(精)牛津深圳版五年级上册Unit 5 Friends 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习).zip

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  • 牛津深圳版五年级上册英语Unit 5 Friends 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习)
    • Friends Song.mp4
    • learn01.mp3
    • learn02.mp3
    • say.mp3
    • say02.mp3
    • say03.mp3
    • say04.mp3
    • say05.mp3
    • Unit 5 Friends 第一课时习题 .doc--点击预览
    • Unit 5 Friends 第一课时教案.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 5 Friends 第一课时课件.pptx--点击预览


Unit 5 Friends 第一课时第一课时 习题习题 一、单词互译。一、单词互译。 1.same 2. 聪明的 3. 班级 4. 穿过 5.both _ 二、选择题。二、选择题。 1.We _ like sport. A. bothB. areC. too 2. I have a cat _ Alice has a dog. A. orB. andC. so 3. We like _ other. A. /B. eitherC. each 4. I like red. My sister likes red too. We _ like red. A.both B. all C. and 5.We are _ the same class. A. on B. in C. at 3、选词填空。选词填空。 different same swimming class both Terry: Who is the girl in the picture, Betty? Betty: Shes Lucy. Shes my good friend. We are in the _school. Terry: Are you in the same _? Betty: No, we are in _classes. Terry: Do you like the same sport? Betty: Yes. We _like playing basketball. We both like _, too. 四、匹配句子。四、匹配句子。 ()1. What do you like? A. She likes playing basketball. ()2. Are you bored? B. Yes, I am. ()3. Do you often visit your grandparents? C. I like dancing. ()4. What do you usually do with them? D. Yes, I do. ()5. What does she like? E. I sometimes play chess with them. 五、翻译句子。五、翻译句子。 1. 我们都喜欢动物。 _ 2. 我们还帮他们提很重的包。 _ 3. 我喜欢打乒乓球、爱丽丝喜欢打排球。 _ 4. 我们是在同一个班级。 _ 5. 大家都喜欢帮助别人。 _ 上册英语同步测试-Module 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming_外研社(三起)第 页 Module 8Unit 2 语音 辨认练一、找出画线部分 发音 Unit 5 Friends 第一课时第一课时 答案答案 一、 【解析】本题考查单词词义。 【答案】1. 相同的2. clever3. class4. cross5. 两个都 二、 【解析】本题考查本单元单词句型的掌握。 【答案】ABCAB 三、 【解析】本题考查本单元单词句型的掌握。 【答案】same, class, different, both, helping 四、 【解析】本题考查单词、句型使用。 【答案】CBDEA 五、 【解析】本题考查对单词、句型的掌握。 【答案】1. We both love animals. 2. We also help them carry heavy bags. 3. I like playing table tennis and Alice likes playing volleyball. 4. Were in the same class. 5. We both like helping people. 六年 牛津深圳版英语五年级上册第一课时教学设计牛津深圳版英语五年级上册第一课时教学设计 课题 Friends单元Unit 5学科英语年级五年级 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:掌握新词:both, same, different, clever 等。掌握句型:We both like .。 过程与方法目标:学习关于朋友的介绍。 情感态度与价值观目标:学会珍惜友谊,增加对朋友的认识了解。 重点掌握新词:掌握新词:both, same, different, clever 等。掌握句型:We both like .。 难点学习关于朋友的介绍。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课1. Lets watch: friends. 2. Free talk: Do you have any friends? 观看视频并 讨论。 热身活动。 讲授新课1. Lets learn. (1) Look at the pictures and try to say it in English. (2) Try to make sentences to describe them. He is clever. They are same. We are not in the same class. We both like playing basketball. We sometimes help old people cross the street. I help my mom carry bags. My schoolbag is too heavy. These two pictures are different. We love each other. (3) Play games. 2. Listen and say. (1) Lead in:Can you introduce your best friend? (2) Listen and repeat. (3) Listen and match. What do Kitty and Alice like? 根据图片学 习新单词。 完成单词游 戏。 尝试介绍朋 友。 复述录音。 由图片展开 直观教学。 练习促进理 解掌握。 学前检测。 课文的句型 学习和正音。 Kitty likes playing table tennis. Alice likes playing volleyball. They both like sport. Kitty likes dogs. Alice likes cats. They both like animals. They both like helping people. (4) Role play. 3. Do a survey. Talk about your best friend and complete the form. Q1: Whos your good friend? . is my good friend. . and . are my good friends. Q2: Are you in the same class? Yes, were both/all in Class . No. Were in different classes. Q3: Do you like the same sport? Yes. We both/all like . No. I like . and . likes . 4. Practice. (1) I can write. 1. 两者都 _ 2. 重的_ 3. 不同的_ 4. 