外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 10-Unit 1 It's next to the park.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:43733).zip

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外研社 英语 (一起)二年级下册 Module10 Unit1 Its next to the park Lets chant Lets Review Turn left Turn right go straight Lets Review 1 2 Go straight Turn left Turn right Where is the watermelon? Its in front of the box. 在前面 Lets Learn Where is the supermarkets? Its next to the park. 在旁边 Lets Learn Who is he? He is Damings cousin(堂兄). His name is Dalin. Listen and answer Listen and imitate(听音模仿) Sam, this is my cousin Dalin. Listen and answer Where is she going? She is going to the supermarket. Listen and answer Where is he going? He is going to the zoo. Listen and answer How does the Grandma/Uncle ask the way? Listen and answer How does the Grandma/Uncle ask the way? Excuse me. Where is the supermarket? Excuse me. Where is the zoo? Listen and answer How does Dalin show the way? Dalin是怎么指路的? Listen and answer How does Dalin show the way? Go straight on. Its in front of the school. Go straight on. Then turn left. Its next to the park. Park Super market Zoo school Listen and imitate(听音模仿) Excuse me. Wheres the supermarket, please? Im lost. Oh, youre going the wrong way. Turn back. Go straight on. Then turn left. Its next to the park. Thank you. Excuse me. Wheres the zoo? Go straight on. Its in front of the school. Listen and answer Why does he know the city well? Because he is a taxi driver. Dalin为什么对道路那么熟悉? Listen and imitate(听音模仿) You know the city well, Dalin. Of course! Im a taxi driver! Listen and draw Zoo cinema hospital School park supermarket Listen and draw Zoo cinema hospital school park supermarket Listen and draw Zoo cinema hospital School park supermarket Listen and draw Zoo cinema hospital School park supermarket Please be polite! (一定要有礼貌) Repeat if you need. (一定要弄清楚) Use body language. (可以用肢体语言) Tips (问路小贴士) Homework: 1.Read the story with emotion, try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.(有感情地朗读这个故事, 试着模仿语音语调。) 2.Try to ask and show the way. (用英语问路及指路) Module10 Unit 1 Its next to the park 教学设计 Period One 【热身和导入热身和导入】 1 chant:Left Foot 通过英文 chant 集中学生注意力,活跃课堂气氛,同 时激发学生学习英语的热情。 2 游戏:寻宝行动 教师事先将几个物品分别藏在教室的各处,让几名同 学根据教师的指令寻找宝物,以最短时间寻找到宝物 的为获胜者。以此复习所学过的 Turn left,Turn right, go straight 等词。 【任务呈现任务呈现】 1 教师向学生介绍:Sam 在街上遇见了 Daming 和他 的表哥 Dalin, Daming 正向 Sam 介绍 Dalin,这时有 人来问路,Lin 很清楚地告诉对方怎么走,为什么 Lin 这么熟悉路线呢?我们一起来看看课文吧! 2 教师把本课挂图贴在黑板上,请同学边看图边听录 音,听听 Lin 是怎么样给别人指路的。 【任务准备任务准备】 1 Look and listen to the story. 2 Answer the following questions. Where is the supermarket? Where is the zoo? 在回答问题过程中教师可以把 next to, in front of 写在 黑板上,请学生根据插图和内容猜词意。然后根据学 生座位介绍方位词。 3 Listen and repeat. Then read by themselves. 听音 跟读,注意纠正学生的语音、语调和发音错误。 4 Complete Activity One in AB. 首先请学生自己选词 填空,然后把自己的答案读给同伴,最后有教师播放 录音,全体学生检查、核对答案。 【任务完成任务完成】 1 教师先给学生讲明活动要求,然后两人小组活动。 请三组同学进行问答展示,对表现好的小组给予奖励。 2.教师放录音,请学生自己独立完成路线图,然后在 教室模拟路线图,让学生进行练习评出最佳表演小组。 【家庭作业家庭作业】 1 让学生根据家里地址画出简单路线图。 2 对自己家人发布口令以巩固所学知识。
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