外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 7-Unit 2 We're having a picnic.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:0432d).zip

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Module 7 Unit 2 Were having a picnic. Little Bears family(家庭) Father BearMother BearLittle Bear Lets say: Little Bears family Father BearMother BearLittle Bear Lets say: What are they doing at the park? This is Little Bears family. Father Bear is _. Mother Bear is _. Little Bear is _. They are all _. Lets say: eating eating eating eating This is Little Bears family. Father Bear is eating. Mother Bear is eating. Little Bear is eating. They are all eating. Lets say: They are having a picnic. Todays Task Describe family picnic (本单元任务:描述家庭野餐活动) Lets talk: Fangfangs family beach What are they doing at the beach? Theyre _. A. having a party Look and choose having a picnic B. Listen and repeat. Then finish. My father is _. My mother is _. My grandma is _. Im _. flying a kite eating sleeping drawing a picture Read and actRead and act eating eating Mother is eating. sleeping sleeping Grandma is sleeping. flying flying Father is flying a kite. drawing drawing Im drawing a picture. Say a chant Lets play and say: lucky wheellucky wheel ( ( ( (幸运大转盘幸运大转盘幸运大转盘幸运大转盘) ) ) ) 1. 请一个“幸运代表(lucky dog) 2.幸运代表喊“stop(停)”,全班同学马上描述指 针所指 的图片。抢答正确得2分。 3.安静聆听其他同学答题。 Begin Lets play and say: My father is . My mother is . My grandma is . Im . . TimeAsk and answer What are lions doing? Theyre. TimeAsk and answer What are lions doing? Theyre. Listen and match Listen and matchStory time The weather is good.The weather is good. Theyre having a picnic. Theyre having a picnic. They are happy.They are happy. Share with you(与你分享): My Family picnic This is my family. Were having a picnic. I am jumping. My son is playing with sand. Were very happy. My Family picnic This is my family. The weather is . I am. . My father / mother. We are happy. Finish the task: My Family picnic This is my family. The weather is . I am. . My father / mother. We are happy. Finish the task: HOMEWORK 1.Read the text for 15minutes (朗读课文15分钟) 2.Finish your poster and share with your family. (完成你的海报,和家人一起分享。 ) WereWere havinghaving a a picnic.picnic. 1 1 教学目标教学目标 知识目标: A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words. B.Can discuss at affair or actions that take place21 世纪教育网版权所 有 Focus Key words: Picnic, fly, sleep, 能力目标:Be able to talk about a picnic. 情感目标:通过学习课文培养会谈论某项活动里他人正在做某事. 2 2 学情分析学情分析 低年级的学生善于模仿、对新鲜事物感兴趣,且乐于参加活动,接受能力、模仿 能力很强。但是,低年级的学生上课时的控制能力差和注意力不易集中。经过一 年多的英语学习,大部分同学对英语很感兴趣,而且养成了良好的英语学习习惯。 而有小部分后进生对英语不太感兴趣。21 教育网 3 3 重点难点重点难点 重点:Help students grasp the key sentences: “Were having a picnic.” 难点:Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly. 4.4.教学过程教学过程: 一Warm up 热身导入: Greeting CD-ROM 播放歌曲 Sing a song together “What are you doing?” Game: Do and say 在游戏中复习旧知,熟悉本课需要用到的动词,为之后的学 习打好基础。 (设计意图:根据二年级孩子爱唱爱跳,喜欢游戏的特点,开课伊始充分调动他 们学习的积极性,让他们对本课要学习的语法点有一个简单的回顾,也为之后 语篇的学习做好铺垫) 二Presentation 课文呈现 T: Look! The bears are coming. Little bear , mother bear, father bear. They are bears family. What are they doing? 播放 CD-ROM Look and finish the blanks T: Great! Todays task is family picnic. At the end of class, please try to describe it.交代本课学习任务,让孩子有针对性学习。 设计意图:本环节通过导入环节中的两个新朋友呈现新单词,通过学生的听音、 指读初步感知单词的读音。同时引出本课的话题 family picnic,自然巧妙, 让学生真正融入到英语学习中,解决实际问题。 三 Text-learnting 课文学习 T: This is Fangfangs family.What are they doing? Look and choose. 完成“听音连线练习” 。一名同学到前面利用白板画笔功 能进行作答。 Listen and repeat, then finish the blanks My father is. My mother is. My grandma is. Im. Read by yourself ,then act it out Say a chant about Fangfangs family picnic. (设计意图:本环节通过整体感知课文内容、听音了解课文大意、学习汇报 新知句式、利用学生喜闻乐见的游戏操练句式,层层递进地为学生创设了学习 的空间,让学生在玩中学,在学中用。同时在此环节中,白板和点读笔的充分 运用极大的丰富了教学内容,培养了学习能力,为学生后续学习和发展打下了 良好的基础。) 四 practice 巩固操练 Game: Lucky wheel 幸运齿轮 带领学生再次复习课文重点句型 Ask and answer: What are the animals doing. 一分钟内看哪组问答人数最 多,哪组获胜 Listen,look and match ppt 呈现录音,并且记住这些人物都做了什么。 Story time 让学生模仿本课课文结构重新整合编一个小故事。 (设计意图:英语课程改革重点就是要改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识 的讲解与传授、忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向。因此,在课文学 习的过程中,重视让学生体验,参与,在活动中习得本课功能句。通过设疑, 解疑、答疑这一学习过程,让学生轻松掌握这一知识点。同时利用白板功能和 点读笔让学生在乐趣中交流,极大地激发了学生学习的积极性和主观学习的能 动性。 五Production 任务完成 小组活动:Share your family picnic 可以在小组内,朋友之间共同介绍家庭野餐,可以再次巩固本课重点内容, 并且给他们足够空间展示自己的英语水平。 Enjoy a video about my family. 六 Summaryandhomework 评论 1.总结所学句型,齐读。 2.老师布置作业。
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