人教精通版五年级上册unit 6 It’s a grapefruit. Revision ppt课件(含音频视频素材).zip

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Unit 6 Its a grapefruit. 精通版精通版五年级上册五年级上册 Revision Review noodle(s) fruit juice milk water watermelon peach food 1.询问询问近处近处是某物的句型:是某物的句型: Whats this ? 1. Its + a/ an + 名词名词(coconut, grapefruit). 2.例句:妈妈,这是什么?例句:妈妈,这是什么? Mum, whats this? 它是一个葡萄柚。它是一个葡萄柚。 Its a grapefruit. 2.含有含有情态动词情态动词can的一般疑问句:的一般疑问句: Can+主语主语 + 动词原形动词原形+其它?其它? Yes,主语主语 + can./No,主语主语+cant. 例句:我能吃一个吗?例句:我能吃一个吗? Can I have one? 好的。好的。 Yes. 3.询问询问近处近处/远处远处一些物品的名称的句型及答语:一些物品的名称的句型及答语: What are these/those? Theyre . 例句:这些是什么?例句:这些是什么? What are these/those? 它们是龙眼。它们是龙眼。 Theyre longans. Fun story What are these? They are bananas. This is a banana. What are those? Are they longans? No, they are lychees. Yes. They are lychees. Is this a cherry? No. It is a strawberry. Would you like some strawberry ice cream? Yes. I would like some strawberry ice cream. Is this peach juice? No. It is apple juice. I would like a peach, an orange, an apple and a watermelon juice. Whats this? Its a coconut. I would like some coconut juice. Sure. You can have some coconut juice. Here, take this coconut. But how can I open it? Lets check 153 6 27 48 Language Focus Can I have one? Yes. Ill buy one for you. coconut grapefruit hami melon cherry strawberry star fruit longan lychee Whats this? Its a pear. Whats that? Its a watermelon. Is this a cherry? Yes, it is. Is that a peach? No, it isnt. What are these? Theyre grapes. What are those? Theyre apples. fruit watermelon juice milk water peach food noodle these those they thank theyre=they are Kiwi Fruit China was the fruit country to grow kiwi fruit. This fruit had an old name. It was called a “Chinese gooseberry”. 中国是第一个种植猕猴桃的国家。这种水果有一个古老的中国是第一个种植猕猴桃的国家。这种水果有一个古老的 名字。它曾经被称为名字。它曾经被称为“中国鹅莓中国鹅莓”。 a kiwi fruit Why is there a new name? Why is it not called a “China fruit”? Why is it called a kiwi fruit? It is because New Zealand is the first Western country to grow this fruit. Now New Zealand sells most kiwi fruit to the world. 为为什什么么有有一一个个新新的的名名字字?为为什什么么它它不不被被称称 为为“中中国国水水果果”?为为什什么么它它被被称称为为猕猕猴猴桃桃?那那 是是因因为为新新西西兰兰是是第第一一个个种种植植这这种种水水果果的的西西方方国国 家。现在新西兰向全世界销售最多的猕猴桃。家。现在新西兰向全世界销售最多的猕猴桃。 the kiwi flaga kiwi Anything from New Zealand is always called “kiwi”. There are kiwi fruit, the kiwi birds, kiwi boots and the kiwi flag. A person from New Zealand is just called a Kiwi. 来来自自新新西西兰兰的的任任何何事事物物总总被被称称为为“kiwi”。有有猕猕猴猴 桃桃、几几维维鸟鸟、新新西西兰兰靴靴子子和和新新西西兰兰国国旗旗。一一个个来来自自新新 西兰的人就被称为一个新西兰人。西兰的人就被称为一个新西兰人。 Many children like to eat kiwi fruit. It has a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for us. 很多孩子喜欢吃猕猴桃。它含有很多维生素很多孩子喜欢吃猕猴桃。它含有很多维生素C。 维生素维生素C对我们很重要。对我们很重要。 a kiwi bird kiwi boots ThinkingThinking taskstasks L Lookook ThemThem UpUp grow because important 1.Where does kiwi fruit or the kiwi bird come from? 2.Do you like kiwi fruit? What is your favourite fruit? Do you think it has vitamin C in it? New Zealand. Yes, I do./No, I dont. My favourite fruit is oranges. Yes, I do. 3.Which fruit has the most vitamin C? Circle it.
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