相同的_ (2) I can complete the conversations. 1. _? Yes, we both love animals. 2. _? Lily is my best friend. 3. _? 4. No.We are in the different classes. 根据录音完 成连线并表 述。 完成调查。 翻译单词。 补全句子。 口语训练。 讲练结合。 语用练习。 读写结合。 5. Summary. Unit 5 Friends clever, same, class, both, cross, carry, heavy, different, each other I like (doing) something. She/He likes (doing) something. We both like (doing) something. We like each other. Are you in the same class? Yes. Were both in Class . No, we are in the different classes. 6. Homework (1)背诵本课的生词。 (2)在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话。 (3)完成本课的课后作业。 总结 Unit 5 的重点: (1)熟读本单元对话。 (2)结合对话内容,总结关于朋友的介绍。 回忆所学, 总结知识。 记录并在课 下完成作业。 系统化学习, 加深掌握。 承前启后, 为下节课做 准备。 课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是激发学生使用英语进 行朋友描述介绍的兴趣,通过实际对话情境的模拟 练习加深对单词的掌握,并为下节课的句型讲解做 好铺垫。练习活动主要是两人对话,师生对话,小 组活动为主,让学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中完 成学习任务,达到预定的教学目标。 板书Unit 5 Friends clever, same, class, both, cross, carry, heavy, different, each other I like (doing) something. She/He likes (doing) something. We both like (doing) something. We like each other. Are you in the same class? Yes. Were both in Class . No, we are in the different classes. Unit 5 Friends 第一课时 Lets singLets sing Do you have any friends? Free talkFree talk clever He is clever. Lets learnLets learn same They are same. Lets learnLets learn class We are not in the same class. Lets learnLets learn both We both like playing basketball. Lets learnLets learn cross We sometimes help old people cross the street. Lets learnLets learn carry I help my mom carry bags. Lets learnLets learn heavy My schoolbag is too heavy. Lets learnLets learn different These two pictures are different. Lets learnLets learn each other We love each other. Lets learnLets learn carry bothcleverclass 重的重的相同的相同的穿过穿过不同的不同的 clever same both class different cross heavy each other carry Lead inLead in Listen and repeat Im Kitty. I have a friend. Her names Alice. Shes clever. Were in the same class. Listen and repeat We both like sport. I like playing table tennis and Alice likes playing volleyball. Listen and repeat We both love animals. I have a cat and Alice has a dog. Listen and repeat We both like helping people. We sometimes help old people cross the street. We also help them carry heavy bags. Listen and repeat We like each other. Were good friends. Listen and match What do Kitty and Alice like? Lets say Kitty likes playing table tennis. Alice likes playing volleyball. They both like sport. Lets say Kitty likes dogs. Alice likes cats. They both like animals. Lets say They both like helping people. 在小组内,扮演对话中人物,练习对话并表演。在小组内,扮演对话中人物,练习对话并表演。 Role playRole play Do a survey Talk about your best friend and complete the form. Do a survey Q1: Whos your good friend? . is my good friend. . and . are my good friends. Do a survey Q2: Are you in the same class? Yes, were both/all in Class . No. Were in different classes. Do a survey Q3: Do you like the same sport? Yes. We both/all like . No. I like . and . likes . samedifferent class Favourite _ Name_ Good friend(s)_ Do a survey 1. 两者都 _ 2. 重的_ 3. 不同的_ 4. 相同的_ PractisePractise both heavy different same PractisePractise 1. _? Yes, we both love animals. 2. _? Lily is my best friend. 3. _? 4. No.We are in the different classes. Do you love animals Whos your best friend Are you in the same class I like (doing) something. She/He likes (doing) something. We both like (doing) something. We like each other. Are you in the same class? Yes. Were both in Class . No, we are in the different classes. SummarySummary 1. 背诵本课的生词。 2. 在会写的基础上正确 朗读本课对话。 3.完成本课的课后作业。 总结Unit 5 的重点: (1)熟读本单元对话。 (2)结合对话内容,总结关于 朋友的介绍。 HomeworkHomework
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