生照片和学生 现场的动作,对比两种 不同的时态,进行练习。 hes / shes . IV. 5 Production and task Do a survey. Talk about your family members and friendsactivities. What do they usually do? What are they doing now? Do a survey. Complete the survey. 完成小调查,看看小朋 友们在周日通常做的事 情与正在做的事情。运 用目标语句,完成真实 的任务,进行真实的交 流。 V5 Summary & Test 1. What have we learnt today? 2. Whos the winter today? 1. Summarize the lesson. 2. Celebrate. 对本课所学进行总结归 纳,帮助学生进一步加 深记忆和理解。 VI1 Homework 1 必做: Read and retell the text. 2选做: Talk about your pictures . Finish the homework after the class 即使巩固课堂所学知识, 反复练习记忆,形成语 言运用能力。 板书设计板书设计 Module 6 Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks. usually cooks usually goes shopping is cooking is going shopping
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